Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

Beast's Skeleton can be obtained by encountering Ren or purchased from Parven for 684 Gold.


Used to craft:[]

The total number of Beast's Skeleton needed for crafting all clothing for the main story is 474. This includes clothing that has to be crafted multiple times to be used in crafting other items.


Beast's Skeleton is part of the Born in the Wild set.

The other parts of the set are: Mark of Wilderness, Life on the Line, Born in the Wild, Subterranean Chaos, Violent Winds, Disorderly Expansion, Wild Bonfire, Hunter's Bone Claw and Simple Soul.


Perky Noble
155 155

These scores should be the base scores of the item.
If you have leveled up your Fashion Lab, you will have higher scores.