Clothing items with the scene tag.
See also: Category:Oriental Fantasy Relics, Category:Oriental Fantasy Stories
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Willowy Glamour -
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Love Tresses
All items (876)
- Abundance of Wealth
- Abundant Spring
- Abyss Leaping Dragon
- Across Lands
- Admiration of Spring
- Adorned Charms
- Ageless Grace
- All the Details
- Alley Flagstones
- Almond Bergamot
- Alpine Miles
- Amber Egg
- Ancient Abode
- Ancient Wines
- Anticipated Beauty
- April Flowers
- Aromatic Tea (Top)
- Arrival at Dusk
- As I Have Heard
- Ascending Bamboo
- Aura Blade
- Auspicious Fortune
- Auspicious Stars
- Auspicious Wishes
- Autumn Dewdrops
- Autumn Lotus (Dress)
- Autumn River (Top)
- Autumnal Night
- Awaiting Resurrection
- Azure Cloud Dragon
- Azure Droplets
- Azurite Ink
- Bamboo Against Snow
- Bamboo Branch Verse
- Bamboo Forest Breeze
- Bamboo Gentleman (Dress)
- Bamboo Melody
- Bamboo Music
- Bamboo Pipes
- Bamboo Tea
- Beaded Thoughts
- Beautiful Brilliance
- Beautiful Locks
- Beautiful Lotus (Dress)
- Beauty of the Moon
- Beauty's Ballad
- Begonia Adornment
- Begonia Blooms (Dress)
- Bejeweled Chime
- Beloved Girl (Dress)
- Beyond Myself
- Bidding Farewell
- Bind My Malevolent Soul
- Bird's Soul
- Blessed Bells
- Blessings Sent
- Blissful Banquet
- Blissful Mountains
- Blooming Dynasty
- Bluebird Trill (Dress)
- Boat on a Calm Lake
- Bonded Couple
- Bosom Friends
- Boundless Moon
- Boundless Unease
- Branded Radiance
- Breakthrough Desire
- Breezy Wings
- Brilliant Rainbow
- Brilliant Snow
- Bringing Elation
- Brocade Scale
- Broken Ballad
- Broken Branch
- Broken Celestial Jade
- Budding Branches
- Budding Green
- Budding Memories
- Bunny's Fixation
- Butterfly Crossing
- Butterfly Seeker
- Butterfly's Love
- Bygone Chronicle (Dress)
- Bygone Dreams
- Candied Fortune
- Captivating Clouds (Dress)
- Cardamom Tip
- Carefree Stroll
- Carp Duo
- Catching Stars
- Cease at Eleven
- Celery Lily
- Celestial Dance
- Celestial Jade
- Celestial Music (Top)
- Celestial Pearls
- Cerulean Skies
- Challenging Road
- Charge for Miles
- Cheerful Spring (Dress)
- Cherish the Good Times
- Cherished Letter
- Cherished Sights
- Cherry Secrets
- Chestnut Glory
- Child's Heart
- City Pavilion
- Clear Dew
- Clear Jade
- Close Love
- Clothing Reversal
- Cloud Chaser
- Cloud Court
- Cloud Fugue
- Cloud Pavilion
- Cloud Sparrow Feather
- Cloud Walker
- Cloud Walker (Crane's Shadow)
- Clouded Sun
- Clouds and Mist
- Clouds and Waves
- Clouds of Good Fortune
- Cloudy Hues
- Cloudy Lady (Dress)
- Cloudy Mist
- Cloudy Solitude
- Cold Fragrance
- Cold Peak
- Concentrated Dew
- Copper Ode
- Copper Ring
- Cotton Paws
- Countryside Seasons
- Court Visit
- Crabapple Sprig
- Crane Dance
- Crane's Shadow (Dress)
- Crescent Bay
- Crescent Reflections
- Crimson Clouds
- Crimson Glamor
- Crimson Vines
- Crowing Moon
- Crunchy Candy
- Crystal Begonia
- Crystalline Dew
- Curtains of Ice
- Daily Smiles
- Dainty Painting
- Damp Remnants
- Dance of Peace
- Dance of Scales
- Dance Shadows
- Dancing Butterflies
- Dancing Shadows
- Dancing Willow
- Dark Fragrance
- Dark Strands
- Darkling Gold (Dress)
- Day of Completion
- Declining Kingdom
- Deepening Autumn
- Deer Bleats (Dress)
- Deer Tears
- Deity's Blessings
- Deity's Dream
- Delayed Intent
- Delicate Steps
- Delicate Touch
- Delightful Drizzle
- Delightful Sight
- Delightful Sounds
- Desire My Charm
- Dew-Covered Path
- Dewy Fragrance
- Distant Emotions (Dress)
- Distant Gaze
- Divine Beauty (Dress)
- Divine Dew
- Divine Feathers
- Divine Happiness
- Divine Harmony
- Double Delight
- Dragon Blessings
- Dragon Pearls
- Dream of Ages
- Dream of Tusu
- Dream Spring
- Dream Sunrise
- Dreaming Finches
- Dreaming Fishes (Dress)
- Dreamy Blooms
- Dreamy Chimes
- Drifting Clouds
- Drunk Amid Flowers
- Drunk on Beauty
- Drunk Writer
- Drunken Blossoms
- Drunken Call (Dress)
- Drunken Dance