Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

Guidelines for formatting individual clothing item pages.

Other format guides:


  1. Infobox
  2. Intro
  3. Crafting (this includes altering)
  4. Set Info
  5. Score
  6. Categories


Since there are many different types of clothing pages, a single code would not work because many details may vary depending on the means the clothing is obtained. Parts of the code will be explained throughout this guide.


The infobox used on the clothing pages is the Clothing Template, it will show all the important data about the clothing item.

Code Examples

Last Dance

|image=File:Last Dance.png
|caption=We are all dreamers...
|style={{Style|Gr}} {{Style|E}}
|color= Blue, White, Red
|obtain=[[Encountering]] Gabrielle<br>[[Parven's Shop]]

The caption= field refers to the clothing Description, the text that appears when you click on a clothing item in the game to see its information. Just copy it exactly as it is in the game.

The type= field is self explanatory.

The style= field refers to the clothing style tags. Here we use the Style Template.

The scene= field refers to the scene tag.

  • For clothing infoboxes, scene tags should be written in the following abbreviated forms:
Abbreviation Scene Tag
CD Scene Court Dance
AT Scene Afternoon Tea
GiA Scene Gilded Age
AsE Scene Astounding Episode
FS Scene Foreign Scenery
MA Scene Magical Adventure
WJ Scene Wondrous Journey
OF Scene Oriental Fantasy
SAO Scene Styled All Over
RP Scene Romantic Poem
StL Scene Starry Legend
PL Scene Phantom Light

The colortag= field refers to the color tag. Color tags should be written in its full spelling for clarity.

The rarity= field refers to the number of stars the clothing has. Here we use the Rarity Template.

The color= field is self explanatory too. Color names should always be separated by commas only.

The tag= field refers to the clothing story tag. Here we use the Style Template too.

  • If the clothing item is not a story clothing, but an event clothing, it will probably have the Special tag. In this case, you type {{Style|Special}}. Note that the first event clothes in the game do not have the Special tag, because it was introduced in the game later. Because of that, you'll see clothes here on the Wiki that don't have any tags in this field and just the word "None". This is not wrong, so there is no need to correct and add the Special tag.

The obtain= field refers to how the clothing can be obtained. This can vary a lot:

  • For story clothing
    • If it's a craftable clothing, just type "Crafting" and nothing else
      • eg. obtain=Crafting
    • If the clothing is obtained only through alteration, just type "Altering" and nothing else
      • eg. obtain=Altering
    • If it's a Lucky Jerry clothing, type "[[Lucky Jerry]]" if it can be obtained through balloons, or type "[[Lucky Jerry#Lucky Point Chest Exclusives|Lucky Point Chest]]" if it can be obtained through the Lucky Point Chest only
      • eg. obtain=[[Lucky Jerry]]
      • eg. obtain=[[Lucky Jerry#Lucky Point Chest Exclusives|Lucky Point Chest]]
    • If it's a Lovecraft's Shop clothing, type "[[Lovecraft's Shop]]"
      • eg. obtain=[[Lovecraft's Shop]]
    • If it's an encounter clothing, this means it can be purchased from Parven's Shop as well. Type "[[Encountering]] Character Name<br>[[Parven's Shop]]" (<br> is used here to skip a line)
      • eg. obtain=[[Encountering]] Fersen<br>[[Parven's Shop]]
        • Certain encounter clothing will be given as a reward when clearing a stage. In this cases, you skip a line and type the stage link as well
          • eg. obtain=[[Encountering]] Lafayette<br>[[Parven's Shop]]<br>Stage [[Queen Marie: 1-2 A Queen's Life|1-2]]
  • For My Collection clothing
    • If the clothing is obtained ready-to-wear through some event, type "[[<event name>]] Event"
      • eg. obtain=[[Moments Together]] Event
    • If the clothing is obtained ready-to-wear through a Fashion Booster season, type "[[Fashion Booster]] Season #"
      • eg. obtain=[[Fashion Booster]] Season 8
    • If the clothing is obtained ready-to-wear through a Fantasy Fair season, type "[[Fantasy Fair]]"
      • eg. obtain=[[Fantasy Fair]]
    • If the clothing is obtained by purchasing a pack, type "Pack Purchase" and nothing else
      • eg. obtain=Pack Purchase
    • If it's a craftable clothing, just type "Crafting" and nothing else
      • eg. obtain=Crafting
        • Sometimes an event craftable clothing may return to the game at a later time, but ready-to-wear. When this happens, just add "<br>[[<event name>]] Event" along with "Crafting"
          • eg. obtain=Crafting<br>[[Magic Roulette]] Event

{{PAGENAME}} is a magic word that will make the page name (clothing name) appear automatically at the top of the infobox, without you having to type it every time in the name= field.

The only exceptions are the Dress/Top pages, and clothes that share the same name in the game. In this cases you should not use {{PAGENAME}} because the clothing name will appear with the word in parentheses next to it: Day Dream (Dress) / Pro Reporter (Top) / Dawn Light (HoS).

So for these pages, you have to type the clothing name in the name= field and you also need to add at the end of the infobox the following: {{DISPLAYTITLE:<clothing name>}}. Another magic word, this will prevent the parentheses from appearing in the page title.

The code should look like this then:

|name=Day Dream
|image=File:Day Dream.png
|caption=In the flower fields of Versailles, I await your return...
|style={{Style|Gr}} {{Style|E}}
|color=Blue, White, Red
|obtain=[[Encountering]] Fersen<br>[[Parven's Shop]]
}}{{DISPLAYTITLE:Day Dream}}

Page used in the example above: Day Dream.

To learn more about clothes sharing the same name, go to this section.


Explain how to obtain the clothing item with a short text. If it can be obtained from a store, include the cost. If it's craftable, include how the blueprint can be obtained.

Code Examples for Story Clothing

Faraway Journey: when the clothing can be obtained through encounters and purchased from Parven's Shop.

'''Faraway Journey''' can be obtained by [[encountering]] the Serpent Queen or by purchasing it from [[Parven's Shop]] for 2,052 {{I|G}}.

Whirlwind Romance: when the clothing can be obtained through encounters, purchased from Parven's Shop, and it's also a stage reward.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained by [[encountering]] Kahir, completing the stage [[Magic Lamp: 1-4 Party of Adventurers|1-4 Party of Adventures]], or by purchasing it from [[Parven's Shop]] for 972 {{I|G}}.

Floral Waltz: when the clothing can be obtained through crafting, and the blueprint from a stage.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through crafting.

The blueprint is obtained from the stage [[Swan Lake: 1-17 Destined Path|1-17 Destined Path]].

Dazzling Freedom: when the clothing can be obtained through crafting, and the blueprint from Parven's Shop.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through crafting.

The blueprint is obtained by purchasing it from [[Parven's Shop]] for 220 {{I|D}}.

Sober Mentality: when the clothing can be obtained through crafting, and the blueprint from a Companion.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through crafting.

The blueprint is obtained by reaching Lv. 2 of Goodwill with [[Kane]].

Song of Andalusia: when the clothing can be obtained through altering other clothing.

'''Song of Andalusia''' can be obtained through altering [[Miss Liberty]].

Dionysus Sleeps: when the clothing can be obtained through Lucky Jerry balloons.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained by popping Gold, Silver, or Friendship [[Lucky Jerry]] balloons.

Ponte Pietra's Rhythm: when the clothing can be obtained through the Lucky Point Chest.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through the [[Lucky Jerry#Lucky Point Chest Exclusives|Lucky Point Chest]].

Lingering Fingers: when the clothing can be obtained through the Lovecraft's Shop.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained by trading at [[Lovecraft's Shop]].

Code Examples for My Collection Clothing

Musical Nostalgia: when the clothing can be obtained through event, ready-to-wear.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through the [[Fashion Journey]] event.

Blessings Sent: when the clothing can be obtained through crafting, and the blueprint through event.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through crafting.

The blueprint is obtained through the [[Oriental Days Sign-in]] event.

Pure White Florals: when the clothing can be obtained through Fashion Booster.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through the 5th season of [[Fashion Booster]]. It is rewarded at Tier 17.

Frosted Ice Pop: when the clothing can be obtained through Fantasy Fair.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through the [[Sweet Rice Balls|6th season]] of [[Fantasy Fair]]. It can be purchased for 2,670 Fantasy Coins {{I|FC}} when reached Fantasy Master.

Sweet Pudding: when it's a Society clothing and can be obtained through crafting.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained through crafting.

The blueprint is obtained by purchasing it from [[Time Emporium]] for 10,790 {{I|TC}}.

Apple Pie: when it's a Society clothing and can be obtained ready-to-wear.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained by purchasing it from [[Time Emporium]] for 7,430 {{I|TC}}.

Christmas Gifts: when the clothing can be obtained from a pack.

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' can be obtained from the ''Christmas Joy Pack'' ($4.99 US) during December 11th-15th, 2021.

Note that when events and seasons come to an end, the clothing pages should be updated, as the clothing becomes unavailable to obtain: "is" should be replaced by "was" and "can" should be replaced by "could" (except for the phrase "can be obtained through crafting", this one stays like this).

When you are creating a Single Item page, you should add the following sentence to the intro:

It is a Single Item in [[My Collection]].

Example: Peachy Sweet

If it's a dress that can be customized in Custom Couture, you should add the following sentence to the intro as well:

This dress can be customized in [[Custom Couture]].

Example: Plume of Fog


Only clothing items that are used to craft other items, crafted from items, or altered should have the Crafting section. Otherwise, just don't add this section.

Code Examples

Last Dance: when it's an encounter clothing and is used to craft clothing from the main story and also from side stories.

====Used to Craft:====
*[[Graceful Waltz]] - 1 needed
*[[Endless Twirl]] - 2 needed
*[[Silent Night]] - 4 needed
*[[Forest Path]] - 5 needed
*[[Lilac Walk]] - 6 needed
*[[Shrewd Steps]] - 6 needed
*[[Enigma]] - 6 needed

====Side Story Crafting:====
*[[Striding Baroness]] - 2 needed
*[[Dainty Spring]] - 2 needed
*[[Soft Steps]] - 9 needed
*[[Rue Saint-Honoré]] - 9 needed
*[[First Dance]] - 16 needed

Street Turn: when it's an encounter clothing and is used to craft clothing from the main story only.

====Used to Craft:====
*[[French Macarons]] - 24 needed
*[[The Blue Danube]] - 21 needed
*[[Autumn Breeze]] - 20 needed
*[[Matte Coffee Flask]] - 20 needed
*[[Flower Paradise]] - 20 needed
*[[Tiramisu]] - 15 needed
*[[Golden Afternoon]] - 15 needed
*[[Refreshing Mint]] - 15 needed
*[[Cheery Beat]] - 5 needed
*[[Ladies' Gathering]] - 5 needed

Wellington Secret: when the clothing is craftable and is used to craft other clothing from the story.

====Crafted from:====
*16 [[Rose of Hyde Park (Dress)|Rose of Hyde Park]]
*5 [[Private Quarters]]
*40 Pearl
*23 Wool

====Used to Craft:====
*[[Quiet Condolences]] - 1 needed

Bellflower Guardian: when the clothing is craftable, but is not used to craft other clothing.

====Crafted from:====
*16 [[Rose of Hyde Park (Dress)|Rose of Hyde Park]]
*1 [[Tasseled Dance]]
*86 Cotton
*62 Leather

The same goes for altered clothing, just replace "Crafted from:" with "Altered from:", and "Used to Craft:" with "Used to Alter:".

After adding the information about crafting, you should add the total amount needed to craft all the clothes in the story. Examples:

Last Dance: when the clothing is used to craft other clothes for the main story and also clothes from side stories

The total number of '''{{PAGENAME}}''' needed for crafting all clothing for the main story is 30, and for crafting all clothing from the side stories is 38. This includes clothing that has to be crafted multiple times to be used in crafting other items.

Fresh Novelty: when the clothing is used to craft clothes for the main story only

The total number of '''{{PAGENAME}}''' needed for crafting all clothing for the main story is 234. This includes clothing that has to be crafted multiple times to be used in crafting other items.

You can check this information about the clothes in this guide.

Remembering that this information is for encounters clothing only. Pages of craftable clothing do not have this information added, even if you have to craft it more than once during the story.

If the clothing is used to craft My Collection clothes, you should add the following sentence right after:

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is also used to craft some special clothing from [[My Collection]]. For more information about the amount needed, please [[Materials Needed for My Collection Crafting|click here]].

Remembering that this information is also for encounters clothing only.

Set Info

This is a simple section, just to link the other clothes that are part of the same set.

Code Examples

Tenacious Steps

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is part of the [[Fated Adventure]] set.

The other parts of this set are [[Steady Determination]], [[Fated Adventure (Dress)|Fated Adventure]], [[Courage and Wisdom]], [[Fearless Calm]], and [[Final Treasure]].

First Snow

'''First Snow''' is part of the [[First Snow]] set.

The other parts of this set are [[Immortal Moon]], [[Floral Tears]], [[Moonlit Serenity]], [[Dainty Painting]], [[Pavilion Secret]], and [[Faded Plum]].


This is the Score Template, it will show the base score of the clothing and its style tags.


You have to type:

{{Score|<style 1>|<base score>|<style 2>|<base score>}}



See the Template Guide for more details.


Each clothing page gets the following categories:

Duplicate Name

Sometimes, game updates can introduce clothing that has the same name as an existing clothing in the game. When this is the case for the clothing you are creating (or editing) a page for, you should add the Same Name Template right at the top of the page, even before the infobox.

For more details about this template and how to use it, please see the Template Guide.


  • If you've come to this guide trying to solve a doubt and have been unsuccessful, please leave a message for one of the Wiki admins and we'll be happy to help. You can find us on the Community page.
  • Please keep in mind that this is the standard format of the Time Princess Wiki, and therefore all clothing pages should conform to it. If you see a clothing page that does not follow this format, it means that it needs to be updated.
