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Jeanne bumps into the Queen at the jewelry store, and picks up a necklace. This is her chance!


  • Style: No dress-up component
  • Rewards: 3,000 Gold, 600 Exp, 1 Reader's Coupon, 1 Lantern Gift Box, 1 Clothing Materials Box

Dialogue Choices[]

He doesn't seem willing to divulge.

  • Bring up your friendship
  • Talk about their purchases


Expand for script.

  • I return to the jewelry store with my own money.
  • Why should I grovel with that useless husband of mine?
  • A rich lady walks out of the store, every finger adorned with diamond rings. She admires her hands, waggling them back and forth.
  • The diamonds sparkle in the sunlight. It feels like they're taunting me.
  • Jeanne: (How tasteless. How dare she flaunt her wealth in front of me, a true aristocrat?)
  • Jeanne: (Those jewels are not fit for her rough and yellowish skin. They would only truly shine on me...)
  • She saunters by me. I give her a contemptuous look and hold my head up proudly as I walk into the store.

  • Bohmer: Please accept this as an apology...
  • There are two customers in the store. It's obvious from their elegant figures that they're true nobles, not like that show-off earlier.
  • Bohmer: Please take it. I have to apologize...
  • Bohmer, the store owner, fawns over every customer. They're wealthy and noble, after all.
  • But he seems different today. There's fear and caution in his expression...
  • ???: Alright, I'll take it. Remember what you promised me.
  • The lady reluctantly takes his gift. There is a certain aura about her...
  • Bohmer: Of course! Don't worry.
  • The lady turns to leave with her companion and her face comes into view.
  • What a beautiful and refined face! My heart skips a beat.
  • This face... I've seen it before...
  • There's no time to think. I move quickly, to "accidentally" bump into them as they leave.
  • Jeanne: Oh, I'm truly sorry, Your Majesty... Madame.
  • ???: Thank goodness my friend's all right... Watch where you're going.
  • Jeanne: My apologies, I should be more careful. I'm Jeanne de Valois.
  • Jeanne: Mademoiselles, if you're in the middle of a shopping trip, I'd be glad to help.
  • Jeanne: I know the shops around here quite well, and would like to be your guide.
  • Jeanne: To apologize for crashing into you. I'll make sure you get the best buys here.
  • I remember when I visited the Palace of Versailles with Nicholas...
  • That elegant lady is the Queen!
  • If I befriend them, my life will take a turn for the better!
  • ???: Um... No, there's no need for that, thank you. I'm a little tired. Perhaps another day.
  • I'm about to try my luck again, but I notice her lady companion's impatient gaze.
  • Jeanne: (Better not push it. I can't give them a bad first impression.)
  • Jeanne: Oh, tired already? All right. But please do allow me to help next time.
  • The two ladies nod, and hurriedly leave the store.
  • It didn't work. I sigh in disappointment.
  • I sulk and find myself stepping on something. My first reaction is to kick it away, but wait... it's a locket necklace!
  • Jeanne: (Did they drop this? But they've already left...)
  • I pick up the necklace and am about to leave, but Bohmer calls out to me.
  • Bohmer: Welcome, Comtesse! Are you here to shop?
  • Jeanne: Of course.
  • I tuck the necklace away and walk into the store, eyeing the latest jewelry.
  • Bohmer's expression is the same as usual, but his tone with me has changed lately.
  • Bohmer: Comtesse, I regret to inform you...
  • Bohmer: We're low on stock. Many clients made reservations in advance, and we will be delivering those orders soon.
  • Jeanne: So you don't just deliver bills?
  • Bohmer: We strive to give our customers the best service.
  • Bohmer: But we only deliver to clients making large orders. And we require payment upfront.
  • He's referring to my bill. Hmph, what a conniving, greedy miser!
  • But I can't focus on that now. I have more important business.
  • Jeanne: Bohmer, dear! Who were those ladies from before?
  • Bohmer: Noble ladies like yourself, of course.
  • He doesn't seem willing to divulge.

Bring up your friendship

  • Jeanne: My dear Bohmer, how long have we known each other? You know you can tell me anything!
  • Bohmer: I'm not keeping any secrets.
  • Jeanne: But those two women were not just "noble ladies"!
  • Bohmer: The matter does not concern you.
  • Jeanne: I'm just curious. I need to know my memory hasn't failed me.
  • Bohmer: If it's only curiosity, why are you so insistent?
  • Jeanne: Curiosity has to be satisfied, after all--
  • Jeanne: Oh, I'm sorry, dear. The stock has already been claimed today!
  • I "helpfully" call out to the newest customer. Bohmer sighs.
  • Bohmer: I suppose there's no harm telling you.
  • Bohmer: They were the Queen and the Duchess Polignac.
  • Jeanne: (I knew it!)
  • Jeanne: My memory is not failing me. The Queen is as ravishing as ever.
  • Bohmer: Of course.
  • Jeanne: Aren't you lucky? The Queen and her friend came to your store!
  • But Bohmer doesn't look happy at all. In fact, he looks quite vexed.
  • Bohmer: Lucky? No, the Queen's visit was nothing of the sort.
  • Jeanne: Oh dear, what happened? You can tell me anything, dear Bohmer.
  • Bohmer: It's just that... the Queen refused to buy my diamond necklace.
  • Jeanne: Diamond necklace?
  • Bohmer: Yes, the necklace the previous King commissioned for Madame du Barry.
  • Bohmer: It's made up of many large and glorious diamonds. We labored tirelessly to make this necklace.
  • Bohmer: It is a breathtaking piece.
  • Jeanne: Sounds like quite a treasure.
  • Bohmer: But the Queen wasn't interested... She came only to reproach me for spreading rumors.
  • Jeanne: Perhaps it hasn't found its true owner yet.
  • Jeanne: (Such a luxurious necklace deserves the noblest of owners.)

Talk about their purchases

  • Jeanne: What did they buy?
  • Bohmer: They didn't buy anything.
  • I can't quite make out his expression. There's more to this...
  • Jeanne: What a pity, dear Bohmer. Looks like your jewels have lost their luster.
  • Bohmer: Of course not, dear Madame. You know full well we're the largest store in the city.
  • Jeanne: That is true.
  • Jeanne: But ladies of such noble stature walked away empty-handed? I suppose nothing here caught their eye.
  • Bohmer: You don't understand, Madame. We hold the most luxurious diamond necklace ever created.
  • Bohmer: It was a gift the previous King intended for Madame du Barry, but in the end they refused to complete the purchase.
  • Jeanne: They couldn't afford it? Heavens, are they not as noble as they look?
  • Bohmer: No, that noble lady has the entire country's wealth at her fingertips.
  • Jeanne: Are you saying... that noble lady was Her Majesty, the Queen?
  • Bohmer: ......
  • Jeanne: Don't fret, dear Bohmer! We're old friends, aren't we? You can tell me anything.
  • Bohmer: Since you've already guessed, I suppose there's nothing to hide.
  • Bohmer: They were the Queen and her friend, the Duchess Polignac. They came to reproach me for spreading rumors.
  • Jeanne: All because of that fancy necklace?
  • Bohmer: Indeed, Madame.
  • Bohmer: That necklace is made up of many large and glorious diamonds, and adorned with delicate pendants and tassels.
  • Bohmer: Only the Queen is worthy of such a necklace, don't you agree?
  • Jeanne: Of course. The Queen will regret her decision!
  • Jeanne: (Hmph. The Queen isn't the only one who's worthy of such a necklace!)
  • Jeanne: So? What will you do?
  • Jeanne: So? What will you do?

  • That irritating Bohmer refused to show me the fancy necklace.
  • But I do have another necklace... This could be my chance.
  • I take out the necklace and open the locket. The portrait inside is of...
  • Queen Maria Theresa of Austria, mother of the Queen of France!
  • Jeanne: (There's no mistaking it! This belongs to the Queen!)
  • Jeanne: (Fate is smiling upon me!)
