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I need to learn that letting go is sometimes different from giving up. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the best outcome.
- Style:
- Required: Louis XVI Goodwill Lv. 6, Lafayette Goodwill Lv. 6
- Recommended: Curtain Call Set
- Perfect Score: ~6,350
- Rewards: Blueprint: 3,000
, Blueprint: Leaf Necklace, 3 Reader's Coupons, 1 Gift Material, 1 Crafting Material
Dialogue Choices[]
There's no doubt at all in his voice. If I refuse to promise him, I believe he won't tell me a single word.
- Agree
- Fersen's Goodwill will rise
- Reconsider first
- Fersen's Goodwill will rise
- I want to be with you, always
- Final step to obtain ending "A Prayer for All"
- I'm scared of being alone
- Final step to obtain ending "Eternal Farewell"
Expand for script.
- There's no one around. I sit by the window alone, and look out into the distance.
- I can't hear a single person in this empty palace, and the bustle of Paris is not visible.
- You: (If we manage to leave Paris safely tomorrow night, we will no longer be King and Queen... We will be free.)
- A sigh of relief escapes my lips. I feel as though I may finally be able to put down a massive burden.
- I'm not certain if the feeling truly belongs to me, but it makes me happy all the same.
- You: Who is it at this hour?
- You: There's no one?
- I look in all directions, and finally notice a sealed letter on the floor.
- Fersen: Marie, there are some last minute changes to the plan. Please meet me in the garden within an hour. It's windy tonight, so remember to put on warm clothing.
- You: Why didn't he tell me in person...? What happened?
- I'm worried, but after checking the letter repeatedly to make sure that it's in Fersen's handwriting, I prepare to head out to the garden.
- There are few stars out tonight, and the garden is as quiet as ever.
- I can't help admiring the scenery while I hurry towards the meeting spot.
- You: Fersen, did I keep you waiting?
- Fersen: Only for a very short while.
- Fersen: Thank goodness you're willing to trust me. I was worried that you wouldn't come if I just left you a letter.
- Fersen: There's been a last minute change in plans, and we must go now.
- I peer in the direction he's looking, and I see a carriage waiting in the distance.
- You: It's fine as long as it's what you've all planned. Are the King and d'Eon inside already? Or are we waiting for them?
- Fersen: ...
- You: Fersen?
- Fersen does not reply. Instead, he looks at me quietly.
- I detect a quiet calm mixed with sorrow in his eyes, and without knowing why, I am suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of horror and unease.
- Fersen: Marie, it's just the two of us.
- You: I don't understand what you mean.
- Fersen: I'm sorry... I know it's hard for you to accept. I felt like lying to you just to make you feel at ease.
- Fersen: But I know you wouldn't want me to do that, and I don't wish to lie to you. I'd rather not deceive you in any way.
- Fersen: Marie, if you can promise me that no matter what happens, you will not change your mind about escaping this place...
- Fersen: I will tell you everything.
- You: ...
- I take a deep breath, and shake my head.
- You: No, Fersen... Don't force me.
- Fersen: I'm sorry, but I really have no choice... In fact, we have no choice in this, all of us.
- There's no doubt at all in his voice. If I refuse to promise him, I believe he won't tell me a single word.
- I take in a deep breath and try to calm down.
- You: I guess there's no time to waste, is there?
- You: Okay, I promise you. Just tell me everything you know... Everything.
- Fersen: Of course.
Reconsider first
- You: I guess there's no time to waste, is there?
- Fersen: Yes, please forgive me.
- We look at one another and remain silent for a long while... Finally, I make the most difficult decision of my life.
- You: All right. I promise you.
- Fersen seems greatly relieved, and smiles at me apologetically.
- Fersen: d'Eon has already left Versailles, and is delivering the King's letters to Blaisdell and the Marquis de Lafayette.
- Fersen: The letters indicate that he wants them to give up on any rescue attempts...and requests that they spread rumors about going after a wanted person...
- Fersen: And that is you, Marie.
- Fersen: Or more accurately speaking, it will be another "you"... Did you not get d'Eon to rescue a woman some time ago?
- Fersen: Her looks and figure closely resemble yours, and when the time comes, d'Eon will take her out on the streets.
- You: You intend to let her be bait?
- You: No... No! I know this will help us succeed in escaping, but how could I let her take the risk?
- You: Even if she impersonated me in the past, and I almost... I still don't think this is right.
- Fersen: Marie, she looks so much like you, that even if she doesn't sacrifice herself for your sake, she'd still...
- Fersen suddenly stops talking, as though he can't bear to continue.
- You: She'd still what?
- He clenches both fists, and sets his lips in a grim line...
- I don't push him. Instead, I wait quietly, while the wind rustles the tree leaves.
- After a long while, he finally starts talking with a pained expression.
- Fersen: As long as she gets mistaken for you, the only fate that lies for her is death.
- Fersen: She has done no wrong, and you have done no wrong. But reality is cruel.
- You: ...
- I realize what Fersen is implying, and I start to tremble.
- You: Oh... Almighty God, why are you so cruel to us?
- Fersen does not respond. He sighs in a resigned manner.
- Fersen: You know, I really wish you could just stay wrapped in a pure and good part of the world, and never have to encounter such nasty things.
- Fersen: But we are going to be in even more danger from now on...
- You: It's okay. I understand how you feel... But I am not that fragile. I'm just...
- I shake my head, and suppress a surge of feelings. This isn't the time to be soft, and there's no time for tears.
- You: No, it doesn't matter what I think. Now tell me what you all plan to do!
- You: I guess you already planned all of this when you had that private discussion with the King.
- Fersen: Yes. The King has decided to stay in Versailles, and I will take you to Sweden.
- Fersen: The revolutionaries are winning the people over to their side, and the Marquis de Lafayette is at their mercy. The situation is completely different this time round.
- Fersen: Sweden has already allied with Austria, and it won't be difficult for them to offer us asylum... But we can't say the same for the King.
- I hang my head.
- You: Austria... My brother probably won't send any troops to save us now, right?
- Fersen: Marie, sometimes diplomatic promises are even flimsier than promises made by lovesick fools.
- Fersen: No matter what, he is still the emperor of Austria, and has to put the interests of his country first.
- Fersen: Considering the situation now, d'Eon and I can only protect one person... If I leave this place with you, he can focus on the King.
- You: And if I refuse to leave?
- Fersen: Then everyone will die.
- Fersen: Sacrifices are unavoidable, and we can only make sure that people are not sacrificed in vain. I learned this on the battlefield.
- Fersen: Marie, do not let all the sacrifices and hard work go to waste.
- Fersen grasps my shoulders while saying each word slowly and deliberately. The tension in his voice is palpable.
- Fersen: As long as you go on living, there is hope for the royal family... This is what the King wishes, and what I'm begging you as well.
- You: I...
- I want to say something, but the words stay stuck in my throat, and I only manage a tiny choking sound.
- Fersen: If you can't stand this pain, just pretend I'm forcing you to come with me!
- Fersen: Let everyone assume that I've eloped with you. I don't care if they think I've betrayed the King.
- Just what is he feeling right now, as he says all these things?
- He must be suffering even more than I am, but he's still putting me first as always, and he's still so caring.
- I reflect on what I've said before, that the people left behind would suffer even more... But now I truly understand that the people who are leaving also suffer great pain.
- Now's not the time to bury oneself in misery. If we can't save everyone from execution...I must at least do my best for Fersen and myself.
- You: If someone has to bear this pain... I'd rather be the one to do it.
- You: I want to remember it all, both joy and pain...and then do my best to live on.
- Fersen: I respect your willpower and courage, Marie.
- Fersen: Let us go now!
- Once we've left the heart of Paris, the carriage takes off at great speed, like a bird furiously flapping its wings to escape a cage.
- The commotion in the distance is evidence that d'Eon is busy doing his very best for our sake.
- I look out the window. Heavy rain is pouring down from stormy clouds, helping to cover our tracks, but also hindering our progress.
- Fersen hasn't said a single word. His hands are clenched again, and his eyes stare straight ahead, ears peeled for any disturbance around us.
- Fersen: Someone's approaching.
- You: Is someone coming after us?
- Fersen: I can't be certain. But don't worry, I'm here.
- Fersen: No matter what, I will get you safely out of France.
- We try our best not to think about what might lie ahead. Fersen makes the horses go even faster, and the carriage shakes violently.
- The neighing gets closer, and it sounds like our pursuers are almost on us. Fersen frowns.
- Fersen: Marie, take this. I hope you won't have to use it.
- It's a gun that I've seen him carry many times before. I hear it's something he's used during the war.
- He hands it over to me with practised ease, and retrieves yet another gun from his belt. He looks behind us.
- Fersen: If I can't protect you, don't hesitate. Aim it at them and press the trigger. No matter who it is.
- You: ...All right, I understand.
- Once the carriage stops, Fersen jumps off. I suppress a cry of fear, and grimly survey the surroundings in silence.
- A flash of lightning reveals countless men and horses. They look like vicious monsters here to tear us apart.
- Their leader is facing Fersen. Despite being drenched to the core, I recognize him at a glance.
- Lafayette: I've finally caught up with you. Do you know what you're doing?
- Lafayette: After betraying France once, you betray France yet again?
- Fersen: Lafayette, tell me why you're here.
- Fersen grips his gun tight, and his voice is cold and grim.
- I can't make out their expressions in the dark, but the atmosphere is so chilling that even I can feel it in the carriage.
- Lafayette: For the people, and for the future of France.
- Lafayette: All the people in France are your enemies now. Did you really think you can fool "everyone" and escape from France?
- Lafayette's emphasis on the word "everyone" makes us realize that he's trying to hide something.
- Lafayette: Take a good look! Fersen, I'm not here "on my own". How long do you think you can hold out?
- We look at the group standing behind him. Besides the uniformed soldiers, there are also people wearing other kinds of uniforms...
- It looks like a hastily gathered squad.
- You: (Lafayette wouldn't try to hinder us or hurt us of his own volition. I'm afraid these are the revolutionaries that have been forcing him to lead them...)
- Fersen suddenly laughs mockingly.
- Fersen: Oh, I forgot that my old battle comrade died long ago, and I'm looking at a slave of the rebels!
- Lafayette: The civilians are the true owners of a country. Don't forget that you fought in the American Revolutionary War by my side.
- Lafayette: The King and Queen should not forget their position, and you, Fersen, should hold true to your oath of loyalty to France.
- Fersen: Cut the crap. If our time on the battlefield still meant anything to you, you wouldn't point that gun at me now!
- Lafayette falls silent for a moment. Suddenly he strides forward, as though he's trying to get to the carriage.
- Lafayette: The Queen does not have the right to leave the country.
- Fersen: You do not have the right to stop us!
- Fersen raises his gun and aims it at Lafayette. Slowly, he steps backwards while glaring at Lafayette.
- When Fersen's back is pressed up against the carriage door, Lafayette quickly throws a glance at the men behind him, and speaks in a low voice.
- Lafayette: I'm going to let you go in a bit.
- Lafayette: The revolutionaries have more eyes than I imagined. Me and my companions will secretly open a way for you later.
- The two men speak in tortured tones, and I very quickly intuit that...there have been more casualties.
- Fersen: ...Thank you, old buddy.
- Lafayette: I should be apologizing to you, Fersen... I'm counting on you to take care of the King and Queen.
- Fersen: The King is still in Versailles. d'Eon will protect him. If you can somehow get away from the rebels, you should think of a way to keep people away from that area.
- Lafayette looks inside the carriage in surprise, and happens to meet my eyes.
- A flurry of emotions flash across his eyes, complex and deep. I am unable to tell what he's thinking, but I guess he must be suffering.
- Lafayette: I understand. And this time, I won't break my promise.
- Lafayette: Please take care...your Majesty.
- He gives me an almost imperceptible nod, and then retreats a few steps. It looks like he's about to let us go without even bothering to hide it.
- Fersen: Old buddy... You're still as guileless as ever.
- Fersen lets out a chuckle. Then he suddenly presses the trigger --
- Lafayette stares disbelievingly.
- Lafayette: You...
- Fersen's hand is trembling, as though he can't quite hold onto his gun. He leans weakly on the carriage, exhausted.
- There's blood dripping from his hand, and the water at his feet quickly turns red.
- He grunts in pain, but smiles.
- Fersen: If I leave without a single scratch on me, you'll get in trouble.
- Fersen: Buddy, don't sacrifice yourself needlessly... You've always been so upright that it hurts.
- Fersen: And you give the people hope. You can't just let them down... Protect them on our behalf.
- His face suddenly twists in fury and he roars at Lafayette.
- Fersen: Cowardly scum! Pretending to negotiate and then shooting me!
- Fersen: So everyone thinks you're some great hero? You're just a traitor with no principles and no substance!
- Fersen: I'm Swedish. I've never been French! If I'm to die, I refuse to die in France!
- The yelling penetrates the storm and echoes down the alley.
- Fersen: Let's go!
- Fersen is about to get onto the carriage, and I see the crowd rushing towards us out of the corner of my eye.
- You: Fersen, what should we do?
- Lafayette: We leave.
- There's another gunshot, and I see Lafayette holding his left shoulder with his right hand, kneeling on the ground in pain.
- The people who were about to attack us, start crowding around him instead with anxious faces.
- Man: Are you all right? That traitor! How dare he resist --
- Lafayette: There's no need to give chase. I shot him in the stomach. He won't live long.
- Lafayette: With Fersen dead, capturing the King and Queen will be a piece of cake.
- Man: That's right! We should tend to General Lafayette first!
- Fersen shuts the carriage door, and gathers up the reins in one hand.
- The carriage speeds away again, and the people and their voices gradually fade into the distance.
- I look at the wound on Fersen's hand. It's not huge, but it's so deep that I can't bear to look at it again.
- You: ...When it's a bit safer, let's find a place to rest, and tend to your wound.
- Fersen: Yes, Marie... I won't cripple myself at such a crucial moment. Thank you.
- You: ...
- Fersen: Are you scared?
- You: I...
I want to be with you, always
- You: ...
- You: No matter what happens...I want to be with you, always.
- Fersen: ...That's all I need to hear.
- Fersen: But don't worry, I've survived countless battles, and I don't die easily.
- Fersen: I'll only die for love, and if Lafayette's shot puts me down, I'll go haunt him for revenge.
- I know Fersen's only cracking a joke to reassure me...but strangely, I do feel a bit less tense.
- You: Your presence gives me the courage to face it all... Thank you.
- We gaze silently ahead at the gray, overcast sky representing our unknown future.
- But we will not stop, and we shall not fear.
- All the sacrifices made so far, must not be in vain --
- And so, no matter how painful it is, we must do our best to live on.
- A few days after leaving France, we finally arrive in Sweden.
- The long journey has exhausted us, but the sight of the Swedish town in the distance is enough to make us forget all our woes.
- You: This is your motherland, Sweden...
- Fersen: Yes.
- Fersen: The nightmare is over, Marie.
- Fersen: There's no need for you to be frightened or worried anymore... We will start brand new lives here.
- Fersen points to the distance. His dark eye rings are in stark contrast with his gleaming eyes.
- Fersen: The people here are all down-to-earth and kind. Their way of life is rather different from that of France and Austria, but I think you'll like it.
- You: If they knew who I am, I'm sure they wouldn't welcome me...
- Fersen: You need not worry about that.
- Fersen: The King has already arranged for you to live in a village in the north. The villagers there barely know anything about the world outside.
- Fersen: In their eyes, you're merely an unfortunate person who has lost all her family members in an accident... It might be a little hard on you, but I think this is the safest solution.
- You: I'll be staying there alone? What about you?
- Fersen: Me?
- Fersen: I'm sorry, Marie... Once you're all settled in, I might not be able to stay by your side for quite a while.
- You: ...
- Fersen: Though I promised King XVI to stay by your side and protect you...
- Fersen: But I've also promised the King to act as a diplomatic envoy and make Sweden more powerful.
- You: (This must be the condition Sweden set in exchange for the political asylum...)
- I'd already guessed that Fersen would say something like this, but I still feel despair.
- You: (Fersen has his own dreams and hopes, and shouldn't stagnate in one place because of me...)
- You: (And now he can do something for his motherland, and show off his talent. That has got to be a good thing!)
- Fersen: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kept it a secret from you, and I shouldn't break my promise.
- Fersen: But if I can help protect you by doing this, I'd still make the same decisions no matter how many times I relive this life.
- I suppress all my loneliness and sorrow, and gazing at Fersen, I put on the most dazzling smile I can manage.
- You: I might get a bit lonely...but I support your decision.
- You: The Swedish will finally get to see how talented you are, and I'm happy for you...
- You: Your brilliant work in America and in France has been recognized.
- You: And you're doing it all for me... How could I possibly blame you?
- You: Without you, I might already be...
- I don't finish the sentence.
- But I know that Fersen understands what I'm trying to say. He looks off into the distance with a lost and sorrowful look on his face.
- Fersen: It's been a long way from France to Sweden and the path has been full of blood and thorns.
- Fersen: Just like I said, the nightmare is over... From now on, our future is bright.
- You: Yes, we must live happily... Happier than anyone, and better than anyone.
- It feels like we're promising one another, but also like we're promising ourselves.
- While we're still lost in memories of the past, we hear horses neighing.
- Fersen: Someone's coming.
- We stop the carriage, and Fersen gets down to check things out.
- He's back in a moment, and he's beaming.
- Fersen: It's the King. He's sent envoys to welcome us.
- Fersen: We're finally safe, Marie.
- The envoys convey to me the Swedish King's thoughts, and the contents are pretty much the same as what Fersen has already told me.
- They arrange for me to live in a northern village, inside a small house in a peaceful environment. Every week, they send food and other necessities to me.
- Though there are no servants waiting on me, but I'm used to living alone in my previous world, and I actually feel like this is a lot more carefree and relaxing.
- When I'm more or less used to staying there, Fersen leaves to fulfill his promise to the King of Sweden and travel to other countries.
- He becomes increasingly busy. Though he still makes time to visit me, most of the time I don't see him at all.
- A few months later, Fersen finally returns to Sweden with some news.
- Fersen: The situation in France has stabilized.
- You: How's the King...and Lafayette?
- Fersen: I don't know.
- Fersen: After we left, the revolutionaries tried to locate Louis XVI, and even tried to force Lafayette to tell them.
- Fersen: But they failed.
- You: No news means good news... I hope d'Eon managed to save the King.
- Fersen: I do believe that d'Eon is capable of protecting the King.
- Fersen: As for Lafayette... I heard that he and some of his men escaped when the revolutionaries let down their guard.
- Fersen: I've been trying to find out where he is... Someone told me that he was last seen at Port Marseille.
- You: Port Marseille? Has he gone to...America?
- Fersen: It's possible. America is a good choice for him.
- Fersen: If he's really in America, then that's a good thing, because he can have a fresh start there.
- I nod, and though I know that no news is the best news possible, I can't help but worry about them.
- You: Fersen, I'd like to visit the church... Will you come with me?
- Fersen: Of course.
- In the quiet sanctity of the church, Fersen and I both close our eyes and pray fervently.
- You: (Though I've not been in this world for long, I've met some very good people.)
- You: (I know that all of this chaos is an unavoidable part of this era...)
- You: (But I pray that I will be able to change my fate as Queen Marie.)
- You: (And I hope that the King, Lafayette, Blaisdell...and everyone I know, will be able to achieve happiness.)
- I subconsciously look at Fersen. He senses my gaze and turns his head to give me a gentle smile.
- You: (...and I hope...that the man beside me will be blessed with peace and joy for the rest of his life, and that he will not undergo any more hardship.)
- You: (Please grant me these wishes. I'm willing to bear the price, no matter how high it is.)
- After a long praying session, there is a sense of bliss.
- Fersen: I was just praying about you when you looked at me...
- Fersen: What a coincidence, isn't it?
- You: So what did you pray for?
- Fersen: I prayed that you'd be safe and happy, and I hope...
- Reflected in Fersen's eyes, I seem to be his one and only...
- His voice grows ever gentler, as though he is making a sacred vow.
- Fersen: ...that I'll be able to protect you forever.
- You: Your Majesty, why have you asked for me?
- You: Your Majesty, why have you asked for me?
- You: Your Majesty, why have you asked for me?
- You: Your Majesty, why have you asked for me?
- You: Your Majesty, why have you asked for me?
Ending [A Prayer For All]
I'm scared of being alone
- You: Of course I'm scared... What if... What if you were to...
- Fersen: ...If my life can be exchanged for your safety, it would be worth it.
- You: ...I wouldn't be able to sleep easy for the rest of my life.
- Fersen: If it's possible, I want to keep you company too... Let's see what fate has in store for us.
- You: ...
- We gaze silently ahead at the gray, overcast sky representing our unknown future.
- But we will not stop, and we shall not fear.
- All the sacrifices made so far, must not be in vain --
- And so, no matter how painful it is, we must do our best to live on.
- Fersen: We're nearly there, Marie. It'll be okay soon...
- Fersen: We just need to meet up with the people from my motherland, and we'll be safe.
- Fersen and I are completely drained from rushing night after night, and from the constant fear of being chased.
- The gunshot wound has been bandaged, but it hasn't been treated properly.
- His face looks really pale and his voice has been growing weaker.
- You: Don't push yourself, Fersen... We should find a place to treat your wound, okay?
- You: We're almost at the border. The risk isn't that great now...
- Fersen: No, no matter how small the risk, I won't agree to it until I'm certain you're one hundred percent safe.
- He sounds forceful and obstinate, unlike the gentle and polite Fersen I know.
- I can't think of a better solution, and am unable to come up with a counter.
- You: Why didn't I ever learn how to drive a carriage...? If I did I could at least help out a little.
- Fersen: Your support is all I need to go on.
- Fersen: But if you are willing...there is something you can help me with.
- The sudden request both surprises and delights me, I look into his gentle eyes and ask eagerly.
- You: Really? What can I do?
- Fersen: Tie a tourniquet on my arm, and then loosen it after 10 minutes.
- At first, I'm frightened at what this is implying, but I guess this really is something I can do...
- I tie the tourniquet according to his instructions, and he seems to relax quite a bit.
- Fersen: This will be easier on me... I wanted to show off in front of you, but now's not the time.
- You: I'm just glad to be able to help you.
- You: No matter what happens in the end, at least we've done our best.
- Fersen: Marie... Don't say such things.
- You: I never thought of you as the superstitious sort.
- Fersen: I'm not, but right now I believe...that as long as it might help you, everything is important.
- He looks at me and smiles faintly.
- I do feel warmed by his gesture...
- I've been so worried about him, that I've not been able to sleep nor eat...
- Fersen: Once we get to Sweden, you will be able to live a carefree life.
- Fersen: Sweden isn't like France at all, but I believe you'll like it there...
- Fersen: There people there are down-to-earth and kind. I'm sure they'll like you too.
- Fersen describes life in Sweden in great detail.
- The trees and flowers, folk customs, food...and his family members.
- You: ...
- Fersen: Marie, what's wrong? You look unhappy.
- You: I'm happy to go to Sweden with you, but...I do wish that we weren't the only ones on this journey.
- Fersen understands what I mean right away, and his smile becomes tinged with sadness.
- He falls silent for a while, and then suddenly says hoarsely...
- Fersen: As long as you're not alone, as long as someone's with you...
- Fersen: Whether or not that person is me, it's fine.
- You: What do you mean?
- Fersen suddenly stops the carriage.
- There's a group of fully equipped soldiers waiting for us in front.
- They're holding the Swedish flag.
- Fersen: Looks like they're even more punctual than I expected. I thought we'd have to go further into Sweden to meet them.
- You: This is wonderful!
- You: They must have some medical supplies with them. We can treat your injury now.
- Fersen: All right...
- After checking our identities, the soldiers welcome us.
- Soldier: Don't worry. We will escort you both safely to Stockholm.
- You: We're counting on you.
- You: Oh yes, can you take a look at Count Fersen's wound? His hand has been shot...
- Soldier: Of course
- Someone carefully removes the bandage around Fersen's hand.
- The wound's not big, but the bullet wasn't removed, and now it's infected.
- The soldier frowns and then touches Fersen's forehead.
- Soldier: You're feverish... How long has it been?
- Fersen: We set off after I got shot, and I guess the rain made it worse.
- Fersen: I've already cleaned it, but the infection still won't go away.
- You: You've been having a fever since then? Fersen, you...
- Fersen smiles at me apologetically and shakes his head.
- Fersen: We'd die if we stopped at any point, so I had no choice... I can only make sure that you'll be safe.
- You: You're such an idiot.
- I suppress my tears and try to find out more.
- You: What do we do now? Is there some kind of medicine that can help him?
- Soldier: We will escort you to the nearest town!
- Soldier: Once we get there, we can get a doctor to remove the bullet.
- Soldier: He's not in a good state right now, and we shouldn't try to treat this on the spot.
- Fersen: Don't worry about me. Just go.
- Fersen: Marie, don't worry.
- Everyone can see that he's really frail right now, and that he's holding on via sheer willpower.
- Since we can't solve anything right away, I can only nod my head, hoping that we can set off as soon as possible.
- You: Yes...let's go right away.
- Along the way, Fersen's fever keeps getting worse.
- Perhaps now that the soldiers are here to help, he's relaxed a great deal and has started losing his senses...
- While he's in the throes of the fever, he keeps squeezing my hand and muttering unintelligible words.
- I don't know what he's saying, but I guess it's something to do with me from the way he keeps holding my hand.
- I squeeze back and hope...that this tiny action of mine will give him some strength.
- A few days later, we finally reach civilization.
- The air here is cleaner than that of France, just like Fersen said, and smells of greenery.
- You: Fersen... We're here.
- You: Someone will be here to help you soon. Please hang in there.
- He coughs lightly and his voice is barely audible.
- Fersen: We've reached...?
- You: Yes, we're in Sweden.
- Fersen: Is that so...? Then...I can...finally...rest.
- He suddenly gives me the gentlest smile I've ever seen on him.
- I've only just guessed what he might be implying when the hands that have been holding on to me all this while, suddenly let go and fall to the side.
- You: Fersen... Fersen... Fersen!
- Crying, I keep calling his name, but there is no response.
- I remember what he said about it being okay as long as I have people with me...
- And now that we're finally in Sweden...
- It's just me now, facing a future all alone.
- With Fersen gone, Sweden politely refuses to grant me political asylum.
- I numbly nod my head. Even if they were to send me back to France, I wouldn't feel a thing...
- You: (So I've failed to change history after all.)
- You: (I don't care anymore...)
- I'm unable to return to my original world, and all the people I care about in this world are gone...
- Perhaps the execution block is the best ending for me.
Ending [Eternal Farewell]
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 3
Chapter 1
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Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
2-1 • 2-2 • 2-3 • 2-4 • 2-5 • 2-6 • 2-7 • 2-8 • 2-9 • 2-10 • 2-11 • 2-12 • 2-13 • 2-14 • 2-15 • 2-16 • 2-17 • 2-18 • 2-19
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Chapter 3
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Side Stories
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
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