Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Crazy Jerry
Jewel Balloon Tab
Jewel Balloon
Gold Balloon
Silver Balloon
Friendship Balloon

Lucky Jerry is the gacha system of Time Princess, and can be accessed after clearing Chapter 6 of Chapter Quest. Players can spend Diamonds Diamond, Gold Gold, Friendship Beans Friendship Bean, or special tickets to pull random prizes from the pool of clothing, relics, materials, and gifts for Companions.


  1. Spend Diamonds Diamond or Gold Tickets Gold Ticket to purchase Gold Balloons.
  2. Spend Gold Gold or Silver Tickets Silver Ticket to purchase Silver Balloons.
  3. Use Friendship Beans Friendship Bean to pop Friendship Balloons.
  4. You may get various clothing items, materials, Relics, and other items from the balloons.
  5. You can claim a free Gold Balloon every 40 hours, and a free Silver Balloon every 20 hours (the free balloon cannot be used towards a 10x pull).
  6. There is no free Friendship Balloon to claim, and you can collect only 20 Beans Friendship Bean per day from your friends.
  7. Before you purchase a Gold Balloon, you may select a Favorite Book to get clothing items from it. Or you can select All Books to get clothing items from any books (even the ones you have not purchased yet in the Story Desk).
  8. You may get Gold Nuts Gold Nuts when you pop Gold Balloons. Use them to exchange for clothes at Jerry's Secret Burrow.
  9. Earn Lucky Points for each Gold Balloon purchase, and get special rewards when you accumulate the required amount of Lucky Points.
  10. VIP 2 or higher: Enjoy 20% off 10x Balloons for a certain number of times per day when you use Gold Gold or Diamonds Diamond for your Balloons. Purchases of 10x Balloons which include Tickets are not entitled to the discounts, and are not counted towards the daily entitled discounts.

Rewards Chance[]

Below are the tables of the chance percentages.

Gold & Friendship Balloons
Reward Chance
Fashion Lab Items 29.82%
Relic Enhancement Items 42.84%
6-Star Clothing Item 3.6%
5-Star Clothing Item 2.66%
4-Star Clothing Item 2.63%
3-Star Clothing Item 2.76%
2-Star Clothing Item 10.82%
1-Star Clothing Item 2.5%
5-Star Relic 0.25%
4-Star Relic 0.96%
3-Star Relic 1.16%
Silver Balloons
Reward Chance
Ordinary Materials 38.69%
Fashion Lab Items 2.66%
Companion Gifts 46.62%
Relic Enhancement Items 5.83%
5-Star Clothing Items 1.5%
4-Star Clothing Items 1.59%
3-Star Clothing Items 1.55%
2-Star Clothing Items 0.97%
1-Star Clothing Items 0.22%
3-Star Relic 0.37%

Balloons Exclusive Clothing[]

Lucky Jerry Balloons feature exclusive 6, 5, and 4-star clothes, but note that it's also possible to obtain encounter clothes or some other type of item when popping any balloon.

To see all the clothing items exclusive to the balloons from a particular story, please refer to the list below.

Story Book List
Book Queen Marie
Queen Marie
Book Magic Lamp
Magic Lamp
Book Gotham Memoirs
Gotham Memoirs
Book Swan Lake
Swan Lake
Book Helen of Sparta
Helen of Sparta
Book Romy and Julius
Romy and Julius
Book Shadows of London
Shadows of London
Book Little Women
Little Women
Book Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Opera
Book Taishō Adventures
Taishō Adventures
Book Saga of Viera
Saga of Viera
Book Tang Dynasty Hunter
Tang Dynasty Hunter
Book Si-woo's Sight
Si-woo's Sight
Book Princess Sissi
Princess Sissi
Book White Snake
White Snake
Book Dancing On Ice
Dancing On Ice
Book Have You Seen Claudia
Have You Seen Claudia?
Book Whispers of the Rain
Whispers of the Rain
Book Cleopatra
Book The Sacred Beast
The Sacred Beast
Book Ancient Dreams
Ancient Dreams
Book Ghost Manor
Ghost Manor
Book Kingdom of Beasts
Kingdom of Beasts
Book House of Horrors
House of Horrors
Book Spring Sonata
Spring Sonata
Book Trendy Times
Trendy Times
Book Gourmet's Journey
Gourmet's Journey
Book Miss Kitty's Antiques
Miss Kitty's Antiques
Book Hela's Compass
Hela's Compass
Book Golden Age
Golden Age
Book The Perfect Storm
The Perfect Storm
Book Code Whalefall
Code: Whalefall
Book Moving Mountains
Moving Mountains
Book Sisters of the Sea
Sisters of the Sea
Book The Apothecary
The Apothecary
Book Lunar Legend
Lunar Legend
Book The Moravia Express
The Moravia Express
Book Dominic's Disappearance
Dominic's Disappearance
Book Heartwood Mysteries
Heartwood Mysteries
Book Mysteries of Zentico
Mysteries of Zentico
Book Showdown in Glitter Rise
Showdown in Glitter Rise
Book Magpie Tower
Magpie Tower
Book Infinite Shimmer
Infinite Shimmer
Book The Underground City Stirring Shadows
The Underground City Stirring Shadows
Book Twilight's Crown
Twilight's Crown

Lucky Point Chest Exclusive Clothing[]

There are some clothing items in the game that are obtainable only through the Lucky Point Chest, a feature exclusive to Gold Balloons.

To open a chest, you need to accumulate a certain amount of Lucky Points. You get 5 Lucky Points each time you pop a Gold Balloon (50 Lucky Points if you pop 10 balloons at once). Popping Silver or Friendship balloons will not earn you Lucky Points.

There are four types of Lucky Point Chests that differ in the amount of Lucky Points required to open them, and also in the reward that is guaranteed.

Lucky Points Required Guaranteed Reward
LPC 200
200 Lucky Points
1 relic
LPC 800
800 Lucky Points
1 clothing item that is 4-star
LPC 1500
1,500 Lucky Points
1 clothing item that is 4-star or above
LPC 3000
3,000 Lucky Points
1 clothing item that is 5-star or above and exclusive to the Lucky Point Chest

Every player starts with the 200 points chest, and after opening it, moves on to the 800 points chest, and so on. After you open the 3,000 Lucky Point Chest, the next chest reverts back to the 200 points chest and you start all over again.

Note that you can receive a clothing item from any book you have purchased, not just from the book selected as the favorite.

If you want to know which clothing items are exclusive to the Lucky Point Chest, you can refer to the List of Story Books in the previous section. However, there is a Single Item that is exclusive to the Lucky Point Chest:

Icon Drama Queen
Drama Queen

It's a makeup, and is the only clothing item from My Collection that is exclusive to the Lucky Point Chest.

Delicate Puppet Wishing Box[]

See also: Playroom#Phantom Mirror

It is also possible to aim for a specific Lucky Point Chest item, through Puppets. By doing this, a different box, Delicate Puppet Wishing Box, will be activated, which also requires 3,000 Lucky Points to obtain the Lucky Point Chest item.

However, there are some limitations to the Delicate Puppet Wishing Box:

  • It is only possible to aim for the Lucky Point Chest item that the current Delicate Puppet is wearing. Currently, there is no option to choose which Lucky Point Chest item to obtain otherwise.
  • The Delicate Puppet Wishing Box is separate from the regular Lucky Point Chest; meaning that players will have to start from zero to obtain 3,000 Lucky Points. Notably, this would require 600 Gold Tickets Gold Ticket to do so. This also means that players will not obtain the additional Lucky Point mileage rewards (relics/clothing items) that come with a regular Lucky Point Chest.
  • A Delicate Puppet will last for seven days and will refresh to a different puppet after. This means that players will only have a duration of seven days to obtain the item.

Any remaining Lucky Points from the Delicate Puppet Wishing Box will be automatically converted and added to the regular Lucky Point Chest's progress once all parts of the current Delicate Puppet's outfit has been collected, or when the Delicate Puppet has refreshed after seven days.

Jerry's Secret Burrow[]

Jerry's Secret Burrow is a shop where you can buy clothing items using the Gold Nuts Gold Nuts you earn by popping Gold Balloons. It can be accessed by clicking on the bag icon in the Gold Balloon main screen.

The only clothes available for purchase are the ones exclusive to the balloons. It is not possible to buy clothes that are exclusive to the Lucky Point Chest here. Also, Gold Nuts Gold Nuts are the only currency accepted.

You will gain 5 Gold Nuts Gold Nuts every time you pop a Gold Balloon and 50 Gold Nuts Gold Nuts if you pop 10 balloons at once. Popping Silver or Friendship balloons will not give you Gold Nuts Gold Nuts.

For your information: When you open the Jerry's Secret Burrow, there is a shortcut at the bottom of the screen to access Fantasy Fair malls.

Clothing Prices[]

Below are the most common prices for the specific types of clothing items in Jerry's Secret Burrow.

Clothing Type Rarity
6-Star 5-Star 4-Star
Headwear 1,750 Gold Nuts 1,250 Gold Nuts 900 Gold Nuts
Hairpin N/A 1,250 Gold Nuts N/A
Hair 2,000 Gold Nuts 1,400 Gold Nuts 1,050 Gold Nuts
Mask 1,750 Gold Nuts 1,100 Gold Nuts 800 Gold Nuts
Dress 3,000 Gold Nuts 2,150 Gold Nuts N/A
Top 1,650 Gold Nuts 1,150 Gold Nuts N/A
Bottoms 1,400 Gold Nuts 1,000 Gold Nuts N/A
Shoes 1,900 Gold Nuts 1,300 Gold Nuts 950 Gold Nuts
Socks 1,200 Gold Nuts 850 Gold Nuts 600 Gold Nuts
Anklets N/A 850 Gold Nuts 600 Gold Nuts
Necklace 1,400 Gold Nuts 1,000 Gold Nuts 700 Gold Nuts
Earrings 1,400 Gold Nuts 1,000 Gold Nuts 700 Gold Nuts
Gloves 1,750 Gold Nuts 1,250 Gold Nuts 900 Gold Nuts
Bracelet 1,750 Gold Nuts 1,250 Gold Nuts 900 Gold Nuts
Ring 1,300 Gold Nuts 950 Gold Nuts 700 Gold Nuts
Handheld 1,750 Gold Nuts 1,250 Gold Nuts N/A
Makeup 1,400 Gold Nuts 1,000 Gold Nuts 700 Gold Nuts
Nail Art N/A N/A N/A
Wings N/A N/A N/A
Ornament N/A N/A N/A

Price Variations[]

Sometimes the prices in the Jerry's Secret Burrow vary, but most clothing items cost the same according to type and rarity, as shown above.

Below are the price variations that have been found so far:

If you would like to know the specific prices of each clothing item from each story, please refer to the List of Story Books in this section.
