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After a series of reforms, France was moving towards a brighter future. The king advised me to tour the country so I can see the change for myself.


  • Style: Simple Noble
  • Required: Louis XVI Goodwill Lv. 4, d'Eon Goodwill Lv. 4
  • Companions: Fersen, Lafayette
  • Recommended: Midnight Maiden Set
  • Perfect Score: ~5,275
  • Rewards: 3,000 Gold, 3 Reader's Coupons, Blueprint: Feathered Cap, 1 Gift Material, 1 Crafting Material

Dialogue Choices[]

Note: Changing choices when replaying will cost 5 Stamina

Deniau: Who do you wish to have as your companion?

  • Fersen
    • Fersen's Goodwill will rise
  • Lafayette
    • Lafayette's Goodwill will rise


Expand for script.

  • After several months of dealing with the nobles and tying up the ends of the tax reform, the gloom affecting France is finally fading away...
  • The royal court's reputation has recovered, and has ever surpassed the repute of the Roi Soleil's era.

  • I've been awake even before my wake-up call, and I've been sitting by the window, looking out over the sunlit landscape, in the direction of Paris.
  • Deniau: Your Majesty, breakfast session is almost over, I'll inform the servants to fetch you some food immediately.
  • You: Just a while longer... Will you talk with me for a bit?
  • Madame Deniau looks a little surprised, but she doesn't reject my request. Slowly, she walks to my side.
  • Deniau: His Majesty has already instructed that I am to do my best to help you rest, because you've been working really hard lately.
  • Deniau: But you won't even eat breakfast, and you've been staring towards Paris ever since you woke up. Is there something bothering you?
  • You: I'm just wondering, are the people living a bit better now...? After the sacrifices the royal court has made, is France truly prospering?
  • The Polignac family has fallen. Gabrielle and the rest of her family are now leading simple lives.
  • The opportunity to pray for their redemption isn't a bad thing... If they hadn't lost their riches, they may never have repented.
  • Deniau: I am afraid I am unable to answer your question.
  • You: That's right... I'm sorry for troubling you.
  • Deniau: If you wish to find the answer, perhaps it would be better for you to interact with the people directly?
  • You: A private visit? That is certainly a good idea... Please help me call for a carriage and prepare a change of clothes. I wish to set off as quickly as possible.
  • Deniau: Your Majesty, this is most improper.
  • Deniau: France is currently undergoing a lot of changes, but we don't know if things will change for the better or for the worse, and I understand your worry...
  • Deniau: But for the sake of the King and for France, you must continue living life the way you usually do.
  • Deniau: After taking your breakfast, you must go greet the King, and then visit the other noble ladies...
  • Madame Deniau looks at me sternly, as thought she's considering repeating everything in great detail again, and tell me all about how an ideal Queen should spend her day.
  • You: Oh, yes, I know, I know... I shall do everything I'm supposed to do before I go out. Will that suffice?
  • Deniau: Yes, I am glad you understand that you're supposed to adhere to the usual standards of behaviour. I shall prepare your breakfast right away. Please wait.
  • You: (She's still the same...)
  • You: (But I feel so much more at ease with her around.)
  • Afterwards, I change into a more casual outfit, and prep for the visit.

  • You: This outfit is simple and easy to move around in. I love it!
  • Deniau: The King is concerned about your safety and has informed that you are not allowed to go out alone. Who do you wish to have as your companion?


  • Fersen quickly rushes to my estate, and we get in the carriage and set off for the bustling Parisian marketplace.

  • The marketplace smells of dust and is thronged with people. The merchants yell to advertise their wares.
  • You: This seems a lot livelier than it was the last time I visited!
  • Fersen: After the tax reform, the people no longer suffer from double taxes, and their tax burden has lessened. Hence, their lives are better now.
  • Fersen: The people have been talking about the benefits of the royal family's course of action, and how great a Queen you are. I think you'd like to hear it for yourself.
  • Fersen: And then there's also the land reform! The farmers can now plant various crops without worrying about lack of food. And it's all thanks to you!
  • You: The land reform was conceived after discussions between you all and the King. It's got nothing to do with me.
  • Fersen: If it weren't for the changes you brought about, we wouldn't dare to make such a huge move. So it's all thanks to you.
  • Fersen: And not only this. There's also...
  • Fersen talks animatedly, and his eyes are more dazzling than the sun. I can't help smiling, and I quietly listen to him sing my praises.
  • Fersen: Marie? You haven't said a thing. Did the trip here tire you out?
  • You: Oh, I'm just amused. You're so happy praising me that people might wonder...
  • You: ...if you're trying to gain favour with the Queen of France.
  • Fersen: Oh, does that matter? As long as you're happy, I could praise you non-stop for 8 hours a day.
  • Fersen: I'm so proud of you! Is there another knight in the world who has such a clever and beautiful lady like you to swear fealty to?
  • You: Hahaha... Stop teasing me.
  • You: If you keep going, I might forget what we're here for!
  • Fersen: Yes, your Majesty.
  • Fersen: Where do you wish to go now?
  • You: If we wish to find out the latest news, we should probably look for crowded places, right?
  • You: Hmm... I guess a pub would be a better choice for that compared to the marketplace.
  • Fersen: I'm glad we share the same thought.

  • We walk to a nearby busy pub while discussing the lives of the people.

  • The pub is crowded with people, and Fersen puts an arm around me protectively as we squeeze our way to the bar.
  • Innkeeper: Drinks for you, sir?
  • Fersen: Whisky for me and white wine for her.
  • Innkeeper: Coming right up.
  • Fersen: I'd love to drink brandy with you to celebrate, but white wine suits you better now.
  • I know it's the sensible choice, but somehow I am overcome with a sudden impulse...
  • You: Please give me whisky instead, like what the gentleman is having.
  • Innkeeper: All right.
  • Fersen: Marie, why did you...
  • You: It's a day for celebration! And I want to drink the same thing you're drinking. Well, can't I?
  • Fersen: I'm delighted of course, but it's a strong drink... If you get drunk, I'll be in a spot.
  • You: I think I can hold my liquor. And my knight is here. I think I have nothing to worry about.
  • Fersen: No, you should be even more worried because I'm here...
  • Perplexed, I look at Fersen and notice that his ears have turned red... Just as I'm trying to figure out why he said that, the pub owner serves us our drinks.
  • I finish my drink, and start feeling kinda dizzy. I'm just about to complain to Fersen that the drink's not nice when a conversation between two men nearby caught my interest.
  • ???: Bartender, another round! Put it on Jake's tab!
  • A man with a red face points to the skinny man at his side. The skinny guy widens his eyes.
  • Jake: What? On my tab? Kasso, I don't have the money!
  • Kasso: Heh, I've already calculated everything. The tax I need to pay next time will be lesser and your tax should be less too.
  • Kasso: So to celebrate, why can't you treat me to a drink?
  • Jake: Why must I buy you a drink? Since you're paying less taxes, you can buy me a drink too!
  • Kasso: Oh man...
  • Kasso: Don't be so petty. If poor Constance were to hear you, she'd dump you and run off with the baker.
  • Kasso: Long live the King! No matter how much I drink, I'll still have enough money! Haha!
  • Kasso: They should have started collecting taxes from those nobles a long time ago! Well done, King!
  • Jake: ...
  • Jake: If the King knew that people like you exist, he would regret decreasing your taxes!
  • Kasso: Well, we'd still have the Queen! Don't you know? She was the one who really wanted the nobles to pay taxes!
  • Kasso: If she's around, I'm sure she'd want you to buy me a drink!
  • You: (He should pay for his own drink...)
  • It's a little frustrating to get dragged into someone's bar argument, but now that I've personally witnessed how people's lives have become more stable, and healthier...
  • I feel that all the effort I've put in and all the sacrifices have not been wasted after all.
  • You: This is great...
  • I turn my head towards Fersen and see... two of him!
  • You: Oh, Fersen, I didn't know you have a twin brother. And he looks just like you!
  • Fersen: Erm...
  • You: Hehe! Can I have more of that drink?
  • Fersen: There's still time, but I think it's best to send you back home.

  • With Fersen supporting me, I dizzily make my way to the carriage.
  • I don't remember how I got back to my estate...
  • But Fersen's caring voice on the way back really touched me.


  • Soon, Lafayette arrives at my estate, and we get in the carriage and set off for the bustling Parisian marketplace.

  • You: Lafayette, this sudden request must have disrupted your schedule... Thank you for accompanying me.
  • Lafayette: You're just thinking of the future of France. There's no reason for me to turn it down.
  • Lafayette: And even if you were to ask me for personal reasons... I wouldn't refuse either.
  • You: (Does he mean...)
  • Before I can think further, Lafayette turns to the side and coughs lightly.
  • Lafayette: Anyway, the changes you've made have led to developments towards a brighter future, and everything we see now is proof of that.
  • The marketplace smells of dust and is thronged with people. The merchants yell to advertise their wares.
  • The raw energy and bustle that only a marketplace could possibly have... is infectious, and I am overjoyed.
  • You: This seems a lot livelier than it was the last time I visited!
  • Lafayette: If you take a walk around, you'll find even more to be delighted about... Oh yes, perhaps there's a place you should visit.
  • Lafayette: I believe you'll like the present the people have for you.
  • You: May I know what it is?
  • Lafayette: Let me keep it a secret for now. You'll find out soon enough.
  • The usually stern Lafayette has a hint of a mysterious mirth about him, and I'm even more curious than before.
  • We reach a food cart in the center of the marketplace, and as we draw nearer, I detect a familiar smell.
  • You: (Am I smelling gugelhupf?)
  • Lafayette: Chris, Tres, look who I've brought with me today?
  • There are a few children manning the cart, and when they see me, angelic smiles light up their faces and they bring me a piece of gugelhupf.
  • Chris: Angel of Austria, we made this with all our hearts... Please eat it! We hope you'll like it!
  • Tres: Chris! Are you stupid? You have to call her "your Majesty"! We must be polite! Isabelle said we mustn't be rude!
  • Chris: An angel is an angel, right? Why can't we call her Angel, Tres?
  • Tres: You're hopeless! I give up!
  • Tres: Marquis Lafayette, say something!
  • Lafayette: Well, normally it's polite to call the Queen "your Majesty", but I believe that she's happy to hear you call her"angel".
  • He smiles at me, and his eyes are full of warmth and praise. Smiling, I nod my head, and the children start shouting excitedly.
  • Tres: The Angel smiled! She smiled!
  • Chris: You call her "angel" too! Oh never mind! As long as Miss Angel is happy!
  • Their innocent smiles are so cheery that Lafayette and I exchange grins.
  • You: Chris, Tres, why are you so nice to me?
  • Tres: You helped us at Notre-Dame once! You gave out so much money, have you forgotten?
  • You: Money?
  • I study them earnestly. Their innocent and adorable faces slowly overlap with the face of the skinny malnourished children at Notre-Dame.
  • You: My goodness! You're the children from back then!
  • It's only been a handful of months, but there's been such a huge change in them. If they hadn't reminded me, I might never have recognised them.
  • You: I'm so glad to see you all doing so well... This is wonderful!
  • You: Thank you... I'm really thankful that you've shown me that all my efforts have not gone to waste.
  • Chris: You're welcome! Miss Angel, try the cake!
  • I take a bite, and savour the familiar sweetness... The taste reminds me of my homeland... and of Gabrielle.
  • You: This is so delicious...! How did you know how to make this?
  • Chris: Oh, a lady at the abbey taught us.
  • Chris: She's an angel just like you! Gentle and pretty, and she was so patient when she taught us how to bake these!
  • Gugelhupf, abbey, and angelic and gentle lady... It just might be...
  • Perhaps Lafayette knows more. I glance at him, and he gives me a tiny nod to confirm my guess.
  • Lafayette: A while ago when I was looking into how the people are doing, I made a side trip to the abbey to visit Madame Gabrielle.
  • You: How is Gabrielle...?
  • Lafayette: She's still mostly the same, just that she's seems more stable, and calmer than before.
  • Lafayette: She told me that she can focus on God now, and prays for her family to be forgiven. She feels blessed.
  • Lafayette: She says that she can't do anything for you now. But she prays to God to ask that you'll be happy every day... and she told me to protect you.
  • You: Gabrielle... She's as kind as ever.
  • Lafayette: And then we ran into these children at the entrance of the abbey. I wanted to give them some money to go buy bread, but she stopped me.
  • Lafayette: She told me that it's better to rely on ourselves to earn a living instead of relying on others.
  • Lafayette: So she taught these children how to bake pastries. She also hopes that the people will remember the goodness you've done when they eat them.
  • Tres: Yes, we know how to bake Miss Angel's favourite cakes now, and they're very popular too!
  • You: Oh... Gabrielle didn't have to do all of this.
  • Lafayette: Your Majesty, you have a very good friend indeed. I never had the opportunity to get to know her, but now I know that she is worthy of respect.
  • I take another bite of the cake, and hurriedly wipe away my tears.
  • Chris: Miss Angel, why are you crying?
  • The children's worried eyes move me once again... There are so many mixed feelings within me that I don't even know what to say.
  • I ruffle their hair and think of what I want to tell them... Something very important.
  • You: You are all good friends, so no matter what happens, you must treasure your friendship... okay?
  • Chris: Just like Miss Angel and the other lady Angel?
  • You: Yes, just like us.
  • Tres: All right. If Miss Angel says so, I'll try my best to be friends with this idiot here!
  • Tres: But I've just decided that I'm going to protect Miss Angel from now on! I won't let Chris have that chance!
  • Tres gives me a huge grin, and I pat him on the head. Chris crosses his arms.
  • Chris: Tres! How could you? I want to protect Miss Angel!
  • Tres: No, I'll be the one!
  • Chris: Me! Me!
  • Lafayette: I'll protect her.
  • You: Lafayette...
  • Instead of responding, Lafayette simply turns towards me and...
  • ...gives me gentlest smile I've ever seen on him.