Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki

The Prologue isn't exactly a part of any story but primary serves as a tutorial to the game, while giving a bit of back story to the Lectern. It begins as soon as a new player starts the game.


  • Style: No dress up component



  • Grandfather: In the past, there was a girl who found a mysterious lectern.
  • She discovered that she can use it to enter the worlds within books.
  • She made a lot of great friends while living through the stories... and met someone she loved deeply.
  • But alas, a cruel plot forced them apart forever, and they forgot one another... And everything returned to the way they were.
  • Many years later, another girl finds the lectern, and opens a book...

Scene Change

  • [Cellphone message alert]
  • Mom's text message: Hey, have you reached the town safely? How's Grandpa?
  • I'm sorry I couldn't go with you. But I must supervise an important fashion show.
  • Oh yes, there are some old things I made in the wardrobe. You can have them. To make up for not being there...
  • Get along with Grandpa! And have a fun summer!
  • You: Aww, mom's always canceling on me!
  • Well, at least I'm in a good mood because I just woke up. I wonder what these "old things" are?
  • You: Mom's replications of Rococo fashion are all in the wardrobe. Which one should I try on first...?
  • Guess I'll try on a dress first.
  • Ah, I never imagined that Rococo dresses could be so beautiful.
  • And next... I need to select a hat.
  • All right... These will do!
  • Oh, and there are matching accessories as well? Wonderful!
  • I can't wait to look at myself in the mirror!
  • You: Am I seeing things? Did a butterfly just fly out of the wardrobe?
  • Is this... a lectern? It's so old! And what's this book?
  • [Book opens and a fairy appears]
  • ???: I'm finally awake again! Alison, where have you been? I've been sleeping for ages since the lectern's power vanished...
  • You: Wait, I'm not Alison. Are you talking about my mom? Do you know her? What... are you?
  • ???: Huh? Oh, so Alison has a daughter now... You've awoken the magic lectern! And I'm Isabel, your mother's friend.
  • You: (The little fairy is talking to me, and says she's my mom's friend? Unbelievable... I should call my mom!)
  • [Brings up cellphone.]
  • [No Service" displayed on screen.]
  • [Puts phone away.]
  • Isabel: It's no use! The room is now sealed off from the world until you complete the story.
  • Isabel: Let me teach you how to enter a story! Tap the Story Desk now!
  • Tap here to start on the first stage.

[After the player plays through Stage 1-1 of Queen Marie.]

  • Isabel: Awesome! You've completed the first part of the story!
  • I'm looking forward to what's going to happen next! Tap here to continue the story!
  • If you feel like taking a break, you can return to your room first.
  • You can explore your room as you wish. And if you need help, you can look for me here!

[Prologue ends and Isabel's Guide event begins]
