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With the end of the conference, France will take this first step towards a new future. If I want the country to succeed, I will need to make a choice between friendship and doing what is right...
- Style:
- Recommended: First Blush, Bed of Roses, Pink Lady, Royal Flush
- Perfect Score: ~3,525
- Rewards: Blueprint: Gentle Bonnet, 3,000 Gold
, 600 Experience
, 3 Reader's Coupon
, 1 Gift Materials
, 1 Clothing Materials
, 5 Silk
Dialogue Choices[]
Note: Changing choices when replaying will cost 5
How is this her fault? Gabrielle looks so upset. I should do something...
- Touch her shoulder
- Gabrielle's Goodwill will rise
- Don't touch her
- Wait about 5 seconds for the prompt to disappear
- Gabrielle's Goodwill will fall
Is that...
- Fersen
- Fersen's Goodwill will rise
- Move to "His eyes are gentle..."
- Lafayette
- Move to "..."
His eyes are gentle, but there's a fire in them, a dazzling, yet resolute flame.
- Persist in asking him
- Fersen's Goodwill will fall
- Unlock Knight's Oath
- Think about the question myself
- Fersen's Goodwill will rise
- Unlock Knight's Oath
- Accept right away
- Lafayette's Goodwill will rise
- Unlock Reliance on Loyalty
- Hesitate
- Lafayette's Goodwill will fall
- Unlock Reliance on Loyalty
Expand for script.
- The night is lit up by candlelight.
- Joyous music and laughter can be heard throughout the palace, a sign of the critical success of the conference.
- Years of melancholy has been swept away from Versailles, and the place has regained its past glory. It's just like the way it was when I first got married.
- Deniau: Your Majesty, the banquet is about to begin. Please change into the formal outfit I've prepared for you.
- You: Thank you! You think of everything, as always.
- Deniau: I'm glad to hear you say that. The guidance I've provided for the past few years has taken effect after all, and I have fulfilled my duty.
- You: Thank you. I must have caused you so much worry in the past...
- Deniau: No, don't say that.
- Deniau: In the past, you weren't like a Queen at all, but you were lively and passionate, and far more adorable than any woman in Paris.
- You: ...
- Madame Deniau smiles faintly at me, and I can find no trace of pretence in her stern yet sincere eyes.
- You: (Is this what she's thought of Marie all this while?)
- You: (Yes... if she weren't born in this age, and if she hadn't been married off and sent to another country for political reasons...)
- You: (Marie... would have been able to live out her life the way she would have wanted to.)
- But you can't change the past, and the "Marie" who's taken part in the conference is very clear about that.
- You: It's getting late. We shouldn't let the King and the nobles wait. I'll change now.
- Louis XVI: I rarely take part in such banquets, but I believe that all of you know why I am here today...
- Louis XVI: The reforms will take place, thanks to your support.
- Louis XVI: This victory isn't mine. Nor does it belong to anyone in particular. This is a victory... for France!
- Louis XVI: Of course, I must also thank my Queen.
- Louis XVI: The changes she made, and her support, helped to make all of this a reality... She is the Queen of France, and the pride of Austria.
- Louis XVI: Queen Theresa is no longer with us, but I am grateful to her for sending such a wonderful angel to France.
- Whenever my gaze meets that of a noble, I am greeted by a warm smile.
- The reform may not have been met with support from every single noble, but judging from the attendance today, the future seems promising.
- Fourquevaux: If the reform manages to save the kingdom's finances, I'm sure that France will prosper.
- Fourquevaux: My family and I are proud to be able to do our part for the King and France.
- The other nobles express agreement, and looking upon their smiling faces, I am filled with joy and pride.
- You: (I don't know what the future will hold, but...)
- You: (I've finally accomplished the first step!)
- Fersen: Your Majesty, please say a few words for the attendees. If not, I'm certain you won't be able to leave the hall tonight.
- You: Thank you all, for your support. I really haven't done anything much; merely fulfilled my duty as the Queen of France.
- You: I believe that if we all work together under the guidance of his Majesty the King, France shall head towards a great future!
- You: For the glory of France.
- Lafayette: For France!
- After my little speech, the King announces the start of the banquet.
- People wearing grand clothes mingle in the hall, and there is merriment all round.
- You: Gabrielle!
- You: Why didn't you tell me you've arrived?
- Gabrielle: Your Majesty...
- You: What's wrong? What happened?
- There's a heavy shadow over Gabrielle's beautiful eyes. Despite being surrounded by joyous people, she shows no sign of happiness.
- Gabrielle: There's something... I don't know how to tell you...
- Gabrielle: I am so ashamed of my husband and my family... I promised you and yet...!
- You: It's not your fault... Who would expect your husband to break his promise?
- Gabrielle: Marie... No, I don't think I have the right to call you that, because I've failed to support you when you need me the most...
- Gabrielle: Not only did my husband break his promise, he even used his ties to other noble families to get them to join him in rebelling against the reform...
- Gabrielle: The other family members are blaming me... and say I shouldn't have insisted that they announce their support for the King's reform.
- You: (How is this her fault? Gabrielle looks so upset. I should do something...)
Touch Gabrielle's shoulder
- You: Dear Gabrielle, it's not your fault... Not your fault at all!
- Gabrielle: You're just as kind and gentle as ever...
- Gabrielle's face is ashen, and I can see tears in her eyes...
- Gabrielle: And in the end, I still haven't managed to do anything to help you... I'm sorry.
- Gabrielle: I... I don't think I can be by your side for a long while. I'm sorry...
- Gabrielle: I think I need time...
- Gabrielle: If they find out I'm here, they'll get mad at me...
- Gabrielle: I must go now. Thank you for forgiving me, your Majesty.
Don't touch Gabrielle's shoulder
- You: Sigh...
- Upon hearing me sigh, Gabrielle looks even more upset than ever.
- Gabrielle: I'm so sorry...
- You: Gabrielle, you're not the one at fault. I'm just disappointed in your husband, that's all.
- You: Our top priority is to save France's finances, and we also need to be fair and just to our people...
- You: Even if we don't get money from the nobles, who have enjoyed tax-free lives all along, we can't possibly rob the civilians of their living wages.
- You: I know your family isn't wealthy, but I did hope that they'd support me in terms of principle.
- Gabrielle: I'm useless...
- Gabrielle: When he promised me that day, I was so happy... So happy that I didn't notice that he was lying to me.
- Gabrielle looks utterly miserable, as though I've been reproaching her instead of her husband.
- I realise how I must sound, and just as I'm about to apologise, she heaves a heavy sigh.
- Gabrielle: I'm sorry I won't be able to stay by your side for a long while... I think I need time...
- Gabrielle: If they find out I'm here, they'll get mad at me...
- Gabrielle: I must go now. I hope you have an enjoyable evening, your Majesty.
- You: Gabrielle...
- The laughter and sounds of merriment continue in the hall, but I'm no longer able to appreciate them.
- With heavy footsteps, I quickly depart from the hall.
- It's a moonlit night, and not many stars can be seen.
- The garden is quiet and deserted. Only the rustling of the leaves in the light breeze, and the chirping of crickets can be heard.
- After leaving behind the bustle of the banquet, anxious and unsettled, I finally manage to recover a trace of calm.
- After strolling through the garden for an indefinite duration, I start to think there can't possibly be anyone else around. But then I spot a familiar figure.
- You: (Is that...)
- You: Fersen!
- Fersen: ...Marie?
- You: So you left the banquet too. I thought you and Lafayette would be celebrating our success together.
- Fersen: What about you? You seem troubled... It's the Duchess Polignac, am I right?
- You: How did you know?
- Fersen: I wanted to go congratulate you, but accidentally overheard your conversation...
- Fersen: Please forgive me. I didn't eavesdrop on purpose.
- You: I see...
- He looks so earnest, but somehow, I am unable to say another word. Perhaps I should confide in him, but whenever I try to say something, I just sigh instead.
- He doesn't pressurise me. Silently, he keeps me company.
- Eventually, I lift my head to look at the night sky, and very slowly tell him about what's been on my mind for several days...
- You: I never imagined that a reform would be so cruel...
- You: I thought I made the right choice, and now that I've succeeded, the kingdom's financial troubles will finally be over...
- You: But now I find that this reform isn't necessarily good for everyone.
- You: Since nobles will be taxed more heavily than the commoners, the nobles who aren't wealthy will have to shoulder a huge burden...
- You: I never considered these details, and never thought about how they might feel... I was merely preoccupied with success and what I stood to gain from it.
- You: Heavens...! Just how many people have I harmed, besides Gabrielle?
- Fersen: Marie, this is a necessary part of any reform... You can't possibly please everybody. Not even God can do that.
- Fersen: Even if you were to return to the beginning, you would still support the reform, am I right?
- You: Yes... But I still feel ill at ease. It's as though I've personally ruined people's lives.
- You: Do you think I did the wrong thing, Fersen?
- Fersen: ...
- Shocked that I'd ask him such a question, he regards me carefully, as though he's in deep thought.
- Fersen: I'm willing to do whatever you ask, and will answer whatever question you have...
- Fersen: But I cannot answer this question of yours... Please forgive me, my princess.
- His eyes are gentle, but there's a fire in them, a dazzling, yet resolute flame.
- Persist in asking him
- You: Please... I really hope you'll answer this question.
- Fersen: No matter what?
- You: Yes.
- You: You're the person closest to me, and you understand me best... I want to know how you think.
- His eyes soften, and he lets out a sigh.
- Fersen: I can never resist you... All right.
- Fersen: You are now a real Queen, and when you make a decision, you must accept the consequences of that decision.
- I look at him quietly, and I feel as though he's taken all of my jumbled thoughts and straightened them out.
- You: You are reminding me, that as the Queen, not only do I have great power, but I also have heavy responsibilities... right?
- Think about the question myself
- I close my eyes, try my best to calm down, and repeatedly ask myself the same question.
- You: (Was it the wrong thing to do? Or... did I do the right thing?)
- After asking myself several times, I finally catch a hint of what I really think deep inside...
- You: (If I were to have a chance to do it all again, I'd still make the same choice. It doesn't matter now whether it was right or wrong...)
- You: (The most important thing is, I've already determined that it was the right decision, because it was a decision that had to be made.)
- You: Fersen, I think I understand what you mean.
- I look at him quietly, and I feel as though he's taken all of my jumbled thoughts and straightened them out.
- You: As Queen... I have my own responsibilities too, don't I?
- Fersen: Yes.
- Fersen: I do miss the little princess I remember... but I'm really happy that you are now a Queen who commands respect.
- Fersen: Perhaps you're not aware just how amazing you were during the conference, but I will never forget.
- You: I'm not as wonderful as you say I am, Fersen... I'm just a very ordinary woman.
- Fersen: I guess my princess... no, my Queen won't believe me no matter what I say.
- Fersen: Well then, I will just have to prove my words with action.
- Before I can say a word, Fersen suddenly falls to one knee...
- Fersen: I, Hans Axel von Fersen, do solemnly swear to God...
- Fersen: That I will forever be true to my friend, and that my love shall not waver till the day I die.
- Fersen: In this moment witnessed by God, I am not a count of France, but merely myself...
- Fersen: A loyal knight, dedicating my heart and soul to my one and only.
- Fersen: I believe that, with her assisting the King in his rule, France shall head towards a most glorious future.
- Fersen: I believe that under her protection, the people of France shall be blessed, for she is an angel sent from the heavens.
- Fersen: I swear that I will be her knight, and protect her for all eternity, just as I protect the people of France as a count.
- Fersen: Let God be my witness. I swear to be forever loyal to the Queen of France - the brave and beautiful Marie Antoinette!
- Fersen: My dear Queen, will you accept my oath?
- You: I...
- His sincerity has melted my heart, and I start to tear.
- Every single word sounded so resolute and full of conviction. Even more importantly...
- You: (The one he is swearing this oath to isn't Marie Antoinette, but me as the "Queen" of France...)
- You: Fersen... No, Hans Axel von Fersen...
- You: I accept you as my one and only knight.
- You: I swear to God, that I will never abandon you and the people of France, who have placed their trust in me.
- Fersen: Thank you for your acceptance... my Queen.
- Lafayette: Your Majesty? Why have you come to the garden all alone?
- You: That's what I want to ask you.
- You: You've persuaded so many of the newer nobles to voluntarily contribute to taxes. You are the hero of the tax reform, and a lot of people must be looking for you.
- Lafayette: I've already met the people I should meet, so I had no reason to stay.
- You: You're so stern, no mater what the occasion is. When you were at the banquet, your face was so solemn too.
- Lafayette: I had no intentions of ruining the celebratory mood. If you left the banquet because of me, please accept my apologies.
- He's just as boring and rigid as ever, but his presence seems to reassure me.
- Lafayette: Why did you...
- Looking at Lafayette's astonished face, my lips twitch and I realise I'd inadvertently let out a laugh.
- You: Thank you.
- Lafayette: I don't remember doing anything that you should thank me for.
- You: So many things have happened, and though we don't know if this is the right direction to take, we cannot deny that France is welcoming the winds of change.
- You: But you'll always be you, no matter what... and this reassures me quite a bit!
- His searching gaze is fully focussed on me, as though he's trying to find out what I'm thinking. Such sharp eyes... sharp enough to penetrate my soul.
- Lafayette: Are you... afraid of change?
- You: If the change makes everyone more trusting of me, and more supportive, I think I'll be glad instead.
- You: And my desire to see France head towards a better future remains unchanged...
- You: But I can't deny that I am worried about what's going to happen from now on, and whether things will continue being this rosy.
- You: These changes are good from my point of view... but not everyone thinks the same way.
- Lafayette: I understand.
- Time passes, and after a long while, he speaks again, but in a gentler tone than usual.
- Lafayette: Are you willing to hear me tell a story? About what I experienced during the war.
- You: ...You want to tell me a story?
- Lafayette: Do you think it's inappropriate?
- You: No, I'm just... Kinda hard to imagine you'd do such a thing.
- Lafayette: I've never told anyone stories before. You are my first audience.
- Lafayette: Or perhaps my story won't be interesting, but I really hope that you'll hear it.
- You: ...
- Accept right away
- You: I'm honoured to be the first to hear Lafayette tell a story... Perhaps this is a sort of achievement in itself?
- Lafayette: If that's what you think, I won't deny it.
- Lafayette: But please keep this a secret between us. If my subordinates were to hear of it, I won't be able to face them.
- Hesitate
- After the conversation with Gabrielle, I am completely drained, and it's hard to think of a way to reject him.
- Lafayette: Are you thinking of a reason to turn me down, your Majesty?
- You: How did you know?
- Lafayette: You hesitated for so long, and didn't reply me...
- You: It's not that I don't want to hear your story. It's just that... I'm kinda tired...
- Lafayette: Understood. Please have a good rest, your Majesty. I shall not disturb you any further.
- Lafayette's crestfallen look is unbearable. On impulse, I rush to stop him from leaving.
- You: Wait, Lafayette!
- You: I... I've changed my mind. Perhaps hearing a story will help distract me from my own moody thoughts.
- Lafayette: ...I will do my best to tell it as well as I can.
- He's looking at me, but it's as though he's looking right through me... like his mind is in another place altogether.
- Lafayette: Nothing's ever for certain on the battlefield. When I was in America, I once led my troops in an attack against the enemy, only to run into an ambush.
- You: Heavens...
- Lafayette: We strove to break free of the enemies surrounding us, but just as we managed it...
- Lafayette: My friend, Francis, was injured by a grenade.
- Lafayette: I saw him fall of his horse, and he seemed heavily injured. But it looked like he might live on if someone were to rescue him right away.
- You: Did you... rescue him?
- Lafayette: ...I did not.
- He squeezes his eyes shut, and clenches his fists so tightly that I can see the veins.
- Regret, frustration, self hated... I see these emotions fighting within him.
- Lafayette: Just as I was rushing towards him, Francis lifted his head and yelled at me...
- Lafayette: General Lafayette, leave me!
- Lafayette: He yelled out my title, instead of my name... and in that moment, I made a decision befitting that of a general.
- Lafayette: I still think about the expression on his face back then, and his words...
- Lafayette: Perhaps it's hard for you to imagine, but forcing yourself to abandon your battle comrade is an extremely hard decision to make.
- Lafayette: But even if I were to go back in time, I would still make the same "best" decision...
- Lafayette: And then, with the burden of guilt on my back, I would fulfil my duty and lead my men to battle for the sake of freedom.
- Lafayette: After what you've endured, I believe that you can now understand how I feel.
- His pain is expressed in every single word, and the words hit me like a hailstorm.
- I close my eyes, and ponder it all at length. Once I've digested everything, I ask him a question to confirm my doubts.
- You: The best decision... So, Lafayette, you think that wasn't the right decision to make?
- Lafayette: It wasn't.
- Lafayette: I will never think of it as the right decision... But it was a decision that had to be made.
- There is sorrow and pain buried deep within his eyes, but his figure is just as rigid and stern as ever... If the apocalypse were to happen right before his eyes, he would still fight on.
- You: (Can I ever be as strong as he is?)
- No one can tell me the answer to that.
- But stalling in place would get no results, nor would it lead to any progress.
- I take a deep breath, and silently resolve myself.
- You: No, there is no way to tell if my decision have been right or wrong so far...
- You: But from now on, I will keep making the choices that I deem are for the best, in order to make myself a Queen worthy of my title.
- Lafayette: You don't need to.
- You: Why?
- Lafayette: In my heart, you are already the best Queen that France has ever had.
- Lafayette: Everyone makes mistakes, but not many are willing to admit to their mistakes, or to face up to them.
- Lafayette: Not only are you capable of both... you also have the courage to make things right again.
- Lafayette: You feel worried and lost regarding your decisions because you have a kind and gentle heart.
- Lafayette: Just make the decision you feel you should. The people who believe in you will automatically follow in your footsteps.
- Lafayette: During the conference, you had the support of the King, and won over many of the nobles.
- Lafayette: From now on, I shall continue being strict towards you, and if you were to stray from your rightful path, I swear I will pull you back.
- Lafayette: And if an army of thousand were to stand in your way...
- Lafayette: You are no longer alone. No matter where I am, I will come to your side and protect you.
- You: You are so serious, Lafayette...
- Lafayette: If I weren't serious, I don't think you'd recognise me.
- You: That's true!
- You: I look forward to working together for the future.
- Lafayette: I'm honoured, your Majesty.
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