Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

Guidelines for formatting main story pages.

Other format guides:


  1. Tabber
  2. Infobox
  3. Intro
  4. Required Clothing
  5. Chapter 1
    1. Chapter 1 Stages Info
  6. Chapter 2 (if there is)
    1. Chapter 2 Stages Info
  7. Endings
  8. StoryNav
  9. Categories


This code should be copied and pasted into the source editor of the main story page you would like to create.

{{Tabber|tab1=Overview|tab2=Sets|tab3=Album|tab4=Companions|tab5=Event Log}}
{{Infobox Story
|cover=Book <story name>.png
|oldcover=Old Book <story name>.png
|genre=<genre tag 1>, <genre tag 2>, <genre tag 3>
|cost=<in-game cost in reader's coupon>
|length=# chapters, # stages
*<trigger topic 1>
*<trigger topic 2>
*<trigger topic 3>
*[[<story name> Guide|Walkthrough]]
*[[<story name> Endings|Endings]]
*[[Puppets/<story name>|Puppets]]
*[[<side story 1 name>]]
*[[<side story 2 name>]]
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is the # main story that has been released.

''<in-game summary>''

'''Difficulty:''' [[File:Difficulty Hard.png|70px]]

==Required Clothing==
The following is a list of the clothing required in some stages of the story, and also any craftable clothing that is needed to make it. '''Required clothing cannot be borrowed, and cannot be used to craft new clothing.'''

<!-- Add clothes here in the order they are required in the story. -->
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed prettytable" style="width:56%"
!width="50%"|Required Clothing
|[[File:Icon <name of required clothing>.png|60px|link=<name of required clothing>]]<br>[[<name of required clothing>]]
|[[File:Icon <name of clothing needed for crafting>.png|60px|link=<name of clothing needed for crafting>]]<br>[[<name of clothing needed for crafting>]]
|[[File:Icon <name of required clothing>.png|60px|link=<name of required clothing>]]<br>[[<name of required clothing>]]
|[[File:Icon <name of clothing needed for crafting>.png|60px|link=<name of clothing needed for crafting>]]<br>[[<name of clothing needed for crafting>]]
|}<br />

==Chapter 1==
===[[<story name>: 1-# <stage title>|1-# <stage title>]]===
''<in-game stage summary>''

'''Style:''' {{Style|<style>2}} {{Style|<style>2}}<br> or '''Style:''' No dress up component<br>
'''Gifts:''' [[<clothing given as gift during the stage reading>]], [[<clothing given as gift during the stage reading>]]<br>
'''Requirements:''' [[<clothing name>]], <companion name> Goodwill Lv. #
'''Event Logs:''' <event logs obtained in the stage><br>
'''Rewards:''' 3,000 {{I|G}}, 600 {{I|Exp}}, 3 {{I|RC}}, 1 Random Gift Material {{I|LG}}, 1 Random Clothing Material {{I|CM}}, [[<clothing obtained as reward>]], Blueprint: [[<clothing name>]]<br><br>

==Chapter 2==
===[[<story name>: 2-# <stage title>|2-# <stage title>]]===
''<in-game stage summary>''

'''Style:''' {{Style|<style>2}} {{Style|<style>2}}<br> or '''Style:''' No dress up component<br>
'''Gifts:''' [[<clothing given as gift during the stage reading>]], [[<clothing given as gift during the stage reading>]]<br>
'''Requirements:''' [[<clothing name>]], <companion name> Goodwill Lv. #
'''Event Logs:''' <event logs obtained in the stage><br>
'''Rewards:''' 3,000 {{I|G}}, 600 {{I|Exp}}, 3 {{I|RC}}, 1 Random Gift Material {{I|LG}}, 1 Random Clothing Material {{I|CM}}, [[<clothing obtained as reward>]], Blueprint: [[<clothing name>]]<br><br>

'''{{PAGENAME}}''' story has # major and # minor possible endings.

For a guide on how to obtain the endings, please see [[<story name> Endings]].<br><br>

{{StoryNav|<story name>}}
<br />
[[Category:<story name> Story]]

Examples of how main story pages should look: Queen Marie and Phantom of the Opera.



{{Tabber|tab1=Overview|tab2=Sets|tab3=Album|tab4=Companions|tab5=Event Log}}

This is the Tabber Template, it makes the purple tabs appear at the top of the story-related pages. Usually, all stories feature Sets, Album, and Companions, but not all stories feature Event Logs. If this is the case for the story you want to create the page for, just don't add tab5=Event Log. Leave it like this:



The infobox used on the main pages of the stories is the Infobox Story Template, it will show all the important data about the story, as an introduction.

New book covers files will always be named like this: Book Story Name.png (eg. Book Queen Marie.png), and old book covers files will always be named like this: Old Book Story Name.png (eg. Old Book Queen Marie.png). If you create the page and a book cover image doesn't show up, don't worry, it means it hasn't been uploaded to the Wiki yet but will be soon.

The trigger field refers to the Trigger Topics that the story may have and should only be added on pages of stories that have the warning about mature content in the game (the red triangle with the exclamation mark). For stories that don't have a warning, you just type "None" and moves on to the next field:


The spin-offs field refers to the side stories that the main story may have (eg. The Western Wall is a Magic Lamp side story). For books that do not have side stories, just leave the field blank.


The <in-game summary> refers to the short text that appears when you click on a book on the Story Desk. This short synopsis should always be in italics on the page.

Required Clothing

Remember to add clothes in the table in the order they are required in the story (eg. clothing required in stage 1-7, then the one required in stage 1-12, then the one in stage 2-4, and so on). If the required clothing or the clothing needed for crafting is a dress, remember to add (Dress) in the links (the same goes for Tops). Examples:


  • |[[File:Icon Silver Era.png|60px|link=Silver Era (Dress)]]<br>[[Silver Era (Dress)|Silver Era]]

Any other clothing type:

  • |[[File:Icon Pure Masque.png|60px|link=Pure Masque]]<br>[[Pure Masque]]

Chapters Stages

Not every stage has clothes given as Gifts, or Requirements, or Event Logs to unlock, or even Style. For these stages, just don't add Gifts: or Requirements: or Event Logs: to the info. The only exception is for Style. You add it, and instead of adding the styles that the stage asks for (because it doesn't have any), you type "No dress up component" (without quotation marks). It would look like this:

Style: No dress up component.


If you still don't know how many possible endings the story has, replace the # symbol with the abbreviation TBC. It would look like this:

Spring Sonata story has TBC major and TBC minor possible endings.


This is the StoryNav Template, you just have to type {{StoryNav|<Story Name>}} (eg. {{StoryNav:Queen Marie}}). It will show a navigation box at the bottom of the page for better and faster access to the story stages.


The only category that should be added to the main story pages is: [[Category:<Story Name> Story]] (eg. Category:Queen Marie Story). There is only one exception: incomplete stories. For now, 4 incomplete stories have been officially confirmed that will have a second (or more) chapters added to the game in the future. They are:

On the main page of these stories the Category:Incomplete Story is also added.


  • If you've come to this guide trying to solve a doubt and have been unsuccessful, please leave a message for one of the Wiki admins and we'll be happy to help. You can find us on the Community page.
  • Please keep in mind that this is the standard format of the Time Princess Wiki, and therefore all main story pages should conform to it. If you see a main story page that does not follow this format, it means that it needs to be updated.
