Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Playroom Icon

Playroom Icon

The Playroom is a fun area that can be entered by tapping the toy set on the floor.

Currently, there are two features in the Playroom: Phantom Mirror and Fantasy Fair. These features can be used daily to win rewards, such as Gold, materials, a variety of items, and unique clothing.

Phantom Mirror[]

In-Game Rules[]

How to Play[]

  1. Travelers need to imitate the fashion style of the Puppet. The better the match, the higher the score received!
  2. There is no limit to the number of attempts. Corresponding Stage rewards are unlocked based on the highest score achieved in a single attempt!
  3. Note that clothing borrowed from a friend's wardrobe cannot be used here!

Regular Puppet[]

  1. After reaching the highest score required on a Stage and receiving all of its rewards, Travelers can proceed to the next Stage. Travelers can progress up to 2 Stages each day.
  2. There is 1 chance to refresh the Puppet each day. Refreshing the Puppet does not affect progress on the current Stage or consume the daily Stage progress chances. Puppets in certain special Stages cannot be refreshed.
  3. Random rewards will be given for the first attempt of each day.
  4. Increase VIP level to raise the number of Stage progressions and Puppet refreshes each day. For details, please visit the VIP Privileges interface at Parven's Shop.

Delicate Puppet[]

  1. The Delicate Puppet is refreshed every 7 days. Delicate Puppets cannot be manually refreshed, and progress for uncleared Stages will be retained after the Puppet refreshes.
  2. While the Delicate Puppet is available, visit Lucky Jerry to activate the Delicate Puppet Wishing Box to make it easier to obtain the Lucky Point Chest exclusive clothing worn by the Puppet. This is only available for a limited time, so act fast!
  3. The Delicate Puppet Wishing Box will disappear when all exclusive clothing items are obtained, or when the Delicate Puppet is refreshed. The remaining points will be converted to the Lucky Point Chest's progress.
  4. When the Delicate Puppet refreshes, unclaimed stage rewards will be sent to you through the in-game mail. Please claim them promptly!

Additional Info[]

  • Players with VIP Level 6 and above will get an additional chance to refresh Puppets, as well as an additional Stage clear chance.
  • For Regular Puppets , the first seven puppets are fixed, and will require clothing that are easily accessible to all players. From the eight puppet onwards, it is possible to refresh Regular Puppets, but there is a chance of getting a Puppet that has already been cleared before. See Puppets for a more detailed explanation of the fixed puppets.
  • Delicate Puppets are chosen by random based on the books that a player has already unlocked in the Story Desk, and will always feature Lucky Jerry-exclusive clothing, including a Lucky Point Chest Exclusive Clothing, which players can set as their Lucky Point Chest goal during the duration of the puppet.
    • If a player wishes to obtain the specified Lucky Point Chest clothing featured in a specific Delicate Puppet, they would have to obtain a total of 3,000 Lucky Points (i.e spend 600 Gold Tickets Gold Ticket) during the Delicate Puppet's duration in order to obtain the specified Lucky Point Chest item.


For each stage, there are a total of three score milestones. For Regular Puppets, the score requirements for each stage differs, but the rewards for each stage has been observed to be the same thus far:

  • Regular Puppet: 3 Clothing Materials Box (S) Clothing Materials Box, 10 Sketchbook Sketchbook, 10 Drawing Pencils Drawing Pencil
    • For every five puppets, the rewards will change to 3 Clothing Materials Box (S) Clothing Materials Box, 10 Stylish Star Stylish Star and 10 Special Heart Special Heart
  • Delicate Puppet: 100 Cuddle Potion Cuddle Potion, 3 Precious Companion Token Precious Companion Token, 3 Rare Companion Token Rare Companion Token

When attempting a Regular Puppet stage for the first time each day, players will also get the following rewards

  • 1,000 Gold
  • 2 Sketchbook Sketchbook
  • 2 Drawing Pencil Drawing Pencil
  • 1 Silver Ticket Silver Ticket

Please see the Puppets page if you want to see a list of the exact clothing the puppets wear.

Expand to see information about the pre-March 2024 Puppet System

In-Game Rules

  1. Imitate the fashion style of the Puppet in the Phantom Mirror. The Puppet will be switched every 1 day.
  2. The more alike your clothes are to the Puppet's clothes, the higher your chances of getting recognized, and the grander the rewards. Note that you cannot use borrowed clothing for the Phantom Mirror challenge.
  3. Key parts of the Puppet's clothing will be hidden from view. You will get 2 chances per day to use the "Spy Cam" to view these parts.
  4. When you don't have any clothes that are the same as the Puppet's, you can try wearing clothes with the same style tags to gain a certain degree of recognition.

Additional Info

  • You will get puppets only from stories you have unlocked in the Story Desk.
  • You have 2 attempts to dress up. You will get rewards from both of them.
  • Actually you will get 4 chances per day to use the "Spy Cam" to view the names. Initially you get 2 tries and then 2 more after your first daily attempt. You get more "Spy Cam" chances from VIP levels: +1 with VIP 6, +2 with VIP 8 and +3 with VIP 11.

How to Play
When you enter the Phantom Mirror, you will see a puppet with several "?" symbols surrounding it. You can click on two of the symbols before you enter (for a total of 4 chances every day) to reveal a clothing item that the puppet wears. Hold down on the revealed clothing if you want to learn its name and origin. Click the Enter button at the bottom of the screen to dress up your character, matching as many clothing items as you can (matching items will boost your score by around 3,000 points per matched item). If you lack a matching part, you can instead put on an item matching the style, such as "Formal", and/or the tag, such as "Queen Marie" to earn points.

Click the mask symbol at the top of the screen while dressing up if you want to view the puppet without exiting the closet.

If the puppet doesn't have an item in a specific category, such as a necklace, it appears that it is still better for your points to add an item that matches the style. This means that if you can recreate the puppet's outfit perfectly, you should still add items to any empty categories.

Please see the Puppets page if you want to see a list of the exact clothing the puppets wear.

The amount of upgrading materials and clothing materials you earn as a reward will be based on how many points you score. Rewards are Gold Gold, Stylish Stars Stylish Star, Special Hearts Special Heart, Sketchbooks Sketchbook, Drawing Pencils Drawing Pencil, Wool Wool, Cotton Cotton, Plumage Plumage, Silk Silk, Leather Leather, and Pearls Pearl. Note, the quantity and type of clothing material is random (i.e. 4 clothing materials could yield 3 Cotton and 1 Leather or 2 Plumage and 2 Pearls). The rewards are as follows:

Level Score Gold Stylish Stars Special Hearts Sketch Books Drawing Pencils Clothing Materials
Level 1 1 - 200 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 2 201 - 1,200 400 0 0 1 0 1
Level 3 1,201 - 1,770 600 0 1 1 0 1
Level 4 1,771 - 3,600 800 0 1 1 0 2
Level 5 3,601 - 5,000 1,100 0 1 1 1 3
Level 6 5,001 - 6,700 1,400 1 1 1 1 3
Level 7 6,701 - 8,500 1,900 1 1 2 1 4
Level 8 8,501 - 10,200 2,400 1 1 2 2 4
Level 9 10,201 - 12,400 2,900 1 1 2 2 5
Level 10 12,401 - 14,800 3,400 2 1 2 2 6
Level 11 14,801 - 17,300 4,100 2 1 2 3 6
Level 12 17,001 - 19,900 4,800 2 2 2 3 6
Level 13 19,901 - 22,400 5,500 2 2 3 3 7
Level 14 22,401 - 25,900 6,500 2 2 4 4 7
Level 15 25,901 - 30,000 7,500 3 2 4 4 8
Level 16 30,001 - 34,000 8,500 3 3 5 4 8
Level 17 34,001 - 39,000 10,000 3 3 5 5 9
Level 18 39,001 - 44,200 11,500 4 3 6 5 10
Level 19 44,201 - 49,800 13,000 4 4 6 7 10
Level 20 49,801+ 15,000 5 4 8 7 11

Note: Occasionally, on the rewards screen, the level shown on the top will not match the rewards you receive, but you will always receive the correct rewards for your actual score. Ex. if your score is 23,800, you will receive the Level 14 rewards but it may say Level 15 at the top. In testing, this error occurred about 5% of the time.

Fantasy Fair[]

For a more in-depth look at score calculations and the weekly theme, please see the Fantasy Fair Guide.

How to Play[]

The Fantasy Fair runs for three months. Every Sunday at 00:00 (GMT-5), a theme with two styles will be announced. To start playing, first click on the shirt icon on the bottom right of the screen to enter the closet. Create an outfit matching the theme to get as many points as possible. You can alter the outfit at any time if you get a better item. Once your outfit is saved, enter the Fantasy Fair. Each day, you will be given 10 free dice rolls which you can use to traverse the map. You can buy additional rolls for 25 Diamond each. You can buy a maximum of 99,999 rolls a day, but you can only win Fantasy Coins Fantasy Coin from matches 30 times, whether you win or lose. Getting Fantasy Coins Fantasy Coin by passing start or landing on gift boxes does not affect your total.

Each square you land on has a different effect:

Icon Name Effect
FFEnemy Enemy Enter a match with a random player. If your outfit scores higher than theirs, you win!
FFDouble coin Coin Up x2 Next time you win a match, you will win double the Fantasy Coins.
FFDice more times Red Dice You get two free rolls.
FFGo back Go Back Move backward 1 to 6 spaces. And engage the new space you land on.
FFChange direction Change Direction Starting on your next turn, you will move in the opposite direction.
FFForward Forward Move forward 1 to 6 spaces. And engage the new space you land on.
Free win Free Win Get an automatic win!
FFRandom gift Gift Spin the wheel and get 5, 10, 15, 25, or 50 Fantasy Coins.
FFBack to start Back to Start Send player back to the Start square.
FFStart Start The square you start on. If you land on this square or pass it naturally (without landing on Back to Start), you will be rewarded with 10 Fantasy Coins, and a few extras for every opponent on your winning streak.
FFReset Reset The game will shuffle the board squares.
FFFail void Fail Void Next time you are defeated, it will not be counted.
FFStrong enemy Strong Enemy Your next match will be against a "formidable opponent". If you win, your rank can go up quite a bit.
Note: No longer in the game.
FFPower up Kissy Lip Spin the wheel and boost your Fantasy Fair score by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, or 25%. If you land on another Power Up before your next match, your new spin will overwrite your old score, NOT add to it.
FFChoose opponent Opponent Selection You can choose between 3 opponents to fight. The card for each opponent tells you if they are ranked higher or lower than you, and if you have a chance at beating them or not. The leftmost opponent is the easiest to beat, and the rightmost opponent is the hardest.
FFItem box Treasure Box Get a random item from the following:
Victory Fort, Twin Dice, Stop Card, Slowing Turtle, Reverse Boots, Magic Dice, or Entry Dice.
FFTreasure Goblin Treasure Goblin Chase and catch the goblin for a huge amount of Fantasy Fair coins before it runs away.
Players have to land on the map square it is on to start catching the goblin.

When you win a match, you will be rewarded with 25 Fantasy Coin and 500 Gold. When you lose a match, you will still be given 10 Fantasy Coin and 100 Gold.

There isn't any penalty for moving in reverse or being sent back to start, other than the fact you lose a chance to compete on this turn.


By winning matches, you can raise your tier and earn better rewards at the end of the week. To view how many wins you need to raise your tier level, look at the bottom left of your screen: it will show how many wins you currently have out of the total you need. For instance, a Fantasy Artisan II needs 15 wins to rank up. Your weekly ranking is calculated at the end of the week.

You will be rewarded with an increasing amount of Diamonds Diamond, Fantasy Coins Fantasy Coin, and Gold Gold at the end of the week depending on your rank. There are also seasonal rewards that will be given at the end of the three-month season.

Once you reach Fantasy Associate, you will be at risk of moving a rank down if you lose too many matches. When you reach Fantasy Master, you can no longer reach a higher tier: instead, you will compete to increase your rank among all other players in Fantasy Master. If you manage to get in the top 1000, you can earn more and more rewards. If you lose 99 times in Fantasy Master you will be forced into the lower tier.

Depending on when you are able to reach Fantasy Master, it may be wise to save up enough Fantasy Coins Fantasy Coin to purchase the featured dress as soon as you enter. If you have an unlucky week or two at the end of the season you may run out of time to get the dress. The 99 loss limit resets at the end of the week: if you've lost 29/30 times by Saturday, you'll go back to 0/30.

Rank Wins to Rank Up Losses to Rank Down
Fantasy Master N/A 99
Fantasy Star III 30 50
Fantasy Star II 25 50
Fantasy Star I 25 50
Fantasy Expert III 25 40
Fantasy Expert II 20 40
Fantasy Expert I 20 40
Fantasy Associate III 20 30
Fantasy Associate II 15 30
Fantasy Associate I 15 30
Fantasy Artisan III 15 N/A
Fantasy Artisan II 10 N/A
Fantasy Artisan I 10 N/A
Fantasy Apprentice III 5 N/A
Fantasy Apprentice II 5 N/A
Fantasy Apprentice I 5 N/A

Fantasy Coins[]

Fantasy Coin

A Fantasy Coin.

These coins can be exchanged for limited clothing items and resources. To exchange coins, go to the Fantasy Fair opening page and tap the shopping bag symbol on the right side of the screen. As you raise ranks, you will be able to access more of the clothing items. If you scroll up on the prizes section, you will be able to see more of the prizes for each rank (depending on your device, this may not be obvious). It is recommended that you wait until the end of the season to spend your coins on anything other than the clothing.

Any leftover coins from a finished season will be carried over into the next season of Fantasy Fair. Additionally, players who ranked high were not forced to start back in Fantasy Apprentice, although they were put in lower tiers. This means if you save a few thousand coins at the end of the season, you will be able to immediately purchase some of the clothing on day one of the new season.


  • If you can play at 00:00 GMT-5 on Sunday, right after the reset, you can greatly increase your chances of winning. The styles will switch, but most players won't change their outfit for a few hours which will result in them having a much lower score.
  • The story tag has no effect on score in the Fantasy Fair. Relics are also unaffected by story tags. Just focus on using your highest scoring clothing!
  • Never leave a clothing slot blank, even if you don't have an item that matches either style tag. You can still get a small amount of points.
  • If you're a free player, don't spend a ton of diamonds to rush to Fantasy Master at the beginning of the season. It's harder to earn coins in Fantasy Master since the heavy spenders have the best scores. Only spend diamonds if you're worried you won't earn enough coins to get all the prizes you want or won't reach your tier goal by the end of the season.
  • The match system in Fantasy Master is somewhat unbalanced. The statistics still need to be worked out, but the game seems designed to purposefully pit you against players that are ranked higher than you. As a personal anecdote, when I was ranked in the top 100 players out of roughly 4,000, I was still only winning about 50% of my matches - sometimes less - because the game kept matching me against players in the top 50. This puts you at risk of losing your Fantasy Master status, decreases how many fantasy coins you can win, and will force you to lose out on the daily task. I recommend that for the first three or so days of the week, after playing your ten rounds, go back and switch your outfit to something that will get a low score so that you purposefully lower your rank. Then, when you put on your high-score outfit the next time you play, your first 3-4 matches are much easier to win.


Season Duration Set(s)
Forest Whispers 26/05/2020 - 24/08/2020 The Silent Woods
Twilight Song 25/08/2020 - 23/11/2020 Misty Maples
Social Butterfly 24/11/2020 - 22/02/2021 Madame Butterfly
Enchanted Garden 23/02/2021 - 24/05/2021 Lynx's Dream
Divine Adventure 25/05/2021 - 23/08/2021 Thallo's Embrace
Carpo's Touch
Sweet Rice Balls 24/08/2021 - 23/11/2021 Candy Section
Fish Spirit
Fantasy Rock 24/11/2021 - 21/02/2022 Electronic Fantasy
Traveling Rocker
Teahouse Adventure 22/02/2022 - 24/05/2022 Garden Sonata
Tea Concerto
Misty Spring 25/05/2022 - 23/08/2022 Lady of the Valley
Princess' Tea Party
Bygone Ballad 24/08/2022 - 23/11/2022 Melody of Thought
Recorded Memoirs
Royal Crown 23/11/2022 - 21/02/2023 Return to the Sky
Shackles and Cages
Feathers of Light 22/02/2023 - 23/05/2023 Holy Redemption
Burning Ice
Bunny Wonderland 24/05/2023 - 26/08/2023 Night Adventures
Fluffy Dreams
Sonnets of the Soul 27/08/2023 - 25/11/2023 Jewel of the Kingdom
Escape through a Hidden Passage
Brown Sugar Macchiato 26/11/23 - 24/02/2024 Black Cat Rocker
Rock and Pop
Sour Fruit Jam Filling 25/02/24 - 25/05/2024 Bakery's Young Lady
Red Velvet Workshop
Wilderness Explorer 26/05/24 - 24/08/2024 Explorer's Journal
Biological Observations
Fiery Sunflowers 25/08/2024 - 23/11/2024 Dawn's Encounter
Parting Dusk
Midnight Butterfly Dream 24/11/2024 - 22/02/2025 Midnight Star
Scorching Midnight
