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Lafayette storms out of the Palace after an apparent argument with the King. Alfred follows Lafayette but gets caught up in a terrible misunderstanding...
Dialogue Choices[]
What is it?
- The reason for going to war
- The quarrel earlier
Expand for script.
- This would turn out to be a fateful day.
- That loud crash terrifies me and George.
- We stand frozen to the spot and slowly lift our eyes to the ceiling above.
- I react slightly better than George.
- I'd experienced the wrath of that crazy Comtesse once before, after all...
- George shrinks into himself, trembling fearfully. He looks like he might wet his pants.
- We hear hasty footsteps coming down the staircase the next moment.
- I panic and quickly hide in a corner, pulling George along.
- The Marquis de Lafayette walks briskly down the stairs.
- Alfred: (Ah, it's Lafayette... But he doesn't look like his usual self.)
- Lafayette looks stern and slightly furious, with none of his usual friendliness.
- Alfred: (What's wrong with Lafayette? Did something happen in the King's study?)
- George: Why are you sticking your head out? Hide!
- Alfred: Oh, sorry...
- As we're whispering, the King's voice comes from the staircase.
- Louis XVI: Lafayette! Stop right there!
- Alfred: (It's the King! He sounds furious...)
- Lafayette continues to walk down the stairs, not turning around.
- Louis XVI: Come back here! Do you hear me?!
- His Majesty's angry voice echoes in the narrow corridor.
- I glance up just as Lafayette's back disappears from view.
- Alfred: George, I have something on. I'll leave the rest to you.
- George: Hey, wait! You...
- Not bothering to explain, I follow Lafayette.
- I see him at the far end of a corridor after jogging down the stairs.
- Alfred: Marquis! Marquis de Lafayette! Please wait!
- Alfred: (Did he not hear me? Why isn't he stopping?)
- Lafayette walks quickly, unconcerned with the commotion behind him.
- Alfred: (Guess I have to follow him.)
- I follow Lafayette outside the Palace of Versailles.
- Alfred: (Phew, that was tiring! But I can finally speak to him alone.)
- Alfred: Marquis de Lafayette, it's me. Please wait...
- Lafayette: What do you want from me?
- The stern expression makes him look like a stranger. He seems so much more distant...
- Alfred: ...I just wanted to ask you something.
- Lafayette: What is it?
The reason for going to war
- Alfred: The question has been bothering me for days. I just don't understand.
- Alfred: Marquis de Lafayette, why would you give up the life you have to fight this war in the New World?
- Lafayette: The life I have? What do you mean?
- Alfred: I mean your life as a noble. Your comfortable life without any worries.
- Lafayette: I see. If that's the kind of life you wish for...
- Lafayette: Following me to the New World won't get you that kind of life.
- The look on Lafayette's face is especially stern, and it scares me a little.
- Alfred: That's not what I meant...
- Lafayette: Think carefully about what the future you really want.
- Alfred: (The Marquis de Lafayette seems much more serious than usual today.)
The quarrel earlier
- Alfred: I was doing chores near the King's study, and I... heard the commotion earlier.
- Alfred: (The noise was likely Lafayette slamming the door.)
- Lafayette furrows his brows and regards me. I feel a little afraid to speak up, intimidated by his gaze.
- Alfred: I'm... worried. Did something... happen?
- Lafayette: I advise you to mind your own business.
- Alfred: What do you mean...?
- Lafayette: What happened between the King and me has nothing to do with you. Knowing too much won't do you any good.
- Alfred: Yes, I understand...
- Lafayette: You worry too much for a servant.
- Alfred: (Looks like I won't get anything out of him.)
- Lafayette: Is that why you followed me? You're wasting your time.
- Lafayette frowns, his expression steely. He's not in the mood to talk.
- Alfred: (Guess I caught him in a bad mood. Unlucky me.)
- Lafayette: Get back to your post and focus on your duties.
- Alfred: Yes, I understand. I'll take my leave.
- Alfred: (I'll only vex him more if I keep asking... I should get back to work.)
- (An army of Palace guards appears and blocks our as I try to leave.)
- Alfred: What are they doing?
- Soldier: Over there!
- I turn and see guards behind us as well.
- Alfred: What do they want?
- Lafayette: They're here for me.
- Alfred: What? You're a noble of the Palace!
- The soldiers surround us.
- Soldier: You're under arrest, Marquis de Lafayette.
- Alfred: Are you mad? Do you know what you're saying?
- Soldier: We are here on orders from His Majesty the King.
- The guard shows us a handwritten order, signed by the King.
- Alfred: There must be a mistake!
- Soldier: Please come with us, Marquis de Lafayette.
- Alfred: How could this be... This doesn't make any sense!
- Soldier: Guards, take the Marquis to the cells.
- Lafayette follows them wordlessly. My legs tremble in fear, my mind goes blank.
- Soldier: The Marquis' personal servant? Take him too.
- Alfred: No, I'm not!
- Soldier: Don't argue. You're coming with us.
- Alfred: I'm just a lowly servant in Versailles. Ask George if you don't believe me...
- But no one listens. I'm thrown into a cell before I know it...
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Traveler's Notes
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