Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
Dress Up! Time Princess Wiki
See also: Category:Relics

Relics are tools that enhance clothing scores. Each relic is associated with two styles. However, unlike clothing items, they are not associated with a story tag.

Relics can be obtained by raising the Goodwill level of a companion to 5 (with the only exceptions being Xiaojing and Huo Lan). After obtaining the first copy of a relic, any duplicate copies will be automatically converted into shards, which are used to Enhance Skill or Awaken the relic. Players can obtain up to five additional shards from levelling companions' Goodwill levels, and any additional shards afterwards can only be obtained via Lucky Jerry pulls or trading at Lovecraft's Shop.

It should be noted that the game will always recommend a relic that matches both tags, even if it has a lower rarity or has not been upgraded. In most cases, using 5-star relics is the most ideal due to their skill set as compared to their lower rarity counterparts, even if only one style tag matches, as their skills boost the scores of all clothing, and further boosts them depending on the respective companion's Goodwill level, and if the clothing matches the respective style tags. The only exception to this rule is Caesar.

However, strengthening all relics is extremely resource-heavy, especially at higher relic levels, and is usually not recommended for newer players as a result. Thus, a common strategy is to choose five 5-star relics that covers all ten style tags, so that players will have a solid foundation for achieving Perfect scores in stages, even if only one style tag matches.

For more details on possible 5-star relic teams and style tag matching, see the Time Princess Discord's Relic List by Sera and Styles Master List.

Strengthening Relics[]

Players can increase the Style Score of relics by upgrading them using potions to increase their levels. At every 20 levels, players can use Stardust to increase the level cap of the relic. The maximum level of any relic is Level 120.

Players can also use any additional relic shards they have to Enhance or Awaken a relic. Unlike upgrading, enhancing a relic will raise its skill level (up to a maximum of 10), which will in turn increase clothing scores in stages.

Level No. of Shards Required
1→2 1
4→5 2
5→6 3
6→7 5
7→8 6
8→9 8
9→10 10

On the other hand, awakening a relic increases style points by a fixed amount, depending on the rarity of the relic. Awakening a specific relic requires 10 relic shards, and the relic must be upgraded to at least level 50. Unlike upgrading and enhancing, awakening can be done only once.

Awakening a relic will also unlock a new relic artwork. A full collection of awakened relic artworks can be found here.

Relic Rarity Point Increase
5 1,700
4 1,300
3 900

Relic Skill Types[]

All relics will have a standard skill set that falls under the following, depending on their rarity. Known exceptions include:

Relic Rarity Skill Type
(except Caesar)
  • Add % to the base score of clothing
  • Add 3% to the base score of [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items
  • Base score for [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items increases by 3.0% each time the companion's Goodwill increases by one level
(except Achilles)
Option 1:
  • Add % to base score of [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items
  • When wearing [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items, the base score for tags increase by %

Option 2:
Note: Caesar has this skill set instead of the typical 5-star skill set

  • Add % to base score of [clothing category] item
  • Wear 3 items(s) from same set, and base score for [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items will increase by %
(except Xiaojing and Huo Lan)
Option 1:
  • Add % to base score of [Tag 1] and [Tag 2] items

Option 2

  • Add % to base score of [clothing category] item

For specific relic information, see the individual relics and their respective companion pages below, or search through the relics here.

Queen Marie Relics[]

Perfume Bottle[]

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Relic Gabrielle

Gabrielle's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Charming Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Wow the Crowd

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Charming and Elegant items
  • Base score for Charming and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Gabrielle's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Gabrielle values friendship and deeply treasures this bottle of perfume from Marie. Every whiff of its scent bears their memories and sincerest friendship.

Flintlock Pistol[]

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Relic Lafayette

Lafayette's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Warm Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Bullet of Passion

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Dress item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Warm and Simple items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: This gun from his father was the only thing supporting Lafayette throughout his wars in America. Every scratch on the gun is a proof of honor and hardship.

Ebony Violin[]

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Relic Fersen

Fersen's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Gentle Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Dream Fantasia

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Gentle and Grand items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Gentle or Grand attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Whenever Fersen plays this violin from his hometown, he thinks of Sweden's forests, lakes, and sky. Every familiar note is a reminder of that cozy home.

Gentleman's Sword[]

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Relic d'Eon

d'Eon's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Simple Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Gentile Blade

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Fighters win through strength, while gentlemen win through skill. When it comes to swordsmanship, d'Eon is always graceful, confident, and strikes with ease. A perfect gentleman.

Eagle Crest[]

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Relic Louis XVI

Louis XVI's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Noble Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Legend of France

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Hairstyle item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: "May you have sharp eyes and strong wings like that of an eagle. May you become the best ruler of France." Louis XVI wears this crest all the time as a reminder of his ancestors' teachings.

Porcelain Teacup[]

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Relic Blaisdell

Blaisdell's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Grand Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Golden Tears

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Handheld item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: "Wine is excellent for socializing, but tea is best enjoyed alone." Despite his busy schedule, Blaisdell will always take some time in the afternoon to make himself a cup of rich, fragrant tea. As he sips his tea, he enjoys his rare moment of peace and helps himself to re-energize.

Magic Lamp Relics[]

Cryolite Bracer[]

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Relic Light

Light's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Cooling Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Apocalypse

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Cooling and Simple items
  • Base score for Cooling and Simple items increases by 3.0% each time Light's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Cryolites are loved by fire magicians for their magical powers. This bracer is very well-made and was possibly crafted by a mysterious magic smith. It may have something to do with Light's past as he always keeps it by his side.

Dawn Blade[]

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Relic Kahir

Kahir's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Noble Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Scimitar Dream

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Noble and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Noble or Formal attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Kahir's trusty sword is a perfect masterpiece made by a master swordsmith. It has exquisite workmanship and a sharp blade engraved with the Fatih family crest, symbolizing his status as royalty.

Snake Wand[]

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Relic Chapur

Chapur's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Grand Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Midnight Pact

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Shoes and Socks items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Grand and Charming items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Chapur's magic wand that is enveloped with the aura of dark magic. The gems that form the eyes of the snake emit a sinister glow, as if they're hiding a dark secret.

Bejeweled Pipe[]

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Relic Sinbad

Sinbad's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Warm Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: High Stakes

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Sinbad's favorite pipe made of quality nephrite jade and embedded with precious stones of various colours. He likes to spend time remembering his amazing adventures while enjoying some tobacco.

Flowerbird Tambourine[]

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Relic Scheherazade

Scheherazade's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Elegant Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Oasis Call

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Bracelet item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The Queen's favorite folk instrument that originated from the Western Provinces. It features illustrations of birds and flowers, colorful ribbons, and jingles with a clear, crisp sound. It is used in the traditional tambourine dances of the Western Provinces.

Gotham Memoirs Relics[]

Lacquered Golf Club[]

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Relic Davis

Davis' Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Gentle Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Full of Vigor

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Charming items
  • Base score for Gentle and Charming items increases by 3.0% each time Davis's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Davis loves inviting a few friends over to his personal gold course on sunny mornings. It's not about the winning, it's about the sweat and adrenaline he gets when swinging is trusty silver golf club.

Silver Engraved Lighter[]

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Relic Vittorio

Vittorio's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Noble Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Deep in Thought

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Top item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Noble and Charming items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: A few sparks jump in the dimly lit room, accompanied by swirls of smoke. Vittorio lowers his gaze, expression unreadable. Deep in thought, he rubs the silver engraved lighter in his hand.

Aviator Helmet[]

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Relic Charlotte

Charlotte's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Elegant Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Defender of the Skies

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Elegant and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Elegant or Formal attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: After flying across the ocean, Charlotte was hailed as an outstanding female aviator by the major newspapers. However, she dislikes the title. To her, flying only consists of her dreams and her longing to be in the sky.

Voice of Conviction[]

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Relic Diane

Diane's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Grand Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Assured Victory

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of the Pants/Skirt item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: While taking the Prosecutor's Oath, Diane wore a blank and cold expression. Gripping her microphone tightly, she is reminded yet again that only a person with power can hope to eradicate crime in New York.

Gold Pocket Watch[]

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Relic Kane

Kane's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Cooling Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Desired Ending

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of the Hair Accessory item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Kane entered the press industry when he was young, and this pocket watch was his only companion through the ups and downs. While the watch has maintained its elegance through the years, Kane has since lost his fiery passion.

Swan Lake Relics[]

Moonlight Quill[]

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Relic Aldous

Aldous' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Simple Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Chapter of the Swan

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Noble items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Noble attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: On the first moonlit night of the curse, Aldous changes back into human form. He makes a quill from a pure white feather, using it to record his days as a swan.

Owl Mask[]

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Relic Audwin

Audwin's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Elegant Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Beneath the Facade

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Mask item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Elegant and Noble items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Perhaps due to Audwin's weakened state after invoking the curse, he only finished half of the mask. He made a bet with himself then, that nobody will want to see the face underneath.

Helen of Sparta Relics[]

Nature's Melody[]

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Relic Apollo

Apollo's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Grand Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Enchanting Tune

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Grand and Warm items
  • Base score for Grand and Warm items increases by 3.0% each time Apollo's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Apollo's treasured possession. He love strumming his lyre during moments of respite. His magical tunes have the power to heal the sick and bring life back to withered flowers.

Brave Blade[]

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Relic Achilles

Achilles' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Perky Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Lighting Strike

  • Raise the basic scores of Perky [and] Noble items in the Fantasy Fair by 6.9%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

This skill only works in the Fantasy Fair. The skill percent is higher to compensate for the limited use.

The skill seems to have a typo and does not specify "or" or "and" for the skill's styles.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Achilles credits his success to the blade gifted to him by the King. It has seen him through many battles, and has many nicks as Achilles does scars.

Romy and Julius Relics[]

Rose Pendant[]

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Relic Julius

Julius' Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Formal Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Rosy Hope

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Formal and Gentle items
  • Base score for Formal and Gentle items increases by 3.0% each time Julius' Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: A lonely Julius fights against a Verona enveloped in hatred. But the rose pendant he keeps with him supplies him with strength. Julius thinks that the pendant may soon welcome a new owner.

Holy Blessing[]

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Relic Laurence

Laurence's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Warm Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Silent Prayer

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Noble items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm or Noble attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The unlimited possibilities of science make waves in Laurence's heart. He delights in medical progress that can help heal and save more of the sick. Yet he also believes strongly that this is a holy blessing.

Shadows of London Relics[]

The Dark Crystal[]

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Relic Priscilla

Priscilla's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Grand Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Glimmering Stars

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Grand and Noble items
  • Base score for Grand and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Priscilla's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The Crystal of Truth reflects the moonlight, leading Priscilla to uncharted places. She blinks and smiles suddenly, without a trace of nostalgia.

Precious Train Ticket[]

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Relic Roger

Roger's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Sweet Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Journey to Find Myself

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Sweet and Noble items.
  • Base score for Sweet and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Roger's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Roger Evans knows he was born in Constantinople, but he has no memory of that city. Despite purchasing a ticket to travel there, he has yet to make the journey.

Black Gloves[]

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Relic Edward

Edward's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Warm Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Abyss Research

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Elegant items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm or Elegant attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Edward is always mild mannered. He's calm and meticulous, judging with mechanical precision where the next stroke of his knife shall land. He puts on his black gloves and smiles slightly, blending into the darkness.

Classic Umbrella[]

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Relic Vincent

Vincent's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Charming Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Poetic Lament

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Handheld item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Charming and Cooling items will increase by 1.6%
    • These percentages will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: A drizzle envelops the tombstone in a fine mist. Classic umbrella in hand, Vincent attends the lonely memorial. The Requiem sounds, getting louder and louder. Who is singing a song of lament for him?

Little Women Relics[]


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Relic Friedrich Bhaer

Friedrich's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Simple Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Voice of the Stars

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Gentle items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Gentle attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The stars tonight seem brighter than usual. With the compass as his guide, Friedrich looks to the galaxy's greatest mysteries. Will he uncover the meaning of life or the eternal truth?

Ruby Ring[]

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Relic Franklin Lee

Franklin's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Perky Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Elite Director

  • Add 24% to the base score of Ring item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Beneath the cloudless sky, Franklin does not see himself in the ruby's reflection. What he sees is Broadway's biggest up-and-coming star.

Phantom of the Opera Relics[]

Ghastly Mask[]

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Relic The Phantom

The Phantom's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Cooling Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Darkness Strikes

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Cooling and Elegant items
  • Base score for Cooling and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time The Phantom's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: When the Phantom wears the mask, he seals his craving for happiness in darkness. His immeasurable talent does nothing to save him from misfortune, but turns him into a tyrant instead.

Liberty Spyglass[]

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Relic Raoul

Raoul's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Afternoon Tea

Style: Formal Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Exploring the Unknown

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Formal and Warm items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Formal or Warm attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Aristocratic society is dull and doesn't excite the curious and passionate Raoul. He enjoys sailing the seas and exploring mysteries. Just like the spyglass in his hand, he is always gazing into the unknown future.

Taishō Adventures Relics[]


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Relic Kuroko Sato

Kuroko Sato's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Formal Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Prayer Blessing

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Formal and Cooling items
  • Base score for Formal and Cooling items increases by 3.0% each time Kuroko Sato's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The paper inu-hariko has shielded Kuroko Sato from many disasters, protecting her throughout her childhood. Though she is all grown up now, Kuroko still keeps it by her side as she can't bear to return it to the shrine.

Crane Fan[]

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Relic Akira Suzuki

Akira Suzuki's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Simple Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Foresight

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Charming items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Charming attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Akira Suzuki's fan is more than a keepsake; it represents his ideals. In this bustling and mundane world, this is his reminder to himself to take things slowly, and face everything with a smile.

Military Blade[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Masaya Hino

Masaya Hino's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Grand Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Protecting Ideals

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Shoes item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Grand and Cooling items will increase by 1.6%
    • These percentages will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Masaya Hino's military blade was fashioned after the Kiri blade of the Heian period. Taking into account the cost and practical concerns, it was mass produced. Each time Masaya swings his blade, he is reminded of his sacred duty.

Saga of Viera Relics[]

Stalwart Bow[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Emilio

Emilio's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Perky Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Excellent Marksmanship

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Perky and Grand items.
  • Base score for Perky and Grand items increases by 3.0% each time Emilio's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The arrows in the quiver gleam brightly. Emilio picks out the most suitable one, draws his longbow, and tightens the bowstring. Determined and confident that he'll hit the enemy with a single arrow, he gazes into the depths of the jungle.

Sword of Faith[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Reuel

Reuel's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Elegant Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Sword Protector

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Elegant and Grand items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Elegant or Grand attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The sword mirrors Reuel's determined face under the golden sunlight. Despite his usually calm demeanor, this high priest will cut down anyone to protect those he loves.

Abyssal Blade[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Salvia

Salvia's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Simple Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Swift Assassin

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Formal attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The dagger's edge gleams as danger approaches. A flash of the blade spills blood on the ground. Salvia puts a finger to her lips, signaling the girl to stay hidden and silent.

Tang Dynasty Hunter Relics[]

Refined Tang Sword[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Xie Cheng

Xie Cheng's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Perky Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Frost of Longquan

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Perky and Noble items
  • Base score for Perky and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Xie Cheng's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: This sword is a precious family heirloom that has witnessed the rise and fall of the Xie Family. Xie Cheng accepted this precious sword in place of his brother, who could not learn martial arts. His family's honor now rests on his shoulders.

Precious Jade[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Chu Yunqing

Chu Yunqing's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Perky Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Gentlemanly Behaviour

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Charming items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Perky or Charming attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: This piece of jade is imbued with the power of the sea. It was entrusted to Chu Yunqing before he left the East Sea.

Immemorial Resonance[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Wen Lengxiang

Wen Lengxiang's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Cooling Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Phoenix of Fortune

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Cooling and Gentle items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Cooling or Gentle attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Although it is ancient, this zither's notes are still as melodious as ever. Wen Lengxiang takes care of it every day, and caresses its strings every night. Hidden within its melody is a distant memory filled with sorrow.

Si-woo's Sight Relics[]

Bloodied Ribbon[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Choi Hyun-woo

Choi Hyun-woo's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Simple Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Engulf

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Simple and Elegant items
  • Base score for Simple and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Choi Hyun-woo's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The overcast sky adds to the solemn atmosphere as Choi Hyun-woo caresses the green ribbon in his hands. Though the blood on it has long since darkened, he can still clearly imagine the owner's smiling face.

Exorcist's Pendant[]

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Relic Ha Jin-hyuk

Ha Jin-hyuk's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Grand Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Power of Legacy

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Grand and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Grand or Perky attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Ha Jin-hyuk makes his way through the crowd, searching for that lingering ghostly trace in the bright sun. His sweat drips onto the pendant on his chest, the light reflected from it illuminating his passionate heart.

Princess Sissi Relics[]

Blade of Sincerity[]

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Relic Ryszard

Ryszard's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Perky Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unsheathed Blade

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Perky and Formal items
  • Base score for Perky and Formal items increases by 3.0% each time Ryszard's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: He draws his blade for his peoples' happiness, for the Habsburg family's honor, and for his love, slicing through the obsolete and the darkness.

Flames of Faith[]

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Relic Ida

Ida's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Warm Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Liberty & Freedom

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Charming items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm or Charming attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The gunshot ringing in the air is Ida's shout for freedom. With determination and courage, she will overcome every obstacle in her path.

Lady's Grace[]

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Relic Helene

Helene's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Warm Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Pleasing Presence

  • Add 24% to the base score of Necklace item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: No one can resist a proper lady's charms, and Helene can always make others feel at ease. However, no one knows the struggles she hides behind her fan.

White Snake Relics[]

Jade Snake[]

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Relic Xiaoqing

Xiaoqing's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Simple Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Hairpin of Love

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Simple and Noble items
  • Base score for Simple and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Xiaoqing's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Twin jades intertwine, as flood dragons frolic with one another. Whenever she's alone at night, Xiaoqing always reminisce about the times they've spent together. Nothing matters more to her than protecting those sentiments.

Bamboo Umbrella[]

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Relic Xu Xian

Xu Xian's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Perky Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Misty Sentiments

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Gentle items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Perky or Gentle attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Thoughts of her come to mind as he watches the rain, giving the misty scene a touch of sweetness. It's Xu Xian's first exchange with Miss Bai. He has always praised her medical skills, and has unknowingly grown fond of her.

Dancing On Ice Relics[]

Figure Skates[]

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Relic Honda Itsuki

Honda Itsuki's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Warm Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Charismatic Dance

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm and Perky attributes, the base score for corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The dancer glides to the beautiful music, and Honda bows to the audience from the ice. Flowers and gifts shower the once-brilliant figure skating star.

Faded Photograph[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Nastia

Nastia's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Gentle Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Past Memories

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Gentle and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Gentle or Formal attributes, the base score for corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Nastia looks at the lovely couple in the faded photograph, and she seems to travel back to a time where the world shone without her.

Have You Seen Claudia? Relics[]


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Relic Layla MacKenna

Layla MacKenna's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Simple Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Paranormal Novel

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Simple and Formal items
  • Base score for Simple and Formal items increases by 3.0% each time Layla MacKenna's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Layla loves stories written with typewriters, as well as stories involving typewriters. She used a typewriter to create her very own fictional world.

Copper Handcuff[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Joshua Jonas Schultz

Joshua Jonas Schultz's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Cooling Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Outstanding Police Chief

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Pants/Skirt item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Cooling and Elegant items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Joshua procured this set of rusty handcuffs from a flea market in Chicago. To him, clamping handcuffs on criminals might be what gives him the greatest sense of achievement as a police officer.


Expand to see Relic info.

Relic H. H. Holmes

H. H. Holmes' Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Simple Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: A Doctor's Heart

  • Add 24% to the base score of Shoes item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Holmes is never without his scalpel. He claims that he brings it everywhere with him because he's a doctor, but that doesn't mean it is used to save lives.

Whispers of the Rain Relics[]

Inky Pentip[]

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Relic Takahashi Koichi

Takahashi Kōichi's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Formal Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Harsh Truth

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Formal and Warm items
  • Base score for Formal and Warm items increases by 3.0% each time Takahashi Kōichi's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: It's raining outside. Seated at the desk in the living room, Takahashi Kōichi grips a pen under the light. The raindrops falling on the paper smudge the ink, but are not capable of erasing the harsh truth he has written.

Scarlet Lipstick[]

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Relic Eguchi Ayano

Eguchi Ayano's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Cooling Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Night Light

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Cooling and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Cooling or Perky attributes, the base score for corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: It's late at night. Eguchi Ayano stumbles into the small restroom and shuts the noise out. Gazing into the mirror under the dim light, she quickly touches up her lipstick, and a trace of a smile creeps into her cold gaze.

Cleopatra Relics[]

Laurel Wreath of Glory[]

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Relic Caesar

Caesar's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Formal Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Conqueror's Hooves

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Hairstyle item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Formal and Noble items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The people presented a laurel wreath to the conqueror and treated him as Rome's uncrowned king. However, it was not enough to satisfy his thirst to conquer those distant lands that he's already set his eyes on.

Sage's Whispers[]

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Relic Sosigenes

Sosigenes' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Simple Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Enlightened Heart

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Elegant items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Elegant attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Can wisdom solve a person's life problems? It was something Sosigenes had asked himself countless times. He often reflected on the books he read, and listened to the words left behind by sages. His love for wisdom will never wane, even if he cannot find an answer.

Falconstrike Bow[]

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Relic Arsinoe

Arsinoe's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Elegant Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Soaring Falcon

  • Add 24% to the base score of Earring item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: A falcon symbolizes courage and power. With this bow in hand, Arsinoe shot down birds from the sky, and sent arrows into her enemies' chests. She is fearless, decisive, and strong, and will never change.

The Sacred Beast Relics[]

Spear of Justice[]

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Relic Yasmin

Yasmin's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Simple Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: In My Father's Name

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Simple and Perky items
  • Base score for Simple and Perky items increases by 3.0% each time Yasmin's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The spear decorated with exquisite motifs used to be her father's, which was passed down to Yasmin after his death. It contains her father's wishes, and guides her down the correct path.

Sands of Time[]

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Relic Yazdan

Yazdan's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Noble Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Time Observer

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Noble and Grand items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Noble or Grand attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The great changes a massive rock faces as it erodes to sand over time is engraved upon every particle. By observing the moving sands within an hourglass, Yazdan is able to glimpse the prophesied future.

Concealed Sentiments[]

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Relic Reza

Reza's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Foreign Scenery

Style: Cooling Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unspeakable Gratitude

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Earring item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Cooling and Formal items will increase by 1.6%
    • These percentages will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Reza collects scrolls, bringing them everywhere with him even though the parchment has turned yellow, and the edges have frayed. After all, he's the only one who knows the massive weight of the sentiments recorded within.

Ancient Dreams Relics[]

Sacred Beads[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Huo Shao

Huo Shao's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Grand Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Thoughts of Life

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Grand and Elegant items
  • Base score for Grand and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Huo Shao's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Sacred, with a will of their own. They have considered countless philosophical questions, and ways to deal with the sorrows of the world. The man named Huo Shao have given them an answer: as long as one cares for the world, mere words are of no substance.

Bronze Figurine[]

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Relic Pei Jingli

Pei Jingli's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Elegant Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Worldly Aid

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Bracelet item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Elegant and Gentle items will increase by 1.6%
    • These percentages will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Eroded by time, the bronzeware has long rusted, having seen all the changes in life. As the world is filled with kindness, it is also full of cruelties. Times change, and Pei Jingli has treated all equally for a long time. No one knows when his heart has ever been touched.

Lucky Revolving Vase[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Xiaojing & Huo Lan

Xiaojing & Huo Lan's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Perky Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unwavering Purpose

  • Raise the basic scores of Perky [and] Noble items in the Fantasy Fair by 6.9%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

This skill only works in the Fantasy Fair. The skill percent is higher to compensate for the limited use.

The skill seems to have a typo and does not specify "or" or "and" for the skill's styles.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The heart creates, just as it remembers. They are sisters who have gained human forms because of their fixations. Having gone through much suffering, they've realized peace is the simplest wish but it is also the hardest.

Ghost Manor Relics[]

Stone of Wisdom[]

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Relic Finn Burna

Finn Burna's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Formal Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Reverie Shore

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Formal and Elegant items
  • Base score for Formal and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Finn Burna's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: While strolling along the beach, Finn picks up a stone that rolled in with the waves. He ponders the origin of the stone as he caresses the lines on it caused by erosion.

Tulip's Whisper[]

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Relic Ryan Bergmann

Ryan Bergmann's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Simple Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Floral Language

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Hair Accessory item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Simple and Cooling items will increase by 1.6%
    • These percentages will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Basking in the streets of Tulipe, Ryan silently recites the flower language of bicolor tulips - a fated encounter with you.

Engraved Brooch[]

Expand to see Relic info.

Relic Helen

Helen's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Grand Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Flashing Memories

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Grand and Charming items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Time erodes memories. Helen has forgotten many events for a long time, except when she received this vintage brooch from her spouse.

Imperial Cup[]

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Relic Old Earl

Old Earl's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Charming Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: For the Family

  • Add 24% to the base score of Ring item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Even after centuries of turmoil and manor ownership transfers, the family glory contained in this commemorative cup will always retain its prestige in the eyes of Old Earl.

Kingdom of Beasts Relics[]

Shackle of Fate[]

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Relic Aaron

Aaron's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Perky Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Desperate Miracle

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Perky and Charming items
  • Base score for Perky and Charming items increases by 3.0% each time Aaron's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: They are born in a world with no place for them. Identifying characteristics of beasts. Placed on Aaron by fate. He was oppressed because of the shackle, but it is also the reason why he met someone worth pursuing.

Silverspine Whip[]

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Relic Olive

Olive's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Noble Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Dancing Whip

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Noble and Cooling items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Noble or Cooling attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The silver whip hanging from Olive's waist has an iron spike and is made from tough animal tendons. She uses it to defend herself and protect others. Having faced numerous crises, she knows that the only person she can rely on is herself.

Dark Surge[]

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Relic Duke Cyrus

Duke Cyrus' Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Charming Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Silver of Peace

  • Add 24% to the base score of Handheld item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Conflicts between rulers will always arise before the people have time to forget the horrors of war. When the dark tide rises, only the people will recall the brief period of peace brought about by Cyrus Langston.

House of Horrors Relics[]

Defective Pocket Watch[]

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Relic Anson

Anson's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Noble Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Straying Consciousness

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Noble and Elegant items
  • Base score for Noble and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Anson's Goodwill increases by one level

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Times force the watch hand to move according to its whims, leaving spots on the watch's surface as it attempts to make its existence prominent. Anson stares at the pocket watch in his hand, before silently hiding the secret of time in the darkness once again.

Pine Wood Bracelet[]

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Relic Zacharias

Zacharias' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Noble Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unwavering Conviction

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of the Bracelet item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 items from the same clothing set, and the base score for Noble and Simple items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Though the handmade wooden bracelet appears crudely made, the edges of the wood have been carefully polished until they're round and smooth, as if to prevent the bracelet from injuring the wearer. Zacharias always wears the bracelet, and he gets a distant look in his eyes whenever he stares at it.

Mottled Hunting Rifle[]

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Relic Coiseam

Coiseam's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Perky Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Silent Shot

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: An old hunting rifle. Its scratched surface has been wiped clean. Coiseam still remembers her father's gentle expression when she first received the rifle, as well as her joy upon touching it. This rifle is her source of courage whenever she's in danger.

Spring Sonata Relics[]

Love Concerto[]

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Relic Lee Seung-chan

Lee Seung-chan's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Warm Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Musical Resonance

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Gentle items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm or Gentle attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: No one knows what Lee Seung-chan is thinking as he sits quietly by the piano with his eyes lowered. The story in the music score remains hidden in the piano keys while he remains silent.

Wooden Bow[]

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Relic Park Yoon-ah

Park Yoon-ah's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Perky Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Melody of Freedom

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Grand items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The neon lights join in, glowing with her music as Park Yoon-ah stands out on the wide street despite her small stature. Playing music is her way of sharing her thoughts with the world.

Trendy Times Relics[]

Perfect Palette[]

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Relic Alain

Alain's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Charming Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 31-32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Perfect Colors

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Charming and Cooling items.
  • Base score for Charming and Cooling items increases by 3.0% each time Alain's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Alain incorporates his observations and feelings about the world into his paintings, and believes that there is nothing wrong with idealism. After all, life is short, and you have the right to choose how you want to live.

Crystal Cup[]

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Relic Gary

Gary's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Grand Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Treasured Memories

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Bracelet item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same cloting set, and the base score for Grand and Gentle items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Time never stops for anyone. Stories accumulate as years go by, and he's learned to let go, holding on to only his most treasured memories.

Charismatic Lipstick[]

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Relic Isadora

Isadora's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Simple Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Lady in Charge

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Gentle items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: No matter how much gossip there is about her, she believes in being true to herself.

Gourmet's Journey Relics[]

Summer Lotus[]

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Relic Liansheng

Liansheng's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Simple Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Koi Among Lotus

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Skirt item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Simple and Gentle items will increase by 1.6%
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Rain falls on the lotus leaf, and a fresh breeze blows in from the lake. Liansheng peeks out from under the lotus leaf, staring into the distance with longing.

Tiger Tally[]

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Relic Siqing

Siqing's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Formal Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Vast Territory

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Dress item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: "For peace and the people." While Siqing possesses a powerful tiger tally, he has never wavered from his true purpose for participating in this power struggle.

Miss Kitty's Antiques Relics[]

Illusory Foxfire[]

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Relic Yuta

Yuta's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Cooling Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Burning Worlds

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Cooling and Noble items.
  • Base score for Cooling and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Yuta's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: A turquoise flame appears in the depths of darkness. The foxfire illuminates Yuta's face, making him appear aloof and mysterious.

Forbidden Spell[]

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Relic Tenho

Tenho's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Elegant Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Cursed Name

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Elegant and Gentle items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Elegant or Gentle attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Even against the nine-tailed fox, one of the Supreme Four, Tenho remains calm and collected as he casts the spell. There is no fear in his eyes, only barely contained excitement of being up against a strong foe.

Wicked Fox Mask[]

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Relic Yuga

Yuga's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Romantic Poem

Style: Charming Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Despotic Ways

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Perky items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The powerful nine-tailed fox doesn't kill indiscriminately. It's not because he's kind, but to Yuga, lives that do not belong to nine-tailed foxes aren't worth his time.

Hela's Compass Relics[]

Blade of Redemption[]

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Relic Tammy

Tammy's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Simple Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Road of Redemption

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Socks items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Simple and Formal items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: This sword is the only thing that has kept Tammy company in this lonely world. She used to have someone more important than the sword by her side, but that person has been lost to her for good.

Ocean Essence[]

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Relic Neil

Neil's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Charming Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Raging Undercurrents

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Warm items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Countless scientific mysteries and dangerous secrets are hidden within the azure waves of the ocean. Meanwhile, the sapphires on Neil's cufflinks come from the depths of a certain ocean trench.

Golden Age Relics[]

Night's Radiance[]

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Relic Felix Bailey

Felix Bailey's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Grand Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Treasured Confidant

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Grand and Cooling items.
  • Base score for Grand and Cooling items increases by 3.0% each time Felix Bailey's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: In the darkness of disillusion, there is always a glimmer of hope.

Bramble Crown[]

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Relic Marie de' Medici

Marie de' Medici's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Charming Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Crowning Moment

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Noble items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Charming or Noble attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Pearls, gems, and golden vines adorn your hair. Behold, the resplendent civilization will be set atop your crown.


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Relic Madame Geoffrin

Madame Geoffrin's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Court Dance

Style: Simple Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unforeseen Glow

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Warm items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Keep asking questions, and you will see the light of truth emerge from the darkness. The book in your hand is the best weapon in the fight against ignorance.

The Perfect Storm Relics[]

Pirate Flag[]

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Relic Vane

Vane's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Charming Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: No Mercy

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Charming and Grand items.
  • Base score for Charming and Grand items increases by 3.0% each time Vane's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Merchants, navy and pirate hunters alike shiver on seeing Vane's flag. The blood red colour means one thing: no mercy. Vane designed the anchor and monster insignia himself. Only those closest to him know its real significance.

Lucky Tricorne[]

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Relic Read

Read's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Perky Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Pirate's Life

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Noble items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Perky or Noble attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Read has lived many lives with many different identities. The one thing that has always stayed by her side is the now weather-beaten tricorne. Hinting of both danger and beauty, the kraken brooch glimmers in the sunlight.

Weather-beaten Notebook[]

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Relic Keats

Keats' Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Cooling Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Boundless Curiosity

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Head Accessory item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Something fascinating catches Keats' eye. His eyes alight with passion. He takes out his notebook, and his hands fly across [its] pages, filling them with his observations, ideas, hopes and hypotheses.

Code: Whalefall Relics[]

Graffiti Bullet[]

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Relic Z

Z's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Warm Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Lucky Charm

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Warm and Noble items.
  • Base score for Warm and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Z's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The cold metal is covered in brightly colored drawings. The colors are vivid in rain or shine, chasing away all darkness. It once lost its color, but now has regained its meaning.

Perfect Disguise[]

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Relic Mitchell

Mitchell's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Cooling Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Hunter's Gaze

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Hairstyle item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Cooling and Perky items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The soft, dense fabric brushes against cold, hard knuckles. An elegant, grand melody can be heard from afar, every beat perfect. Is it a disguise? Or is it hiding a secret?

Crimson Sakura[]

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Relic Yukari

Yukari's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Charming Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Sakura Dance

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Noble items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The blade is wielded with conviction and strength, sharp and bright as snow. It can cut the hardest thing in the world, but is unable to do a thing against soft and delicate things, such as tears.

Moving Mountains Relics[]

Wolf Fur Brush[]

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Relic Gu Yin

Gu Yin's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Elegant Gentle

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Inked Sincerity

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Elegant and Gentle items.
  • Base score for Elegant and Gentle items increases by 3.0% each time Gu Yin's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Writing day after day is a matter of ambition, persistence and sincerity. Every time he lifts the pen, he is deathly serious.

Jade Flute[]

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Relic Luo Jiuhua

Luo Jiuhua's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Formal Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Melodic Flute

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Necklace item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Formal and Elegant items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The gentleman polishes his own jade flute, full of hidden love.

Floral Fan[]

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Relic Shen Jiaojiao

Shen Jiaojiao's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Oriental Fantasy

Style: Simple Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Elegant Consideration

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Noble items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: She must always follow the minute details of polite behavior. They are like a cage she cannot escape from. She wishes she could abandon these rules, but she would never abandon being the daughter of a minister.

Sisters of the Sea Relics[]

Sacred Crown[]

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Relic Linore

Linore's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Gentle Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Cage Escape

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Simple items.
  • Base score for Gentle and Simple items increases by 3.0% each time Linore's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The azmarine crown atop Linore's head symbolizes her status as Azurnon's envoy. Nobody understands the burden that accompanies the crowning glory.

Azurnon's Trident[]

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Relic Elias

Elias' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Grand Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Mighty Azurnon

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Grand and Formal items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Grand or Formal attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Elias is bound by duty to guard Azurnon's Trident. It's a responsibility as heavy and complex as the ocean.

Kinship Tears[]

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Relic Lucas

Lucas' Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Magical Adventure

Style: Noble Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Where She Waits

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Noble and Elegant items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The azmarine bracelet dangles from Lucas' fingertips. Its cool surface brushes against the skin, and sends a message straight to his heart, reminding him of the one in the Sacred Hall.

The Apothecary Relics[]

Lorelei's Song[]

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Relic Tate

Tate's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Gentle Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Dissonance

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Warm items.
  • Base score for Gentle and Warm items increases by 3.0% each time Tate's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: His lute attracts attention, but his singing will drive all to despair.


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Relic Clement

Clement's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Grand Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Devoted Messenger

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Grand and Cooling items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Grand or Cooling attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The owl conveys the words he is unable to express, and flies to where he cannot reach.

Meowgic Potion[]

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Relic Morgana

Morgana's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Simple Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Broken Dreams

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Formal items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: She's sealed her past and all her secrets in a single bottle.

Lunar Legend Relics[]

Clock Key[]

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Relic Clara

Clara's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Charming Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Slipping Sand

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Charming and Noble items.
  • Base score for Charming and Noble items increases by 3.0% each time Clara's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: A clock key Clara uses to wind her mainsprings. Hold it between your fingers and rotate gently, and watch as nature sprouts again.

Gear Goggles[]

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Relic Arnold

Arnold's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Warm Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Seeing the World

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Handheld item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Warm and Noble items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The gear goggles Arnold wears on his hat allow him to see everything that happens in the Iron Forest.

Dowsing Pendulum[]

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Relic Bodwin

Bodwin's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Formal Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Aura Detection

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Formal and Noble items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: A dowsing pendulum Bodwin created with magic to search for Colleen's presence. Nothing matters more to him than gaining Colleen's approval.

The Moravia Express Relics[]

Card Deck[]

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Relic Cortland Rask

Cortland Rask's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Warm Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Royal Flush

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Warm and Simple items.
  • Base score for Warm and Simple items increases by 3.0% each time Cortland Rask's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: To Cortland, life is like a game of cards. Whatever his hand, he knows he always has a chance of winning. All he has to do is observe his opponents calmly, and perhaps intimidate them with a smile.

White Satin Gloves[]

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Relic Eirene Primrose

Eirene Primrose's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Cooling Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Lady's Shackles

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Cooling and Formal items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Cooling or Formal attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Eirene has always been taught to wear gloves to protect her hands and to present herself as a perfect lady. But rebellious thoughts slowly creep into her head, urging her to break the rules.

Black & White Cufflinks[]

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Relic Renard Keller

Renard Keller's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Elegant Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Proof of Love

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Elegant and Cooling items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Renard's cufflinks are simple, elegant, and rather expensive. Those who know him would recognize that these aren't his usual accessories. Could they be a gift from someone close to him?

Dominic's Disappearance Relics[]

Jude the Obscure[]

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Relic Jacques

Jacques' Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Warm Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Hidden Fragrance

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Warm and Elegant items.
  • Base score for Warm and Elegant items increases by 3.0% each time Jacques' Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: In the night, nobody knows his true name, and nobody asks what he does. Only in this moment is he truly himself.

Antique Shears[]

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Relic Alkin Rhodes

Alkin Rhodes' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Formal Noble

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Blades of Time

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Hairstyle item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Formal and Noble items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: He buries the past, and holds back for years, waiting for the right moment to shine again.

Unfettered Coos[]

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Relic Leo

Leo's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Gentle Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Wings of Freedom

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Gentle and Charming items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Freedom is his unspoken wish, and a future he won't give up.

Heartwood Mysteries Relics[]

Duty's Remembrance[]

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Relic Damian

Damian's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Noble Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Authority of the Law

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Noble and Formal items.
  • Base score for Noble and Formal items increases by 3.0% each time Damian's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: A military officer during the war, Damian's father taught the detective everything a person should aspire to: principles, resilience, and determination. Damian carries his father's dog tag with him as a reminder to keep to those values.

A Cherished Memory[]

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Relic Allen

Allen's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Gilded Age

Style: Perky Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Resilient Optimism

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Perky and Simple items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Perky or Simple attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Behind Allen's joy and optimism lies an old heartache in the form of his mother. He has a photograph of her in his chest pocket to keep her close to his heart. He hopes that she can look at him with pride wherever she is.

Mysteries of Zentico Relics[]

Volcanic Detective[]

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Relic Esteban

Esteban's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Gentle Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Incinerating Thoughts

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Perky items.
  • Base score for Gentle and Perky items increases by 3.0% each time Esteban's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: As the world was about to come to an end, he still gazed at the faint but blazing flame.

Wheel of Destiny[]

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Relic Rafael

Rafael's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Charming Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Reversal of Nature

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Grand items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Charming or Grand attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: When the wheel of fate turns, no one can resist the surging tide that comes.

Rose Rider[]

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Relic Della

Della's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Astounding Episode

Style: Noble Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Forceful Strike

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Noble and Cooling items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: She walks on the edge between life and death, where the boundary is as blurry and twisted as the world in her eyes.

Showdown in Glitter Rise Relics[]

Wolf Bracelet[]

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Relic Wapi

Wapi's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Starry Legend

Style: Perky Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Wolf of the Soul

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Perky and Cooling items.
  • Base score for Perky and Cooling items increases by 3.0% each time Wapi's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: This wolf bracelet has accompanied Wapi for many years. It has been polished over time to a rich and deep luster, and constantly reminds the wearer of the wolf within them.

Worn Hat[]

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Relic Alexia

Alexia's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Starry Legend

Style: Simple Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Shadowed Heart

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Head Accessory item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Simple and Formal items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: This hat may be old, but it has accompanied Alexia for many years. It can still shield her from the scorching sun and keep out the wind and sand, just like what she does for others.

Hand-drawn Map[]

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Relic Sam

Sam's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Starry Legend

Style: Gentle Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Path of Pursuit

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Gentle and Warm items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Sam always stars at this hand-drawn map alone, as each mark on it is a remnant of the past. If it is no longer possible to communicate in person, one can only follow the traces left behind.

Magpie Tower Relics[]

Mysterious Messenger[]

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Relic Lee Ha-jun

Lee Ha-jun's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Gentle Cooling

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Listen Closely

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Cooling items.
  • Base score for Gentle and Cooling items increases by 3.0% each time Lee Ha-jun's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: The mysterious messenger arrives silently and listens to your unspoken troubles.

All-Purpose Cleaner[]

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Relic Song Ga-eun

Song Ga-eun's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Warm Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Spick and Span

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Necklace item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Warm and Grand items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Clearing a mind filled with negativity is as important as cleaning a cluttered room.

Enchanting Music Box[]

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Relic Kim Seon-woo

Kim Seon-woo's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Styled All Over

Style: Simple Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Miracle of Dance

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Elegant items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: A dreamlike melody rises to illuminate the night with radiant aspirations.

Infinite Shimmer Relics[]

Antique Tarot Cards[]

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Relic Selene

Selene's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Charming Simple

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Fortune's Whisper

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Charming and Simple items.
  • Base score for Charming and Simple items increases by 3.0% each time Selene's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Selene's painted nails flash as she shuffles the cards. The Fool dances past the Magician. The Lovers intertwine. Death encircles the World. In our chaotic lives, the cards give Selene a sense of control.

Double Helix Coding[]

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Relic Theos

Theos' Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Simple Warm

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Creator's Curse

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Simple and Warm items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Simple or Warm attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The strands of coding shine as they weave and swirl around each other. It has no breath, no soul or heart. But it holds the power to bring an idea to life. What compelled him to make it?

Tantalum- Hologram Heart[]

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Relic Novi

Novi's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Phantom Light

Style: Elegant Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Waking Dream

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Elegant and Formal items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: The sculptor said "I will carve a man who is made of dreams, a glorious figure made of light, untouched by time or fate."

The Underground City: Stirring Shadows Relics[]

Key of Proverbs[]

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Relic Yates

Yates' Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Gentle Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Upholding Justice

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Gentle and Grand items.
  • Base score for Gentle and Grand items increases by 3.0% each time Yates' Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Light cannot distinctly refract off this ancient key, giving it an air of reservation and silence, as if harboring profound secrets. This trait closely resembles its owner — Yates

Elixir of Vengeance[]

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Relic Ren

Ren's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Charming Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Corrosive Liquid

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Charming and Elegant items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Charming or Elegant attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: The potion container is compact and exquisite, ideal for carrying anywhere. Ren never leaves it empty when on the move. Despite its unassuming appearance, the potion always exudes a dangerous color.

Dual Blades of Rebellion[]

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Relic Ranae

Ranae's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Warm Grand

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Unstoppable Might

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Warm and Grand items.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • When wearing clothing items that have Warm or Grand attributes, the base score for the corresponding tags increases by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: In addition to Ranae's flame-like long hair, her black-and-white dual blades also tend to inspire awe. Whenever the sharp blades cut through the silent air, Ranae's gaze becomes even more determined. She knows exactly what she must do.

Spatula of Courage[]

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Relic Apolonia

Apolonia's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Gentle Perky

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Complete Eradication

  • Add 2.4% to the base score of Gentle and Perky items
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: Apolonia's helmet and cloak appear to have been with her for a long time. Both bear traces that time cannot erase. However, the giant spatula in her hands, despite its weapon-like appearance, still looks new. Apolonia only uses it to stir food as she enjoys watching steam rise from black moss soup.

Twilight's Crown Relics[]

Steadfast Devotion[]

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Relic The Liontaur

The Liontaur's Relic

Rarity: S5

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Warm Charming

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 382
  • Style Scores will increase by 32 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Seeds of Hope

  • Add 4.0% to the base score of clothing.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Add 3.0% to the base score of Warm and Charming items.
  • Base score for Warm and Charming items increases by 3.0% each time The Liontaur's Goodwill increases by one level.

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,700 points

Description: Even if his body is imprisoned and his soul is bound, he will personally present her with the bouquet of his devotion and hope.

Sisterly Affection[]

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Relic Ophelia

Ophelia's Relic

Rarity: S4

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Grand Elegant

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 273
  • Style Scores will increase by 22 points each time the level is raised

Skill: Lost Heart

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Shoes item.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"
  • Wear 3 item(s) from the same clothing set, and the base score for Grand and Elegant items will increase by 1.6%.
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 1,300 points

Description: Two sisters were forced to separate, like a heart being split in half. One half is left with unhealed scars, while the other has been consumed by flames.

Honest Appraisal[]

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Relic Christian

Christian's Relic

Rarity: S3

Scene Tag: Scene Wondrous Journey

Style: Gentle Formal

  • Level 1 Style Scores: 197
  • Style Scores will increase by 16 points each time the level is raised

Skill: The Weight of Trust

  • Add 24.0% to the base score of Handheld item
    • This percentage will rise when players "Enhance Skill"

Awaken: Awakening will increase both Style Scores by 900 points

Description: If money is the measure of the value of goods, what is the measure of the value of a person's trust?

