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Marie invites many friends to rehearse "The Marriage of Figaro", and they are moved by the play as they rehearse it. After rehearsing, Marie invites the King to view their performance.
Dialogue Choices[]
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Expand for script.
- Noble Lady: These dresses are gorgeous!
- Noble Lady: This color palette is daring yet charming.
- Nobleman: Unbelievable! To think I had never come to the opera house before. I simply love this place!
- Noble Lady: I want to try them all on!
- Lafayette: Your Majesty... Must I do this?
- Marie: Please don't say no, Marquis. This suits you. Hahaha.
- Lafayette: But I don't know how to...
- Marie: No one here has done this before. Everyone is in the same boat. Don't worry, no one will make fun of you.
- Lafayette sighs faintly. A grumbling yet excited voice rings out from the other side.
- d'Eon: You naughty Little Bird. I didn't expect you to assign me this role.
- Marie: Oh, cute fox, I know you're excited. Don't deny it.
- Marie: Look at the dress you have meticulously chosen for yourself. I'm well pleased.
- d'Eon: But I really hate this ugly and despicable Marcelina.
- Marie: I'm sorry, d'Eon, but look at Gabrielle. So elegant.
- Marie: Do you have the heart to make her act the role of a villainess who steals somebody's fiancé?
- Gabrielle: Your Majesty, actually I too...
- Marie: Ah, my dearest friend, you will become Madame Rosina.
- Marie: You should go and talk to Count Almaviva.
- Gabrielle: This is absurd, Your Majesty. Are we really going to rehearse The Marriage of Figaro?
- Marie: Of course. Simple attempts at persuasion will only provoke His Majesty.
- Marie: We need to bring it on stage and allow His Majesty to experience its charms.
- Marie: But this play cannot be openly rehearsed, so it is up to us to act as substitutes.
- d'Eon: This is an ingenious idea, my Queen, but I must still protest.
- d'Eon: I don't see the need to make such a sacrifice for Beaumarchais' sake.
- Marie: Perhaps this is unfair to you, d'Eon. How about...
- Marie: How about you play the heroine Susanna?
- d'Eon: Are you serious?
- Marie: Of course. Like Gabrielle, you should go be with your "husband". Ah, no.
- Marie: I mean your "fiancé" Figaro. Have a good talk.
- d'Eon: No no no. This is even more absurd. Speaking of Figaro...
- d'Eon: Why did you cast Fersen? This is unfair.
- Fersen: Why is it unfair? Is there anyone else more suited than I to play this lively and tender, sharp-witted man?
- Fersen approaches, drawn by d'Eon's words. He looks at d'Eon with annoyance, shaking his head repeatedly.
- Fersen: While I am glad that you invited me to help, my dear Queen...
- Fersen: I do not want this kind of Susanna to be my fiancé.
- d'Eon: I also have no desire to have a smooth-talking romantic like you be my other half.
- Fersen: But in a moment you'll be the thick-skinned one, proposing to me by fair means or foul.
- d'Eon: Gods, I'm going to turn into an idiot like Lafayette.
- Fersen: He's way more distressed than you right now. After all, he has to become that disdainful Count Almaviva.
- Fersen: I have great expectations for our gallant and noble Marquis. I look forward to seeing how he will portray a shameless and obscene person.
- Marie: The Marquis de Lafayette is too serious. He needs to break out of his shell.
- Marie: My dearest friends, there is no time to lose. We should make the most of this rehearsal. Let me do a head count.
- Marie: Count Almaviva, Countess Rosina, Figaro the barber, Marcelina the maidservant...
- Noble Lady: And Your Majesty as our wise heroine, Susanna. Our cast is complete.
- Marie: Ah, speaking of which, I am also a little nervous.
- Noble Lady: Your Majesty, all of us are with you.
- Marie: Thank you, everyone. Let's all change into our respective costumes. It will help us get into character.
- Lafayette: "So, charming Susan, have I found thee at last?"
- Lafayette: "But thou seemest frightened my little Beauty."
- Marie: "Consider, my Lord, if any body should come and catch you here—"
- Lafayette: "That would be rather mal-a-propos; but there’s no great danger."
- Lafayette: "But when Basil has spoken to thee in my behalf."
- Fersen: Woah woah woah. Stop.
- Fersen: Please forgive my interruption, Your Majesty. Lafayette, are you reciting a book?
- Fersen: You are supposed to be someone who has his heart set on making Susanna yours, so you should act more crassly.
- Fersen: But your shy expression makes it seem as if Susanna is forcing herself on you instead.
- Hoots of laughter rise from offstage. The brave and wise Marquis de Lafayette stands bashfully on stage, completely at a loss.
- Marie: Fersen, Lafayette is just nervous. Why don't you demonstrate once again?
- Fersen: Certainly.
- Fersen calmly walks onto the stage and performs the previous scene.
- Fersen: "19 feet wide, 26 feet long."
- Fersen: "Hey, Figaro. Look at my little hat. What do you think?"
- Fersen takes my hand...
- Fersen: "Nothing could be better, my beloved. Ah! These flowers that symbolizes chastity are worn highly on a beautiful lady's head."
- Fersen: "They look so sweet in the eyes of the husband on the wedding morning!"
- d'Eon boos from offstage. He can't help but criticize Fersen.
- d'Eon: Stop this now! You have been playing this scene many times. Do you want to offend the queen?
- d'Eon: And that slimy expression of yours is unbearable to look at.
- Fersen: Might I remind you, "Marcelina", that you'll be even slimier when you force me into marriage later.
- d'Eon: Then I will remind you of another aspect of Marcelina and Figaro's relationship...
- d'Eon: My dear "son". No matter what, you have to respect me. Hahaha...
- Marie: ...Your characters are supposed to have a close bond. Please stop picking on each other.
- Marie: We should find a way to allow everyone to let go of themselves.
- Fersen: Perhaps we can find a play with an ensemble cast in which everyone is onstage, so that no one will make fun of anyone.
- Marie: Yes. We need to work together and show tolerance towards each other.
- Everyone present is already familiar with the script. What we need to do now is to familiarize ourselves with the roles.
- Marie: Let us rehearse the court scene from the third act.
- Marie: You will announce the start of the trial, Lafayette. You will be fine, trust me.
- Marie: Everyone is striving towards the same purpose. This will surely become an unforgettable, beautiful memory.
- Lafayette remains silent for a moment before nodding slightly. I know my encouragement has restored his confidence.
- Lafayette: "Doublefist, read the case summary."
- Nobleman: "Marceline de Verte-Allure, adult lady, suing Figaro..."
- d'Eon: "My Lord, this dishonest young man is the one I am suing."
- Fersen: "Pardon my interruption. Is this the secretary known as Doublefist?"
- Lafayette: "Yes. He is called Doublefist because he swindles both parties. After swindling the plaintiff, he swindles the defendant."
- Fersen: "Swindle! He is swallowing whole. Hmph!"
- Fersen: "I have seen him charging some sort of transcription fee or supplementary transcription fee. It has become his usual practice to charge for everything!"
- Lafayette: "Read on."
- Nobleman: "Silence, gentlemen!"
- Lafayette, as the judge, makes different animal sounds for each character. Everyone bursts out in laughter.
- Nobleman: Please don't laugh. I have become one with my character.
- Nobleman: Although my lines are limited, I want to make sure I perform them exquisitely.
- Fersen: Yes, the Count's performance is masterly. Let us continue.
- Rehearsal proceeds with several interruptions, but everyone is starting to understand each other more...
- Lafayette: "Oh! Are my eyes deceiving me?"
- Noble Lady: "Goodness! It's the Madame!"
- Lafayette: "Was that you, Comtesse?"
- Lafayette: "I can only plead for your generosity and forgiveness..."
- Gabrielle: "If you were in my shoes, you would say, 'No, never'."
- Gabrielle: "This is my third time today agreeing with you unconditionally. Ah—"
- Gabrielle: I'm sorry, I've made another mistake.
- According to the text, Gabrielle was supposed to stand up, but she stumbled instead.
- Marie: It's alright, Gabrielle. You're doing great.
- Marie: Our rehearsal is getting smoother.
- d'Eon: Indeed. Even the serious Marquis de Lafayette can change his expression at any time.
- d'Eon: Though there are some rough edges, it's definitely praiseworthy.
- Marie: This play is quite charming. The twisting plot surprises again and again.
- Marie: Without realizing it, everyone is already immersed in the story.
- Gabrielle: Yes, Your Majesty. After acting as Rosina, I feel like I can understand her feelings now.
- Marie: This is the result I wanted.
- Marie: I think we are getting closer to success...
- Three days later.
- Noble Lady: This is simply incredible. We managed to finish rehearsing the play in a very short time.
- Marie: Yes. Though we are not as good as professional opera actors, we are good enough to fully showcase the whole play.
- d'Eon: This is all thanks to our Little Bird. She's a good leader.
- Marie: This is the result of everyone's hard work.
- Lafayette: Phew...
- Someone blows out a long breath.
- d'Eon: Haha, take a look at our Marquis de Lafayette. He seems so relieved. We ought to applaud him.
- Marie: It is time to invite His Majesty the King.
- d'Eon: And I'm willing to bet His Majesty will be astonished.
- Louis XVI: Why have you come today, my Queen?
- Marie: I have been feeling rather bored recently, Your Majesty. And there are no new plays at the theater...
- Marie: So I took the liberty of inviting everyone to rehearse a new play with me.
- Louis XVI: Oh, a rehearsal done by you? That sounds interesting.
- Louis XVI: Who participated?
- Marie: Me, the Marquis de Lafayette, Fersen, d'Eon...
- Oh, now I am curious about this new play.
- Marie: I have come to invite you to watch us at the opera house, Your Majesty.
- Marie: You have been busy with political affairs for several days. It's time to relax a little.
- Louis XVI: I am delighted that you are inviting me, my dearest Queen.
- Louis XVI: I will invite a few ministers to accompany me and watch your play.
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