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The Swan Prince tries to stop Audwin, and reveals a heavy secret. The two men are actually...


  • Style: No dress up component
  • Rewards: 3,000 Gold, 1 Reader's Coupons, 1 Gift Material, 1 Crafting Material

Dialogue Choices[]

Note: Changing choices when replaying will cost 5 Stamina

I finally know the truth. But Aldous shouldn't be held responsible for the suffering that Audwin went through.

  • Reprimand him
    • No change
  • Sympathize with him
    • Audwin's Goodwill will rise


Ferdinand: Ow..Who hit me? Come out! We'll settle this in a duel!

(Ferdinand massages his head as he glares at his surroundings in anger and confusion.)

Ferdinand: What the...these are my men! What have you brutes done?

You: Ferdinand?

Edward XII: My child, you might have knocked a few screws loose from his head. Why is he accusing us when he's the one who started it?

You: I didn't hit him hard....did I?

Ferdinand: Are you accusing me now? Wait till my father hears of this! We will destroy all of you!

You: You've done that already! Take a good look at the soldiers around us! How many of them are yours? You led yous soldiers to attack my castle during my wedding, and now you want to pretend you don't know anything?

Ferdinand: What nonsense are you saying? When have I attacked your castale? I am clearly in my own kingdom!

You: You're standing in my ballroom, you fool!

Ferdinand: I-- Why am I here! Someone tell me what's going on!

(He stamps on the floor angrily. It seems like he really doesn't know. This is so weird.)

Chief Minister: Prince Ferdinand, please refrain from making such jokes. You did invade us with your soldiers. Everyone here can attest to that.

Ferdinand: T-that is just absurd!

Edward XII: Since you are unable to explain yourself at the moment, I welcome you as our guest. The truth will reveal itself in time.

Ferdinand: Do you take me for a fool? You want to keep me here as a hostage!

Edward XII: Regardless, it's better for you to remain here.

You: Indeed. We still can't tell if you are lying or if you have truly lost your memory.

Fedinand: I won't stoop so low as to spout lies like th-

Audwin: Enough! I have neither the time nor the mood to listen to your bickering. Signy, don't forget, it's our wedding today.

You: How can we continue with the ceremony when the ballroom is in such a mess?

Audwin: Who cares? I won't mind if we return to the forest this very moment.

Edward XII: You're the one who showed up late! Today's wedding is canceled. You can't take Signy away!

Audwin: Your words don't matter. Just ask your daughter. Who's the one that saved your country?

Edward XII: I'm fully aware that it was your crows that saved us. However, you were also ready to attack us at any time.

Audwin: Heh, Glad that you know your place. Signy, let's go. Don't even think of escaping. You're well aware of the consequences.

(He closes the distance between us, and I feel my blood run cold. Will I be spending the rest of my life in that gloomy tower...?

Aldous: Audwin, enough!

(Aldous' voice suddenly rings out from the crowd. This seems like the first time he's calling Audwin by name.)

Aldous: Stop this right now! I will not marry Signy, stop tormenting her.

You: You...?

Audwin: My decision to marry Signy has nothing to do with you. You think too highly of yourself. Signy is mine.

Aldous: Audwin, do you really want to take everything from me? You can torture me all you want, but Signy is innocent! Why do you have to hurt her? Leave her out of this! It's not fair!

Audwin: Fair? Life has never been fair to me.

Aldous: I understand your anger and hatred. That's why I don't mind bearing this curse you've put on me. However, that's not a reason to hurt others.

Audwin: Reason? What about the reason for abandoning me? Because twins are deemed as bad omen? Because I was born just a moment later-- Were they reasons to confine me to that dark and forsaken tower for my entire life? Tell me, where is the fairness in that?

You: (Th...they're twins!?)

Aldous: Father and Mother believed in the sorcere's hogwash...but they always felt guilty about it. They would leave home for periods at a time. It was only until much later-- When I saw you, that I realized they had been visiting you in secret.

Audwin: Visit me? I've never seen them once. and I couldn's care less. I don't need your tears. They've always sheltered you from the exils of this world. If not for our kingdom's demise and my accidental release, you wouldn't even know of my existence. We are essentially the same, but you're always the protected one. A loser like you. How ridiculous.

Aldous: I do not expect you to forgive me. Do what you want with me, but leave the others out of it. Besides, you've already witnessed the destruction of our home and placed this curse on me.

Audwin: Is's YOUR home, not mine. I don't feel anything for the place. Do you know why I cursed you to turn into a swan when day breaks? I want you to feel an endless cycle of hope and despair. Just imagining your pain at the break of every dawn...HAHAHAHA!

( I finally know the truth. But Aldous shouldn't be held responsible for the suffering that Audwin went through.)

You: Audwin...I know that you're that little boy in your story, and that those were your childhood experiences....

Audwin: Oh? Are you pitying me? I don't need any of that. How pathetic. I don't need anyone's sympathy.

You: No, Audwin. I understand that you don't need any sympathy. What you need is some love. Aldous is your older brother...Things shouldn't have turned out this way.

Audwin: I don't need this ''brother'' who stole everything from me. Look at him, he can't even be bothered to say my name.

You: Your relationship with him has been marred by too many events neither of you had control of. There's no meaning in fighting one another like this. Twins should be the closest to one another.

Audwin:...Stop making it sound so tragic. What has already happened cannot be undone.

Aldous: Audwin, we should settle this between us. Stop bringing others in. If you insist on doing so, then don't blame me for--

Audwin: Ha, you have no right to order me around. As I said before, only I make the rules here.

You: Aldous!

(Aldous suddenly pulls out a dagger steeped in poison. However, the sharp dagger tip isn't pointed at anyone but himself.)

Audwin: Hoho, are you thinking of ending your life in desperation? Or perhaps-- You would exchange your life for Signy's freedom? Alas, your life is worthless to me.

Aldous: Audwin, nothing is absolute in this world. Since our tragedy came about because we are twins-- Let's make use of it to put an end to everything.

You: Aldous, just what are you planning to do?

Aldous: As twins, our fates are interwined. Audwin, you saved yourself the day you saved me. And you shall die with me if I end my life now.

You: So that's what you had in mind? You're going to sacrifice yourself for my sake? No, Aldous, you can't do this!

Audwin: Nonsense. Did you actually think I would believe you? If such a curse really exists, how can I not know of it?

Aldous: I have to thank you for allowing me to return to human at night. I went through all the written records in the palace about twins, and learned of an ancient curse. We'll know the answer soon enough, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Goodbye, my Princess. May you find your happiness.

Audwin: In any case, death is the worst that can happen. Do you think I'm afraid of that?

You: Stop! This is too crazy! I'm not letting you do this! No!
