Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

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The Event Log keeps all the historical, cultural, and important facts that you find throughout the story. For Infinite Shimmer there are 52 event logs to collect in total and five different categories:

  • Characters - 10
  • Event - 4
  • Location - 4
  • Item - 8
  • Others - 26



Unlocked: 1-8 Broken Hearts and Dreams
Requirement: Choose "Oh dear"
Sigmund Freud is a famous psychologist, known as the 'father of psychoanalysis'. In his 1899 book 'The Interpretation of Dreams', he proposed that dreams were the expressions of our unconscious mind and hidden desires.


Unlocked: 1-10 The AI Body Problem
Requirement: None
Icarus is a figure from Greek mythology. He was the son of a master engineer, Daedalus. Daedalus made some wings from wax and feathers. When Icarus used them, he flew too close to the sun, causing the wax to melt and him to fall to his doom. Icarus is often a cautionary tale symbolising over-ambition and recklessness to show how humans do not know their limits.


Unlocked: 1-10 The AI Body Problem
Requirement: None
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (1818) is a gothic novel by Mary Shelley. It's about a scientist who makes a living, sentient monster.


Unlocked: 1-11 Hold my Hand
Requirement: None
Pandora's box is a mythological story about a woman who was given a box as a gift, but was warned not to open it. Curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box, unleashing all the evils of the world into the world. Only hope remained in the box as a small consolation for mankind.


Unlocked: 1-11 Hold my Hand
Requirement: None
Prometheus is a figure from ancient Greek mythology. He was a Titan who created humanity out of clay and stole fire from the gods to give to humans. For this, he was punished by Zeus. He was chained to a rock and had his liver eaten by an eagle every day. His story often represents a figure whose efforts to make life better can result in unintended tragedy.


Unlocked: 1-20 Nano Emotions
Requirement: None
In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan and the brother of Prometheus. After fighting and rebelling against the Olympian gods, he was punished by Zeus. He had to hold up the sky on his shoulders for all eternity. He is often depicted in art as a figure holding the weight of the world.


Super Asteroid[]

Unlocked: 1-4 A Defective Product
Requirement: None
In 2099, a super asteroid collided with the Earth's equator, causing devastating consequences. The impact increased the Earth's rotation speed, triggering extinction-level disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and extreme weather. Changes in the magnetic field and shortened day-night cycles had a devastating impact on plant and animal life, decimating biodiversity to near nothing. 99,8% of the world was left uninhabitable. After 30 years, it's believed that the only settlement is the domed city of Arcadia.

Gamma Storm[]

Unlocked: 1-6 The Future Archaeologist
Requirement: None
Gamma is the type of high energy, electromagnetic radiation which can be very damaging to the human body. In Arcadia, gamma storms occur when the sun emits radiation during solar flares. As the super asteroid impact sped up the Earth's rotation, the Earth's protective atmosphere thinned, leaving us vulnerable to such radiation. During gamma storms, citizens have little choice but to find a shelter and stay inside until it passes.



Unlocked: 1-8 Broken Hearts and Dreams
Requirement: None
Camelot is the mythical court of the legendary, ancient King Arthur. It's the capital of his land, and the seat of his power. Many Arthurian legends are set there.

Lunar Fronties[]

Unlocked: 1-17 One Night Prince
Requirement: None
The moon is a very inhospitable environment for survival. The biggest dangers include lack of breathable air, intense temperature fluctuations (from 127°C tp -153°C), extreme solar and cosmic radiation due to the lack of atmosphere and magnetic field, and continuous micrometeoroid impacts which cause injury and damage equipment. Additionally, psychological stress from prolonged isolation and living in remote environment make it a high risk place.



Unlocked: 1-2 The Asteroid's Impact
Requirement: None Tantalum is a rare-earth metal with a silver-blue appearance. It is the rarest stable element, with only one atom of tantalum for every 181 billion atoms of other elements in our solar system. It is highly valued for its rarity, difficulty in extraction, and its usefulness in electronics. In Arcadia, tantalum is the primary element used to produce hologram chips, making it the most precious resource for its inhabitants. However, gathering tantalum requires dangerous expeditions outside the protective dome, where they salvage it from old electronics.


Unlocked: 1-2 The Asteroid's Impact
Requirement: None
Holograms are three dimensional images made of projected light. The word comes from the Greek "holos" meaning whole, and "gramma" meaning message. Since the asteroid destroyed so much of the material world, Arcadia's city is filled with holograms that look like decorations, plants, animals and anything that they may be lacking.

Tarot Cards[]

Unlocked: 1-6 The Future Archaeologist
Requirement: None
The tarot deck, consisting of 78 uniquely crafted cards each with its own symbolisms and illustrations, is used for divination and the exploration of one's destiny. The cards are arranged in a specific pattern and drawn, with each card representing a different aspect of an individual's life or situation under consideration. The origins of the tarot are not entirely certain, though it is believed that they were initially used in 15th century Europe.

VR Set[]

Unlocked: 1-15 Forgetting You
Requirement: None
A VR (Virtual Reality) set is a device that uses advanced technology to create a simulated environment for the user, typically through a headset with a display screen and sensors to track movement. It allows the user to feel as if they are fully immersed in a virtual world, enabling them to interact with the environment and objects in a highly realistic manner.

Haptic Gloves[]

Unlocked: 1-15 Forgetting You
Requirement: None
Haptic clothing, such as gloves and suits, are clothes that contain electronic sensors and actuators that provide feedback to the wearer's hands, giving the illusion of touching and feeling objects in a virtual environment.


Unlocked: 1-15 Forgetting You
Requirement: None
Malware (short for malicious software) refers to any type of software intentionally designed to harm, damage, or exploit computer systems, networks, or devices. Malware can take various forms, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, ransomware, and spyware, and can be used to steal sensitive information, gain unauthorized access to systems, or cause other types of harm.


Artificial Intelligence[]

Unlocked: 1-1 Into the Future
Requirement: None
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI uses techniques such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing to analyse data and learn from it to improve its performance over time.


Unlocked: 1-1 Into the Future
Requirement: None
A.D. stands for anno domini. It means "the year of the lord". It is the standard way we measure time in the Gregorian calendar. However, in Arcadia, they use A.A. to measure time since the asteroid impact.

Pygmalion and Galatea[]

Unlocked: 1-3 The Masterpiece
Requirement: None
This myth is thousands of years old. Pygmalion gives up on finding real love and dedicates himself to being a sculptor. In his skilled hands, he created a masterpiece, a woman more divine and faultless than any living being. As he works, Pygmalion falls in love with the statue, the very thing he made. The goddess of love Aphrodite is moved by his devotion and grants the statue life. Galatea, the sculpture comes to life, opened her eyes and took her first breath in the arms of her creator, Pygmalion.

Asimov's Laws[]

Unlocked: 1-5 The Hologram Man
Requirement: None
The author Isaac Asimov wrote the "Three Laws of Robotics" that govern the behaviour of robots, or artificially intelligent creatures. They are that a robot cannot cause harm to a human, a robot must obey orders given to it by a human, and a robot will rpotect its existence as long as it doesn't impact the two other two [sic] laws

Scavenger Missions[]

Unlocked: 1-6 The Future Archaeologist
Requirement: None
After the asteroid impact, humanity was confined to the living in the domed city. Yet a group of "Scavengers" venture outside the dome on missions to gather resources. These are very dangerous in the irradiated, unstable environment with frequent earthquakes and storms.


Unlocked: 1-9 Getting to Know You
Requirement: None
Hardware is the name for the physical parts that make up a computer or other electronic system. For example, for a 21st century computer, hardware includes all the physical parts such as the wiring, motherboard, keyboard, graphic card, speakers etc. Novi's hardware is his unique tantalum-hologram heart.


Unlocked: 1-9 Getting to Know You
Requirement: None
Software refers to the intangible components that dictate how a computer operates. Examples of software include the operating system that manages the computer's hardware, language processors that enable it to run code and various applications that perform specific functions. Unlike physical components such as the computer's hardware, software is not tangible but rather exists in the form of digital code that a computer can interpret and execute.


Unlocked: 1-12 Overpowered
Requirement: None
Terraform comes from the Latin word for Earth "terra", and the English word form. It's a process where another place is transformed to make it similar to Planet Earth and capable of supporting human life.


Unlocked: 1-12 Overpowered
Requirement: None
Client confidentiality is a fundamental ethical principle in psychology that requires psychologists to maintain the privacy of their clients' information. It means that psychologists cannot disclose any information about their clients without their explicit consent or a legal mandate to do so. However, there are some exceptions to confidentiality, such as when there is a risk of harm to the client or others.

AI's Parameter[]

Unlocked: 1-13 Malfunction
Requirement: None
In artificial intelligence, parameters are values or settings that are used to define and adjust the behaviour of a machine learning model. Parameters are critical to the performance of machine learning models, as they determine how the model processes data and makes predictions. Some are set by the user before their training, and others are created by the AI as they learn.

The Waste Land[]

Unlocked: 1-14 One Small Step
Requirement: None
The Waste Land is a modernist poem by T.S. Eliot, first published in 1922. It's a haunting and strange work, merging poetic forms and voices from thousands of years of literature.

Narrow AI[]

Unlocked: 1-17 One Night Prince
Requirement: None
A Narrow AI is an Ai system that's designed to perform specific tasks within a limited domain. For example a voice assistant in a phone is designed to answer questions, set reminders and play songs. On the other hand, General AIs are AI systems that are capable of performing a wide range of cognitive tasks that typically require human-level intelligence, such as learning, problem-solving, reasoning, perception, and natural language processing. General AIs, like Novi, aim to replicate the broad capabilities of human intelligence and be adaptable to various situations and environments.

Turing Test[]

Unlocked: 1-18 Beta Testing
Requirement: None
The Turing test, developed by Alan Turiing in 1950, is a measure of a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour that is indistinguishable from that of a human. It involved a human evaluator who engages in natural language conversations with a machine and a human, without knowing which is which. If the evaluator cannot consistently distinguish the machine from the human, the machine is said to have passed the Turing test.

IQ Test[]

Unlocked: 1-18 Beta Testing
Requirement: None
An IQ (intelligence quotient) test is a standardized measure of intelligence designed to assess cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and memory. It was first developed in the early 1900s by psychologists such as Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon to identify children who may need extra educational support.

Rorschach Test[]

Unlocked: 1-18 Beta Testing
Requirement: None
The Rorschach test (1921) is a psychological test used to assess a person's personality traits and emotional functioning. It involves showing the subject a series of inkblots and asking them to describe what they see. The subject's responses are then analysed by a trained professional to gain insight into their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour.

The Big Five Personality Test[]

Unlocked: 1-18 Beta Testing
Requirement: None
The Big Five personality test is a widely used psychological tool that assesses an individual's personality based on five key traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. It is a self-report questionnaire consisting of a series of statements that the individual rates on a scale. The test is designed to provide insights into an individual's behaviour, thoughts, and emotional patterns.

TAT Test[]

Unlocked: 1-18 Beta Testing
Requirement: None
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective personality assessment that uses ambiguous stimuli to elicit a subject's unconscious thoughts and emotions. It involves presenting a series of black-and-white pictures to the subject and asking them to create a story based on what they see. The stories that the subject creates are then analysed for recurring themes and patterns of thought, which can provide insights into the subject's personality and motivations.
