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I need to be decisive to complete the final phase of the reforms, and I know exactly how I can show the royal family's determination!


Dialogue Choices[]


  • Oh, never mind
    • No change
  • I want to know!
    • d'Eon's Goodwill will rise


Expand for script.

  • In the austere church, I feel calm and at peace.
  • It's as though the hymns have washed me clean, and with a fresh mind, I can look forward to a better future.
  • You: May my ancestors and my descendants be blessed by your holiness.
  • You: May the people of France be blessed. May the civilians, the clergy, the nobles, and the royalty enjoy a glorious future together.
  • You: I pray with all my heart, that God will be merciful.
  • Louis XVI: Praised be thy name. Amen.
  • When the long mass and prayers have ended, and everyone else has left, I remain kneeling on the mat and looking up at the image of God.
  • You: My Lord in heaven, when I first arrived in this world, I never asked you for anything.
  • You: I know that I should rely on myself to change my fate... and with your blessing, I am now overjoyed that I have accomplished my goal.
  • You: It's unbelievable...
  • I began remembering everything that has taken place up to now.
  • The conflict with Adelaide, the danger of du Barry's necklace, alms giving... and the conference with the nobles.
  • I know so many people here now. Some of them good, some of them bad... foiled the ambitions of some, and sacrificed the happiness of some.
  • You: France is changing, but I know I still haven't done enough...
  • You: Even if I am unable to make everyone in France have blissful lives, I do hope that at least all the sacrifices do not go to waste.
  • You: My Lord in heaven, I humbly seek thy blessing. Allow me to witness as well as take part in the changes in France, and may your glory illuminate our kingdom.
  • I pray over and over again, hoping that doing so will strengthen my own resolve.

  • The vendors are yelling to advertise their wares as usual, and various people walk by clutching bread and vegetables. They all look happy.
  • You: Blaisdell said that this season's harvest has been good, and people's lives have improved. Looks like it's all true.
  • You: Now they can all eat their fill, and have enough clothes to keep warm. What else can I do for them?
  • ???: You really are always thinking of the people, kind and adorable little bird!
  • You: Who's there?
  • I unconsciously shrink into the corner of the carriage, and look around me nervously, but I see no one.
  • Just as I'm about to pull open the curtains, someone else pulls them open.
  • Suddenly, a familiar face appears in front of me.
  • d'Eon: Good afternoon, your Majesty. I hope I didn't scare you.
  • You: d'Eon? How did you get in here? This carriage is moving!
  • d'Eon: Only the dead are allowed to hear my secrets. Are you sure you wish to know them, your Majesty?
  • You: I...

Oh, never mind

  • You: Oh, never mind then. I don't want to know.
  • d'Eon: What?
  • It's the first time I've seen him look so puzzled, and I can't help laughing out loud.
  • You: Do you wish to tell me your secrets now?
  • d'Eon: Oh, so the little bird likes to play mind games, eh?
  • He observes me for a while and then winks at me.
  • d'Eon: All right, you've won.
  • d'Eon: When you got onto the carriage, I hopped up onto the roof, covered myself with a black cloth, and lay down.
  • d'Eon: From the outside, it just looks like the carriage has a bit more luggage items. Are you satisfied with my little secret, your Majesty?
  • You: Doesn't seem as magical as I thought it would be, I suppose?
  • d'Eon: Your Majesty, it's not quite as effective the second time round, I'm afraid.
  • You: Oh, you've caught me.

I want to know!

  • You: I want to know! I'm just so curious!
  • I clutch my chest with both hands, pretending that I'm in the throes of death. d'Eon stares at me in disbelief.
  • d'Eon: Hahaha!
  • d'Eon laughs for a really long time before he manages to calm down. He winks at me and points to the roof.
  • d'Eon: When you got onto the carriage, I hopped up onto the roof, covered myself with a black cloth, and lay down.
  • d'Eon: From the outside, it just looks like the carriage has a bit more luggage items. Are you satisfied with my little secret, your Majesty?
  • You: Just like magic! How interesting!

  • You: But why are you looking for me? Did the king give instructions?
  • d'Eon: His Majesty is worried about your safety, and has sent me to protect you on the way back to the palace...
  • d'Eon: But I've been way too bored lately, and you've always been rather entertaining, so I felt like playing a little joke on you. I hope you'll forgive me.
  • You: It's okay. Actually, I need to ask someone for advice, and you're here at just the right time.
  • You: What else do you think I can do for the people?
  • d'Eon: Your Majesty has already crafted a fairly comfortable bird cage, right? Just give it time, and the birds of France will fly happy.
  • You: Bird cage, huh...
  • I look out the window at the scenery, and quietly think over d'Eon's fascinating words.
  • He's just speaking the way he usually does, but somehow I feel that there's some deeper meaning hidden in them.
  • You: (If France is a bird cage, what else would be important for the birds apart from food?)
  • A tall and sturdy fortress comes into view. It's the Bastille, the most prominent building in the heart of Paris.
  • The clay colour and the narrow windows look suffocating.
  • You: d'Eon, do you know what it's like inside the Bastille?
  • d'Eon: Of course. That's my back garden.
  • d'Eon: I can tell you all about the secrets of every single occupant, even what time they let out a fart.
  • You: No, no, I just want to know what it's like in there in general... For example, hmm, the environment? And who's in there?
  • d'Eon: Oh, it certainly can't be compared to Versailles, but the Bastille is the most comfortable prison in France, and sometimes I like to nap there.
  • d'Eon: There are only seven occupants, including two mentally ill people and four forgers.
  • You: So few? And they don't sound like serious crimes...
  • You: What about the last person? What did he do?
  • d'Eon: Just a criminal that a beautiful bird shouldn't concern herself with.
  • d'Eon's uncharacteristic hesitation and evasive reply makes me even more curious than ever.
  • You: Can I go in to take a look?
  • d'Eon: Your Majesty, curiosity killed the cat.
  • You: But I'm even more curious now that you've said that. So what kind of place and what kind of person would you be unwilling to talk about?
  • You: Even if I weren't curious, for the sake of the people, and to understand France better, I should go in to take a look.
  • d'Eon: Your Majesty, your status is unsuited for such a place, and it won't be a good thing if you're spotted.
  • You: Who says I have to go in through the front door? If the King were to find out, not only would he object, he'd be worried too...
  • You: But don't think about stopping me. I'm going in there to take a look today, no matter what.
  • You: You just said it's your back garden, so you should know of a secret passage into the place. Am I right?
  • d'Eon: Hmm, but you must promise to work together with me.
  • You: No problem.
  • d'Eon: Then please change out of those eye-catching clothes. Even the most secretive routes won't protect you if you draw attention like that.
  • You: Don't worry. I'm pretty good at changing the way I look.

  • You: It's just like you said. It's clean and comfortable, and doesn't look like a prison at all.
  • d'Eon: Looks like our little bird has finally satisfied her curiosity. I'm glad.
  • d'Eon: If your Majesty is satisfied, we should be heading back to the palace. It's getting late, and we shouldn't let the King worry.
  • d'Eon seems to have lost his usual detachment, and appears rather anxious.
  • Just as I'm about to ask him some questions, out of the corner of my eye I notice a head at the bars of a room.
  • The person excitedly waves at us.
  • ???: Oh, look! Look! What a beautiful angel!
  • ???: I am Sade, and I've waited all my life to meet one as beautiful as you.
  • Sade: If you're willing to tell me your name, I'll die with no regrets!
  • You: You...are certainly very bold, but unfortunately, I cannot tell you my name.
  • He gives me a curious look, but when his eyes shift to d'Eon, they look lifeless and dull.
  • Sade: That perfect figure, and those enchanting eyes! Oh, anyone standing next to you would lose all their charm.
  • d'Eon: ...
  • He keeps heaping compliments on me, but I realise that for the very first time, d'Eon seems to have lost his usual humour.
  • d'Eon: Your Majesty, may I kill him?
  • You: What? Of course not!
  • d'Eon: He's not worthy of your sympathy at all. His uncontrolled lust has tainted countless men and women.
  • Sade: No, no, no, my beautiful angel, how could you call such a wonderful thing a "taint"?
  • Sade: And everyone was wiling. I've never forced anyone!
  • d'Eon: I believe that all the beautiful birds in the world will thank me if a twisted pervert disappears from the face of the earth, your Majesty.
  • You: (I guess d'Eon often gets these passionate overtures when he comes to his back garden!)
  • You: But I can't approve of that, because he hasn't done anything to warrant death.
  • d'Eon: Too bad. It was such a great change to improve the future of women... no, everyone in France.
  • d'Eon: If you won't let me kill him, your Majesty, then let us leave him now! I'm afraid if he says any more, I might kill him on impulse.
  • You: All right then, let's go look elsewhere.
  • Under d'Eon's guidance, I take a look at everyone imprisoned here.
  • This might be the best prison in all of France, but I can tell from their eyes and their words, that they long for freedom.
  • You: This prison seems to have lost its original purpose... Is there really a need to hold these petty criminals captive?
  • d'Eon: That is up to you and the King.
  • You: Perhaps... we could use a better mode of punishment, so that we can give them a chance to turn over a new leaf.
  • You: But I guess that would require a fair bit of money too!
  • d'Eon doesn't reply. Instead, he just listens quietly.
  • I think about it for a while, and after considering every detail, I finally make up my mind.
  • You: Let's go back now. I want to see the King immediately.
  • d'Eon: I guess you've made a decision, your Majesty?
  • You: Yes, if there's anything more I can do for the people of France, I guess it's...
  • You: Tear down the Bastille.
