Frequently asked questions! Have a question? Leave a comment!
Q: What are Stylish Stars and Special Hearts for?
A: These are for upgrading your fashion lab tier. Once you've upgraded 5 times in a category, you will be able to promote your tier with these items.
Q: What are the fashion lab tiers?
A: The known tiers are:
- Nile
- Mesopotamia
- Cretan
- Mediterranean
- Elam
- Classical
- Byzantine
- Dunhuang
When you upgrade to Cretan, it will reduce the amount of Sketchbooks and Pencils you need to perform upgrades (ie, go from needing over 50 sketchbooks to upgrade to S-II Mesopotamia to level 5, down to needing 2-4 to upgrade to S-III Cretan level 2).
Q: What are Treasured Stardust and Caring Stardust for?
A: These are used to promote Relics once they reach Level 20 and Level 40. This allows you to continue upgrading their level.
Q: Do I lose the clothes I use to alter/trade with Lovecraft?
A: No. Once you have an item, it will always be in your wardrobe. You will always be able to use it in stages and let people borrow it.
The number of physical copies of an item you own will be relevant when crafting and altering clothing. You may have a piece of clothing in your wardrobe, but have 0 available to craft with.
If you're not sure if you'll need a piece of clothing to craft with, every item has its' own page on the wiki, including information on what it is used to craft.
Q: How do I get Lady's Power?
A: This is the log in bonus for the 24th day.
Q: What happens to my bonus if I don't log in for a day?
A: You do not start back at day 1 or miss a bonus. It will simply continue from where you left off, even if you miss multiple days.
Q: When does the next day unlock for Maiden Voyage?
A: New days in Maiden Voyage unlock based on a 24 cycle from when you started the game, not the daily turnover at 00:00 GMT -5.
Q: What does it mean when "Magical Gift" is the source of clothing?
A: This means the item is either a gift from the game (for example, the pieces from Bourbon Rose you get for starting the game) or clothing that is obtained through events (like Maiden Voyage).
Occasionally, it has been used as a placeholder when devs don't want to reveal the actual source yet.
Q: Can I use borrowed items in Phantom Mirror/Fantasy Fair?
A: No. You can only used borrowed clothes temporarily in stages or in the Changing Room.
Q: Where do redemption codes come from?
A: Redemption codes are made by the game developers. They are usually random gifts or used for promotional purposes. They can be found on the official DUT Facebook or Discord. If you have limited access to social media, they will be posted on this wiki's general page:
Q: How do I redeem codes?
A: Click your icon in the top left corner of the screen -> Others -> Redemption Code.
Q: How do I get the items under "Single Item Picture" in My Collection?
A: The make-up items are available through the Queen Marie Lucky Jerry. Other items are obtainable through unique means, such as the Kitty Bank or events like Parven's Treasure Hunt.
Q: How do I get the wedding dress recolor Night Ballad?
A: This was a reward for inviting 3 friends to pre-register. Pre-registration is now closed, so there is no way to get the dress.
Q: Where did Isabel go?
A: Isabel's Guide finishes once you have completed the last quest, "Reach Level 15". Once you're done the quests, she disappears.
Q: How do I get rid of the notifications on Recollections?
A: Go into the book with the notification on it. At the bottom slide the bar to “Event Log”. At the top, you have to slide the top bar past “Items” to “Others”. Then simply tap the Logs (you may have to tap twice to make the action stick).
Q: When should I unlock new books?
A: You should unlock The Affair of the Necklace and A Servant's Resolve as soon as you have enough tickets; they are short stories with no clothing requirements. They're just a fun way to get high-level clothing.
The first main story you should unlock after Queen Marie is Magic Lamp. The relics in this story are basically required in the other two stories. When you unlock Magic Lamp, Parven's Shop will start offering items from that story, and the puppets in the Phantom Mirror will start wearing Magic Lamp clothing. Only unlock this when you feel ready to commit to a new book; at the very least, finish Queen Marie: 2-8 A New France before opening this book.
Figaro Fever is a continuation of the Queen Marie story with some intense crafting requirements. You could open it before Magic Lamp, but having the relics from ML may make it easier to complete.
Swan Lake is much shorter than Gotham Memoirs, but it also gets much harder much faster. Most players recommend unlocking Swan Lake for your third main story, but it's not as important as unlocking Magic Lamp first.
Q: Why doesn't the flow chart change when I change my choice?
A: The purple line does not reflect your most recent choice. Currently, it only highlights the topmost path to the last stage you played.
Q: Why is there still a lock on the flow chart when I've met the conditions?
A: The lock won't disappear until you play the stage and make the choice.
Q: How do I get 100% on a chapter?
A: In order to get 100% on a chapter, you must play through all choices in each stage, including the minor ones that do not appear on the flow chart. You must also obtain a perfect score on every stage and craft certain story outfits. It is unclear what exactly needs to be crafted, but it appears that you need every craftable outfit to get 100% on everything. It seems you do not need alteration clothing (like Graceful Wings) or Lucky Jerry/Lovecraft sets.
Q: How do I get a book to 100%?
A: To get Queen Marie to 100%, you must finish every set, including the alteration set and Lucky Jerry sets. The other stories don't seem to require this; you just have to get all their chapters to 100%.
Q: I have all the recommended items, so why didn't I get a Perfect score?
A: The recommended items are the game's best estimate for what clothing you should realistically have or be able to borrow that matches the stage style. They are usually not enough to guarantee a perfect; you should always fill every clothing slot when you are attempting to get a Perfect for the first time, even if that means using clothing with different tags or from a different story.
Additionally, you are expected to keep leveling up your relics and upgrading your Fashion Lab, especially once you're in your second main story. If you are filling every clothing slot and have all the recommended items and still aren't getting Perfect, you need to wait and gather resources to improve those two aspects of gameplay.
To learn about how your score is calculated, please see Calculating Your Score. Many players misunderstand Relics or don't realize how to prioritize style vs story items. For a complete list of what scores are required for a stage, please see Stage Scores.