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Alfred gets thrown in prison, and his cellmate turns out to be Marquis de Lafayette! Though they are both in an unfortunate predicament, Alfred finally manages to ask that question...
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- I never thought I would end up in this place.
- Yes, I may have eyed the fortunes of others, and dreamt of striking it rich...
- ...but I would never commit a crime.
- I met a man imprisoned for theft once, and I never forgot the look in his eyes.
- Even when released, most of them remain husks of their former selves. The torture changed them.
- I developed a habit of quickening my pace whenever I walked past the prison.
- Now I'm locked up in here... and with a Marquis no less.
- The soldiers dump me on the cell floor.
- Alfred: Ow...
- My body feels like it shattered from the fall.
- As I get up, I notice a figure out of the corner of my eye.
- Alfred: ...Marquis de Lafayette, is that you?!
- Lafayette: I'm sorry, Alfred. I'm the reason you're in here.
- I can't believe it. The Marquis is locked up in the cell next to mine.
- Alfred: B-but you're a noble! Why would you be imprisoned?
- Lafayette: His Majesty himself gave the order.
- Alfred: For what reason? You didn't commit a crime... did you?
- I think about what the Marquis could have done.
- Lafayette: Don't worry about it. His Majesty doesn't need a reason.
- He leans back to rest his head against the wall. He looks worn out.
- Alfred: (Who wouldn't be devastated after something like this?)
- Alfred: (Even though I don't know what happened, I still want to do something to cheer him up.)
- I squeeze my face between the bars of the cell and grin dumbly.
- Alfred: M-marquish... A-afaette...!
- Lafayette: ...What is it...?
- Alfred: Hehe. This may sound odd, but is this your first time in prison?
- Lafayette: ...What do you think?!
- Alfred: Even in a place like this, no one would dare lay their hands on a noble.
- Alfred: Living in this damp and vermin-filled cell must be a new experience for you, huh?
- Lafayette: ...What...?
- Alfred: Be patient, Marquis. Look on the bright side and treat this as one of life's many experiences.
- Lafayette: ...What a load of...
- Alfred: After your time here with the murky water, tough bread, and hard floor...
- Alfred: ... when you return to your fine wine, tender steak, and feather bed...
- Alfred: ...you'll probably enjoy them more, right, Marquis?
- Even though our cells are dimly lit, I can tell from the Marquis' eyes that he thinks I've lost my mind.
- Alfred: ... Ahem. Don't look at me like that. I'm trying to cheer you up.
- Lafayette: Let's say you've succeeded. You have my thanks.
- Alfred: I'm glad to be of service.
- Lafayette: Anyway, you have nothing to worry about. I'm the one they want.
- I'm so overwhelmed by the day's events, I almost forget about something that's been bugging me.
- Alfred: Marquis, may I ask you a question?
- Lafayette: You sure are full of questions today.
- Alfred: It's not like we have much else to do. What's wrong with a little conversation?
- I take Lafayette's silence as consent and ask him the question.
- Lafayette: ...My reason for joining the war in the New World?
- I nod, remembering when he asked me the same question.
- Alfred: You must have a good reason. I want to earn some coin and live a good life, but you already have that.
- Lafayette: Very well. Before I answer, let me tell you something about my father.
- Alfred: Your father? What does he have to do with this?
- I can't tell if I'm imagining it, but Lafayette's tone has taken a more somber turn.
- Lafayette: He died in the Battle of Minden many years ago.
- Alfred: Ah... I'm sorry to hear that...
- Lafayette: We're fighting the British in the New World.
- Alfred: Huh? Didn't the British fight in...
- Alfred: (Is Lafayette... thinking of avenging his father on the battlefield?)
- Lafayette: Even though dying on the battlefield is supposed to be a great honor for a noble...
- Lafayette: My family does not want me to go. They dread the same fate will befall me.
- Alfred: ...You must think this a perfect opportunity to take revenge.
- He shakes his head. Even in the dimly lit cell, I can see the spark in his eyes.
- Lafayette: It is ideals, not revenge, that spurs me on this path.
- Alfred: ...Ideals?
- Lafayette: Yes, ideals. The colonists in the New World want to create a society where everyone is equal.
- Alfred: Everyone treated equally? Is that possible?
- Lafayette: The colonists are being subjected to harsh suppression by the British.
- Lafayette: They tighten their grip and look to quash any last hope the people may have.
- Alfred: Why should that concern us?
- Alfred: These things are happening far away and don't impact us.
- Lafayette: How could you learn about their tragedy and continue living your life as if nothing is wrong?
- Alfred: What I'm trying to say is... I mean...
- I don't know how to reply. Even though I have my own problems to contend with, I feel shame for not caring about others.
- Lafayette: The colonists are fighting for justice and freedom, and I will do everything in my power to aid them.
- Lafayette: This isn't about my father... I want to live up to my ideals.
- My head feels like it was struck by a hammer. Countless thoughts race through my mind.
- Equality, freedom, and justice for all... This is all so foreign to me.
- I didn't really think those things were possible.
- Alfred: That... I-I would... I have no words, Marquis.
- Lafayette: I don't even know why I'm telling you all this.
- Alfred: (For all his talk about equality, I'm still just a lowly servant in his eyes.)
- It's true my family was only able to afford school for a few years, but I understand why he's so passionate.
- I felt the emotions behind his words.
- But I don't know how to convey my feelings. I can only stare at him blankly.
- Lafayette: Let me give you some advice: don't follow me to the New World.
- Alfred: Why would you say that?
- Lafayette: War is ruthless. Even if you're not on the frontline, you will not escape unscathed.
- Lafayette: If you're only going for the money, stay in France.
- Alfred: Marquis, I...
- Lafayette: Don't worry. I will let His Majesty know you have nothing to do with me.
- Lafayette: You should be out of here by dawn.
- With that, Lafayette turns his back to me and walks to the other side of his cell.
- Alfred: (My head still hurts from the conversation.... There are some things I have to figure out.)
- Even though my thoughts are cluttered, my fatigue catches up to me and I soon doze off.
- Someone then enters the cell...
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