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Jeanne is forced to accept the Queen's judgement, but does not repent. She later slanders the Queen in her memoirs.


  • Style: No dress-up component
  • Rewards: 3,000 Gold, 600 Exp, 1 Reader's Coupon, 1 Lantern Gift Box, 1 Clothing Materials Box, Sultry Vibes

Dialogue Choices[]

Oh I will, Madame, but now is not the time. Let's talk about you instead.

  • Talk your way out
  • Scold him


Expand for script.

  • Pitter patter--
  • It sounds like the neverending rain in London. That gloomy weather I once complained about...
  • The dim light of dusk makes me open my eyes reluctantly. The damp air and filthy water drops are slowly eating their way into my bones.

  • That scoundrel, d'Eon! How dare he abduct me and drag me back to France!
  • Jeanne: Guard! Guard! Tell your master I want to see him!
  • Jeanne: Do you hear me? Are you deaf?!
  • Jeanne: To imprison here without any proof... How dare he!
  • d'Eon: Ugh, I despise such dreary places. The air here is terrible!
  • That irritating voice again! Does he really think I will stay here and let him judge me? How laughable.
  • d'Eon: Oh, poor Madame. It's only been a few days, but your skin has already turned dull!
  • d'Eon: The air here is not fit for any person.
  • d'Eon: But you're a criminal, so let's just say it's part of your punishment.
  • Jeanne: But Monsieur d'Eon, I am no criminal.
  • d'Eon: Oh my. You do know my name?
  • d'Eon: You truly are a cunning one, Comtesse de la Motte.
  • Jeanne: Oh Monsieur, your guards paid me no heed, but they sure do talk a lot.
  • Jeanne: Perhaps you should imprison them for their impudence.
  • d'Eon: Oh I will, Madame, but now is not the time. Let's talk about you instead.

Talk your way out

  • Jeanne: Monsieur, a wise man like yourself would not let me suffer such an injustice.
  • d'Eon: You're denying your involvement in the matter?
  • Jeanne: If you're referring to the matter of the diamond necklace, then yes. I've been wrongfully accused.
  • Jeanne: I would have never known such a treasure existed if you hadn't mentioned it!
  • d'Eon: Looks like you're still unwilling to speak the truth.
  • d'Eon: It's alright. I'm a patient man.
  • d'Eon: Let's talk about another necklace then.
  • D'Eon pulls out a familiar locket necklace, the one I used to prove that I was the Queen's friend.
  • Jeanne: That is the Queen's necklace.
  • Jeanne: Yes, it's been tucked away in my things.
  • : You certainly confessed easily to that.
  • Jeanne: Well, you found it in my London villa, didn't you? There's nothing to hide.
  • Jeanne: I bumped into the Queen and the Duchess Polignac at the jewelry store, and picked it up when Her Majesty dropped it.
  • Jeanne: I visited the Petit Trianon to return it to Her Majesty, but her guards stopped me.
  • d'Eon: I've heard about this, yes.
  • Jeanne: You can ask those guards to vouch for me.
  • Jeanne: I didn't get to meet the Queen, and I didn't dare hand over something so expensive to the guards.
  • Jeanne: And so the necklace was left in my possession.
  • d'Eon: And so you flaunted it.
  • Jeanne: Monsieur, no! This is a huge misunderstanding!
  • Jeanne: I admit that I bragged a little, but it was a moment of weakness which I deeply regret.
  • Jeanne: I did nothing else.
  • d'Eon: You sly trickster. What a perfectly crafted story.
  • d'Eon: I spent so much time tracking you down.
  • Jeanne: It is the truth, Monsieur. You must prove my innocence.
  • d'Eon: Poor little cuckoo... I feel sorry for you.
  • d'Eon: But your despicable husband has abandoned you in your time of need.
  • Jeanne: Ah... my husband... I haven't seen him since that day.
  • Jeanne: He must have escaped...
  • I act like I'm heartbroken, hoping that d'Eon will take pity on me.
  • He pulls out a letter instead.
  • d'Eon: I feel sorry for you indeed. Not only did that husband of yours flee when I was busy apprehending you--
  • d'Eon: He even sent me a letter exposing your crimes.
  • d'Eon: He wrote about your deception of Rohan, your impersonation of the royal family, and your brilliant scheme...
  • I quake with rage. Nicholas de la Motte... you terrible man! You'll face my wrath!
  • Jeanne: Monsieur d'Eon... I never thought things would get this far. I confess that I have lied.
  • Jeanne: This was all my husband and Cardinal Rohan's doing!
  • d'Eon: Are you concocting yet another story?
  • Jeanne: Monsieur d'Eon, please! You must believe me! It was a moment of weakness... and I couldn't disobey my husband--
  • d'Eon: Enough, sly cuckoo. You might have a lovely voice, but I have no interest in wasting any more time.
  • d'Eon: Perhaps it's time for the Queen herself to pass judgement on you.
  • Jeanne: No, Monsieur, please listen!
  • d'Eon: Three days of confinement, and you're still as energetic as ever.
  • d'Eon: Perhaps you need to be properly "welcomed" to the prison before the Queen comes.
  • d'Eon's eyes glint with ferocity. I turn my head to see the torture devices laid out...

Scold him

  • Jeanne: You'd better let me go or you'll be sorry! You strange man... woman... whatever you are!
  • d'Eon: You foolish cuckoo. You don't understand your situation.
  • d'Eon: Bring those things in. I need to give the Comtesse a proper prison "welcome".
  • He gives the guards a terrifying order. They start bringing in smoking hot irons and thick rope...
  • Jeanne: You devil! You can't do this to an innocent lady!
  • Jeanne: I am Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy! A royal descendant!
  • d'Eon: The House of Bourbon does not have a descendant like you.
  • d'Eon: If your grandfather were still alive, he would be utterly disgraced by you.
  • Jeanne: How dare you question my noble bloodline!
  • d'Eon: If only you had been content with being a cute little cuckoo... perhaps you could have retained your dignity as an aristocrat.
  • d'Eon: But you dreamed too big. You just can't face reality.
  • Jeanne: Reality? Hah! You couldn't find the person who framed the Queen, so you slandered me!
  • Jeanne: You oaf! God will certainly punish you!
  • d'Eon: Looks like you're not going to confess. And here I wanted to conserve my energy.
  • d'Eon: Now I have to be more... persuasive... to get your confession.
  • Jeanne: What?! What are you going to do to me?
  • He brings the hot iron closer to me. Is that the smell of burnt flesh?
  • Jeanne: Put that down, you fool!
  • d'Eon: Are you willing to tell the truth?
  • Jeanne: Yes, fine, I will! Just take that thing away!
  • d'Eon: Hmm?
  • The red iron draws closer, and I can feel the searing warmth...
  • Jeanne: This has nothing to do with me! But I know the truth!
  • Jeanne: It was my husband, Nicholas de la Motte! He helped the Cardinal communicate with the Queen to weasel his way into his good books.
  • d'Eon: Are you slandering Her Majesty now?
  • Jeanne: This is what Nicholas told me! I'm not clear on the details!
  • Jeanne: Those two vile men could have taken advantage of the poor Queen! They're the deceitful ones here!
  • d'Eon: Haha... you and the Comte are perfect for each other.
  • d'Eon: You only look out for yourselves... and would throw the other to the wolves with no qualms.
  • Jeanne: What do you mean?
  • d'Eon: Aren't you concerned about your husband's whereabouts?
  • Jeanne: That selfish ass? Hah. He's clearly fled and left me alone.
  • d'Eon: You understand him well.
  • d'Eon: He fled when I was busy apprehending you, and even sent a letter detailing your crimes.
  • d'Eon: The content of the letter contradicts your words.
  • Jeanne: You would trust a cowardly man who abandoned his wife?
  • d'Eon: I must inform you, that I found a necklace belonging to the Queen in your belongings.
  • d'Eon: You used it to start your web of lies, didn't you? It's not something a man could use.
  • Jeanne: You mean that locket necklace? Yes, I picked it up, but I never got a chance to return it to Her Majesty.
  • Jeanne: After all, the Petit Trianon is closed to outsiders.
  • d'Eon: I knew you were a sly one. You're not going to admit your crimes so easily.
  • d'Eon: After all, it took me a long time to unravel your lies and find all the clues.
  • d'Eon: But I can't waste any more time listening to your deceptions.
  • Jeanne: No! You can't do this to me!

  • Marie: So jealousy and greed are your motivations... Who are you to covet riches and glory?
  • Marie: You have only ever thought of yourself, and you do not care what kind of calamity that necklace might cause...
  • Jeanne: In terms of position and family history, I am on par with the House of Bourbon! Why can't I recover what is rightfully mine?
  • Marie: Our first priority is to put a stop to all the chaos, so that the royal family can survive the crisis.
  • Jeanne: No! You can't treat me like this!
  • Jeanne: There is royal blood running in my veins. I'm a member of the nobility!
  • Marie: Will you really turn over a new leaf if I let you go? You might do something even worse.
  • Jeanne: No! Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Spare me!

  • That's the 89th time I have had that nightmare. Marie's hypocritical face still lingers in my mind.
  • The morning bell rings. Those bothersome nuns are going to make me clean this run-down monastery again.

  • Nun: Sister Jeanne, our minds should not wander when speaking with God.
  • Jeanne: Aren't you praying as well, Sister?
  • Nun: ...Oh you, I can't match your wit.
  • Jeanne: Sister, I've put the rose dew in your room.
  • Jeanne: We must never forget to take care of our skin.
  • Nun: All these little high society habits... you've spoilt me, Sister. But I must thank you. I've never felt better.
  • Jeanne: It's the least I can do, Sister. You are my only friend here.
  • Jeanne: And besides, you've been helping me send my letters! I have another one tomorrow, if you don't mind.
  • Nun: Of course I don't, Sister. I will make sure it gets to your husband.
  • Nun: Come now, it's time for vespers.
  • Jeanne: Let us hurry then.
  • Jeanne: (God, you must punish all who wronged me, especially that self-righteous Queen!)
  • Do they really think they can keep me in this this filthy little chapel?!

  • Many years later...

  • Commoner Girl: Oh my! Have you heard?
  • Commoner Girl: That swindler the Queen punished escaped the convent with her husband's help yesterday!
  • Commoner Woman: I did! I heard she disguised herself as a boy to escape!
  • Commoner Woman: But her husband was caught... how unfortunate!

  • "The crazed revolutionaries have stormed the Bastille. It is with God's grace that I've managed to escape to a small farming village in London."
  • "I have left Paris behind, but I will never forget that the one responsible for this suffering is the Queen herself."
  • "I never wanted to mention her name in my memoirs; the source of my very misery,"
  • "But I have an obligation to the people to expose her deceptive words and frivolous ways..."
  • Jeanne: That priggish Queen and her brainless guards... you no longer have the power to punish anyone else!
  • Jeanne: And Nicholas... my foolish husband... Did you really think I would take you with me?
  • Jeanne: You idiot! Rot on that filthy boat for all eternity!
  • Jeanne: Those who have wronged me are finally being punished... God is truly on my side.

  • We'll see who wins in the end.
Ending [Jeanne's Scheme]