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Reality can often be more horrifying than fiction. When I asked about the truth and motive, that was when I realized how greedy and ugly human nature can be.


  • Style: No dress up component
  • Required: Louis XVI Goodwill Lv. 3
  • Rewards: 3,000 GoldGold, 600 ExperienceExp, 1 Reader's CouponReader's Coupon, 1 Gift MaterialsLantern Gift Box, 1 Clothing MaterialsClothing Materials Box, 10 Plumage Plumage

Dialogue Choices[]

Note: Changing choices when replaying will cost 5 Stamina

You: Well then...

  • Execute her in secret
  • d'Eon's Goodwill will rise
  • Arrange for a public execution
  • No change


Expand for script.

  • You: I wonder what the current progress is like?
  • It's been several days since the meeting with d'Eon, and I still haven't received any news. The wait is long and excruciating. The anxiety makes me pace my room endlessly.
  • You: Madame Beaumont still hasn't appeared...
  • d'Eon: Are you looking for me, your Majesty?
  • You: Good heavens! You gave me such a fright!
  • You: How did you come in? I didn't sense your presence at all!
  • d'Eon: Ah, that is one of my secrets. If you're interested in the art, perhaps you could consider becoming the next "d'Eon"?
  • d'Eon: You seem fairly intelligent, and I'm sure you're a quick learner.
  • d'Eon manages to soother my tightly wound nerves. I'm grateful for his astute perception and clever words.
  • You: I will consider it!
  • You: And how are things coming along? Are there any results yet?
  • d'Eon: Of course. I strive to fulfil your request as quickly as possible.
  • d'Eon: It is my honour to serve one as beautiful and wise as you.
  • d'Eon: The cuckoo who damaged your reputation has been caged, and will sing the song of truth any moment now.
  • d'Eon: Do you wish me to do what is necessary, or do you wish to come and enjoy the view?
  • You: I'm not in it for any kind of enjoyment... but I do wish to go with you and find out the truth.
  • d'Eon: As you wish, your Majesty.

  • d'Eon: According to my investigations, Cardinal Rohan's account matches the information you provided.
  • d'Eon: The entire affair is complicated and rather incredible. If I weren't investigating it myself, I might not believe in all the coincidences I found.
  • d'Eon's smile never leaves his face. He looks like someone in an audience enjoying a show. He quietly waits for my approval before continuing.
  • d'Eon: Allow me to present... The sly cuckoo.
  • Once my eyes get used to the dim light, I manage to make out the cowering Jeanne. She starts shouting the minute she recognises me.
  • Jeanne: Your Majesty! I'm innocent! The Cardinal Rohan forced me to do it!
  • d'Eon: Sly cuckoo, go ahead and try to act your way out of this mess. But don't forget, I've already dug up all the horrible things your family has done for the past few generations.
  • Jeanne: God will punish you, demon!
  • d'Eon: A sly cuckoo like you can't possibly decide my fate. Perhaps you should try guessing what fate lies ahead of you?
  • Not bothering to conceal any of his contempt for Jeanne, d'Eon laughs mockingly at her.
  • d'Eon: Royal blood born out of wedlock, you are not content with the life of a little cuckoo, but dream day and night of living like a noble eagle.
  • d'Eon: I must remind you that you are now merely a fallen woman, and can hardly be called an aristocrat.
  • Jeanne: In terms of position and family history, I am on par with the House of Bourbon! Why can't I recover what is rightfully mine?
  • Jeanne: This isn't fair!
  • You: So jealousy and greed are your motivations... Who are you to covet riches and glory?
  • Jeanne: Have you ever starved? Have you ever begged on the streets and get driven away like a stray dog?
  • The look in her eyes tells me how much she hates this world. She is like a wounded wild animal, crying out in pain.
  • You: I admit that I've never experienced all of that... But many have lived as you have lived, and have chosen the rightful path.
  • You: You have only ever thought of yourself, and you do not care what kind of calamity that necklace might cause...
  • Jeanne: Do you mean you might get sent back to Austria? You can't blame me for that. All I ever wanted was the necklace.
  • Jeanne: I also had no way of telling that the people would be so disappointed in you.
  • Jeanne: Are you pitying me? I think you are far more pitiful.
  • You: ...
  • I am unable to find a suitable retort.
  • When the royal family loses the people's trust, the crown is but a worthless decoration. At that point, it makes no difference whether it is on the head of a King or on the head of a beggar.
  • You: Did your accomplice think the same way as you do?
  • Jeanne: Oh, her? I don't care what she thinks.
  • Jeanne: Just a bit of money was enough to get her to help me... And men need only give her money to get her to do whatever they want.
  • Jeanne: She got a nice reward for dressing up as the Queen. Don't you think I've been pretty good to her?
  • d'Eon: Little cuckoo, if you think sending men to "deal with her" is being good to her, I guess you think you're a saint.
  • You: Is she dead?
  • d'Eon: Fortunately for her, instead of slitting her throat, they slit her stomach instead, so she still lives to see the sun rise.
  • d'Eon: Her injury is too severe, so she still needs time to recover, and is unable to see you right now, your Majesty.
  • d'Eon: But according to my investigations, she has no hand in the little cuckoo's plans. She was only told to hold the white rose and say a few lines.
  • You: Since she is innocent, please take good care of her... Once she is well, arrange for her to be employed so that she has a way to make a living.
  • d'Eon: As you wish, your Majesty.
  • You: Madame Beaumont, I'm not particularly hopeful... but I'd like to know where the "du Barry necklace" is.
  • d'Eon: The very next day after the sly little cuckoo got hold of the necklace, her husband had already found buyers in Paris... and sold off a great number of the diamonds.
  • d'Eon: I can recover all the diamonds, if you wish me to do so.
  • You: No, there is no need. It might be a good thing for the necklace to remain dismantled, so that it can cause no more trouble.
  • You: Our first priority is to put a stop to all the chaos, so that the royal family can survive the crisis.
  • d'Eon: So what should we do with her?
  • d'Eon tosses Jeanne a deathly cold glance. Jeanne shrinks back, a shadow of her earlier daring self.
  • You: Her?
  • d'Eon: Yes, when the King referred you to me, that means that everything is under wraps. You have full control over her fate.
  • d'Eon: Considering what she thinks of you, and how she got someone to impersonate you, her very existence is an insult to the royal family.
  • d'Eon: She made use of the royal family name to commit theft... And for that she should pay the price.
  • You: You mean...
  • d'Eon: When forced with a woman crazy enough to threaten royalty, we should either make her disappear forever... or let her death be a warning to all others.
  • Jeanne: No! You can't treat me like this! There is royal blood running in my veins. I'm a member of the nobility!
  • d'Eon: Only the Queen gets to decide your fate.
  • Jeanne's yelling reminds me of all the she has done. This horrible yet pitiful woman...
  • Deceiving royalty is already a serious crime. Even if I were to be merciful, the King, the ministers, and all the aristocrats won't let her off easy.
  • You: Well then...

Execute her in secret

  • d'Eon: I'm shocked. I thought you'd be too soft-hearted and just let her go.
  • You: Some people can't be allowed to live, and some wrongs cannot be repeated...
  • Jeanne: No! Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Spare me!
  • Her face is ashen, and her eyes terrified. There is a terror in her voice as she pleads for her life.
  • I feel my hands shaking... I know that once I leave, d'Eon will end her life.
  • You: Jeanne, you plotted the theft and harmed others because of your greed and jealousy. This is the result, and this is the price you must pay.
  • You: (I'm sorry. I must make this decision... not just for myself, but also for France...)
  • Jeanne tries to say something, but d'Eon seems to have done something to her that prevents her from making a sound.
  • d'Eon: There will always be people in this world who have no conscience and hurt others at will. you can't possibly stop them all.
  • d'Eon: But we can carry out justice and prevent criminals from committing more crimes.
  • d'Eon: If you feel that a simple death isn't enough, I can make her go through a great deal of suffering before she dies.
  • You: No. Just give her a quick death. On account of the royal blood in her veins.
  • d'Eon: This cuckoo doesn't deserve an easy death, but since your Majesty has decided the script, I shall perform accordingly.

Arrange for a public execution

  • There's a strange gleam in d'Eon's eyes. It's as though he can't believe that I've made that decision.
  • d'Eon: I never thought that our beautiful little bird could be capable of such a vicious blow to an enemy.
  • You: I think that even if I were to let her go, she won't turn over a new leaf, and she might even do far more terrible things.
  • d'Eon: Yes, birds don't change their nature. If she escapes the net today, she won't change her ways.
  • Jeanne: No! Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Spare me!
  • Her face is ashen, and her eyes terrified. There is a tremor in her voice as she pleads for her life.
  • I know I shouldn't do this. In fact, I can't quite bear to... But I really have no other choice.
  • You: (I can't let myself suffer Queen Marie's fate... Or everyone I care about, and everything, will be ruined as well.)
  • Jeanne: I... Urk!
  • Jeanne tries to say something, but d'Eon seems to have done something to her that prevents her from making a sound.
  • d'Eon: Using her as an example to warn other would-be criminals is the best choice of all.
  • You: Others? I... I just hope that something like this won't happen again.

  • d'Eon: How do you wish to deal with the Cardinal Rohan? If it weren't for his idiocy, you wouldn't have to take part in this ridiculous play.
  • You: You mean, his Majesty has handed his fate over to me as well?
  • The King's trust in me far exceeds what I imagined. I am overjoyed, yet scared at the same time.
  • But this isn't the right moment to dwell on these things. I must make the right decision now.
  • You: Then... Announce his misdeeds to the public, and let him pay the debt!
  • d'Eon: Are you sure that is what you want?
  • You: I know this will affect the reputation of the royal family, but I have no other choice.
  • You: Since I cannot explain things to defend myself, I can only make use of him to clear the misunderstanding the people have of me.
  • d'Eon: Understood, your Majesty. I will solve the problem at its root. Rest assured.
  • You: I'm counting on you...
  • I watch d'Eon take Jeanne away, and somehow I am reluctant to leave even after they have vanished from my sight. I suddenly have a strange thought...
  • That I'd be safer here, than back at the luxurious palace...