Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Recollections Icon

"Everything you have experienced in a storybook is recorded in Recollections... Head over to Recollections to check them out!"

Recollections is a feature that is accessible upon clearing Chapter 2 of Chapter Quest, and provides an overview of each story and clothing item available in the game. Please view each individual story to access the personalized information for the story.

A list of the available books thus far in the game can be found at the Story Desk.

Set Pictures[]

Here, players will be able to see all the clothing sets the book has. At the top right corner of each set picture, players can see how many pieces of a set that they currently own. Once all the pieces in a set are owned, the set picture will no longer be black and white. Depending on the set, players will also receive a completion reward of either 3000 Gold Gold or 100 Diamond Diamonds upon completing the set.

Tapping on each set picture will allow players to see the set and its respective clothing parts in more detail. Thereafter, players can also choose to set the clothing set as a crafting target by tapping on the "Set as target" button on the bottom left.


The Album is a record of all the album art (also known as CGs) available in the book, and are collected as players progress through the book's story.

Tapping on a collected album art allows players to see the animated album art as shown during the story, as well as the title and description of said album art. Players can also download a still version of an album art at a higher resolution by tapping the download arrow on the top right.


See also: Relic Vault

The Relics tab allows players to view the CG image, and description of the book's relics in greater detail. However, unlike the Album, there is no option to download the image. Instead, players can tap on the image to hide the UI and description to take a screenshot.

It should be noted that relic upgrading is only available via the Lantern, where the relics' stats and skills can also be viewed.

For images of individual Relics, see Relic Photos and Awakened Relic Photos.


See also: Companions

Companions are key characters that players meet as they progress through the book's story. Interacting with companions at the Lantern and raising their Goodwill levels will unlock a total of five exclusive quotes from them. Tapping the question mark on the top right will bring up a short biography of the companion.

The only books with the Companion tab available are Queen Marie, Magic Lamp and Gotham Memoirs. Since Swan Lake, companions no longer have exclusive quotes.


Keepsakes are collectible objects given by companions for reaching certain goodwill levels. Tapping on a keepsake will show the description of the keepsake, as well as the gifter of the keepsake.

The only books with the Keepsakes tab available are Queen Marie, Magic Lamp and Gotham Memoirs. Since Swan Lake, companions no longer give out keepsakes.

Event Log[]

The Event Log records relevant information for each book. Event logs are often classified under five different categories: Characters, Event, Locations, Item, and Others.

It should be noted that some books may not have all five categories, or may not even have Event Logs altogether.

My Collection[]

Here, players will be able to see all the non-story items the game has (except Cat Clothing), including My Collection sets, Society sets, Single Items and also Album pictures from the minigame Kitty Tea Party, after they have finished the jigsaw puzzle and collected the completed picture.

Album arts from the following stories are also featured here:

Harmonic Scale[]

The Harmonic Scale is a feature that was added to the game on the March 7th, 2023 update.

By playing through stories and collecting Recollection items such as clothing sets, album arts and event logs, players will be able to level up their Harmonic Scale and earn bonus attributes to scene and style tags (similar to Time Academy). Collecting different Recollection items will allow players to accumulate six different types of bubbles called Harmonic Notes, which corresponds to the following Recollections items. The amount of points per Recollection item is as below:

  • Set Pictures (i.e. Clothing items)
    • 1-star clothing: 50 pts
    • 2-star clothing: 100 pts
    • 3-star clothing: 150 pts
    • 4-star clothing: 200 pts
    • 5-star clothing: 300 pts
    • 6-star clothing: 550 pts
  • Album Arts: 300 pts
  • Relics
    • 3-star Relics: 300 pts
    • 4-star Relics: 500 pts
    • 5-star Relics: 800 pts
  • Companions: 150 pts
  • Keepsakes: 100 pts
  • Event Logs: 50 pts

The rewards for each level can be seen in the Level Bonus tab after tapping on the Harmonic Scale. Note that once a level has been completed, it will disappear from the Level Bonus preview tab, but the total bonuses obtained from Harmonic Scale bonus can still be viewed.

The rewards for each Harmonic Scale level are as shown below:

Scale Level Rewards
1 Simple +50
2 Grand +50
3 Scene Court Dance +50
4 Formal +50
5 Charming +50
6 Scene Afternoon Tea +50
7 Cooling +50
8 Warm +50
9 Scene Gilded Age +50
10 Elegant +50
11 Perky +50
12 Scene Astounding Episode +50
13 Noble +50
14 Gentle +50
15 Scene Foreign Scenery +50
16 Fierce +50
17 Sweet +50
18 Scene Magical Adventure +50
19 Sensible +50
20 Casual +50
21 Scene Wondrous Journey +50
22 Simple +50
23 Grand +50
24 Scene Oriental Fantasy +50
25 Formal +50
26 Charming +50
27 Scene Styled All Over +50
28 Cooling +50
29 Warm +50
30 Scene Romantic Poem +50
31 Elegant +50
32 Perky +50
33 Scene Starry Legend +50
34 Noble +50
35 Gentle +50
