Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

Guidelines on how to use the templates on this Wiki.



{{I|<abbreviation or word>}}
It makes an icon of a material appear. Materials will usually be just the name of the material starting with a capital. Any 2 word items are shortened to the first letters of the words (exception: Relic Potions. You'll need to know the different names). Fantasy Fair items will always have FF before the word/abbreviation.


Item Abbreviation/Word Icon
Gold G/Gold Gold
Diamond D/Diamond Diamond
Stamina S/Stam/Stamina Stamina
Stylish Star SS/StylishStar Stylish Star
Wool Wool Wool
Cotton Cotton Cotton
Plumage Plumage Plumage
Silk Silk Silk
Leather Leather Leather
Pearl Pearl Pearl
Caring Stardust CS/CaringStardust Caring Stardust
Cuddle Potion CuddleP/CuddlePotion Cuddle Potion
Passion Potion PassionP/PassionPotion Passion Potion
Promise Potion PromiseP/PromisePotion Promise Potion
Clothing Materials Box CM/ClothingMaterialsBox Clothing Materials Box
Lantern Gift Box LG/LanternGiftBox Lantern Gift Box
Entry Dice FFED/FFEntryDice FFItem Entry Dice
Stop Card FFSC/FFStopCard FFItem Stop Card

Note: For a complete list of icons, see this page.


It makes the star icons appear.


Number Icon
1 S1
2 S2
3 S3
4 S4
5 S5
6 S6


It makes the style tags or the story tags appear.


Abbreviation/Word Icon
Gr/Grand Grand
S/Simple Simple
E/Elegant Elegant
P/Perky Perky
N/Noble Noble
Ge/Gentle Gentle
F/Formal Formal
Ch/Charming Charming
W/Warm Warm
Co/Cooling Cooling
QM/QueenMarie Tag Queen Marie
ML Tag Magic Lamp
SL Tag Swan Lake
RaJ Tag Romy and Julius
GM Tag Gotham Memoirs
HoS Tag Helen of Sparta
SoL Tag Shadows of London
Special Tag Special
Society Tag Society Clothing

Note 1: For bigger versions of the tags, add a 2 or 3 after the abbreviation/word.
Note 2: For a complete list of tags, see this page.



{{Clothing|<name>|<image>|<imagewidth (size)>|<caption>|<type>|<style>|<rarity>|<color>|<tags>|<obtain>}}

Note: Name is only necessary if the page name is different from the item name (eg. Day Dream (Dress)).

Example: Powdered Memories

|name=Powdered Memories
|image=File:Powdered Memories.png
|caption=The darkness of the night is often filled with silent longing.
|style={{Style|Gr}} {{Style|E}}
|obtain=[[Encountering]] Lafayette<br>[[Parven's Shop]]<br>[[Queen Marie: 1-2 A Queen's Life|1-2 A Queen's Life]]



{{Set|<name>|<image>|<imagewidth (size)>|<style>|<collection>|<color>}}

Note: Name is not necessary here.

Example: Day Dream

|image=File:Set Day Dream.png
|style={{Style|Grand}} {{Style|Elegant}}
|collection=Queen Marie
|color=Blue, White, Red


Note: Default file naming convention is Set [Set Name].png.
For example:

  • Set Day Dream.png
  • Set Art of Cleaning.png


{{Characters|<name>|<image>|<full name>|<story>|<gender>|<eye>|<hair>|<relatives>}}

Note: Name is not necessary here.

Example: Ryszard

|full name=Franz Joseph I
|relatives=Archduke Karl (younger brother)<br>Sophie (mother)


Note: Not all characters will have relatives, leave the relatives= field blank if that's the case.



Note: Title is only necessary if two or more different events share the same name (eg. Princess Gala).

Example: Court Belief Special

|image=Court Belief Special.png
|type=Paid Calendar
|set=[[Alliance Endeavor]]
|dates=July 15th-26th, 2021


Navigation Boxes[]


Adds a navbox for stories and their stages.

{{StoryNav|<story name>}}

Type: {{StoryNav|Queen Marie}}



Adds a navbox for characters pages.




Adds a navbox for event stories and their stages.





This includes a notice that will be added to the bottom of the page.







Grand Charming
210 210

These scores should be the base scores of the item.
If you have leveled up your Fashion Lab, you will have higher scores.


Used at the top of stage pages for easier navigation.
{{StageNav|<previous stage>|<next stage>|<story name>}}


{{StageNav|Queen Marie: 1-6 Revisiting the Merchant|Queen Marie: 1-8 Late Night Stroll|Queen Marie}}


< Previous Queen Marie Next >

SameName2 and SameName3[]

Used at the top of clothing pages that share the same name.

If it's a name shared between two clothes only, use the SameName2 template.
{{SameName2|<shared name>|<clothing type of the current page>|<story name>|<[[set name]] set>|<[[link to the other clothing with same name|shared name]]>|<type of the other clothing>|<story of the other clothing>|<[[set name of the other clothing]] set>}}


{{SameName2|Dawn Light|Hair|Swan Lake |[[Misty Morning Roses]] set|[[Dawn Light (HoS)|Dawn Light]]|Hair|Helen of Sparta|[[Capital Glory]] set}}


This page is about Dawn Light (Hair) from Swan Lake (Misty Morning Roses set). You may be looking for Dawn Light (Hair) from Helen of Sparta (Capital Glory set).

If it's a name shared between three clothes, use the SameName3 template.
{{SameName3|<shared name>|<clothing type of the current page>|<story name>|<[[set name]] set>|<[[link to the other clothing with same name|shared name]]>|<type of the other clothing>|<story of the other clothing>|<[[set name of the other clothing]] set>|<[[link to the other clothing with same name|shared name]]>|<type of the other clothing>|<story of the other clothing>|<[[set name of the other clothing]] set>}}


{{SameName3|Trendsetter|Hair|Gotham Memoirs|[[Airy Freedom]] set|[[Trendsetter (Single Item)|Trendsetter]]|Mask|My Collection|[[Single Item]]|[[Trendsetter (GMa)|Trendsetter]]|Necklace|Ghost Manor|[[High Street Denim]] set}}


This page is about Trendsetter (Hair) from Gotham Memoirs (Airy Freedom set). You may be looking for Trendsetter (Mask) from My Collection (Single Item), or for Trendsetter (Necklace) from Ghost Manor (High Street Denim set).

Note 1: If any of the clothes is a dress, this means the set also has the same name. In such cases, do the following:

  • If the name is shared between the dress, the set and 1 more clothing, use the SameName2 template.
    • On both the set and the dress page, link to the page of the other clothing with the same name. On the page for this other clothing, link only to the dress page.
  • If the name is shared between the dress, the set and 2 more clothes, use the SameName3 template. However, at the moment, there is no name shared between a dress/set and 2 more clothes in the game.

Note 2: If any of the clothes are not from a story but from My Collection, just type My Collection instead of a story name.
Note 3: If any of the clothes are a Single Item (which means it's not part of a set), just type [[Single Item]] instead of [[Set Name]] set.


Used on Companions pages to warn about possible spoilers in the "Chapters Appearances" and "Character's Story" sections.

{{SpoilerDisclaimer|<story acronym or full name>}}




Disclaimer: The following section contains spoilers for Queen Marie. Please proceed with caution.
