Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

This page shows the Base Scores for clothing items. This is meant to be a tool to help fill out this Wiki.

Type 1 2 3 4 5 6
Headwear 150 195 270 375 525 750
Hairpin 150 195 270 375 525 750
Hairstyle 170 220 305 425 595 850
Mask 130 170 235 325 455 650
Dress - 340 470 650 910 1300
Top - - 250 350 490 700
Bottoms - 155 215 300 420 600
Shoes 160 210 290 400 560 800
Socks 100 130 180 250 350 500
Anklets - - 180 250 350 500
Necklace 120 155 215 300 420 600
Earrings 120 155 215 300 420 600
Gloves[1] 150 195 270 375 525 750
Bracelet[2] 150 195 270 375 525 750
Rings 110 145 200 275 385 550
Handheld 150 195 270 375 525 750
Makeup 120 155 215 300 420 600
Nail Art - - - 225 315 450
Back Accessory - - - 450 630 900
Ornament - - - - 385 550
Contact Lens - - - 350 490 700

Please note that the blank spaces indicate that the type of clothing with that particular number of stars does not yet exist in the game.


  1. Some gloves from Queen Marie and from Magic Lamp have the ring scores, with the corresponding number of stars.
  2. Some bracelets from Queen Marie and from Magic Lamp have the ring scores, with the corresponding number of stars.