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Jeanne obtains the necklace and destroys all correspondence. She heads to London with her husband, and splits the necklace apart to sell the diamonds.
Dialogue Choices[]
His dreams are over. But mine have only just begun.
- Leave alone
- Wait for Nicholas
Expand for script.
- Jeanne: So this is the famed necklace from the rumors!
- Jeanne: What a dazzling marvel... You could blind a person with this.
- Rohan: Right, Madame? I felt the same when I first saw it.
- Rohan: No word exists that could describe its splendor.
- Jeanne: The Queen will be ecstatic to see it, Cardinal Rohan.
- Jeanne: Her Majesty will certainly be surprised by how capable you are. You've granted her wish so quickly!
- Rohan: As long as Her Majesty is happy. I will do whatever it takes.
- Jeanne: I think you'll finally regain Her Majesty's favor.
- Jeanne: I must visit her more often now. I can't let you take my place in her heart.
- Rohan turns red at my teasing. What a stupid man... I suppose it's kind of cute.
- Rohan: Of course not, Madame... You'll always be the Queen's most treasured friend.
- Rohan: And a treasured friend of mine as well.
- Rohan: I don't know how to repay such kindness.
- Jeanne: I'm just glad I could help.
- Jeanne: All I wanted was for you to bury the hatchet.
- Rohan: Oh, kind Madame... I will pray to the Almighty Father to grant you a life of peace and prosperity.
- Jeanne: The Cardinal Rohan praying for me? I am truly blessed.
- Rohan: There is... another issue I require your help with.
- Jeanne: Hm? You mean the necklace? Fret not, Cardinal, I will deliver it to the Queen myself.
- Jeanne: I will tell her of the trials and tribulations you went through to procure this necklace for her sake.
- Rohan: Dear Madame... you are too kind.
- Jeanne: But we cannot let the public know about this.
- Jeanne: I'll wait for an opportune moment to pass it to her Majesty.
- Rohan: You are wise, Madame.
- Rohan: I will leave the necklace with you. Please deliver it when the time is right.
- Jeanne: Are you sure, Cardinal? To entrust such a valuable necklace to me?
- Rohan: I trust you, Madame. I know you will take care of it well.
- Jeanne: Well, if you insist.
- Jeanne: You will hear good news from me soon.
- Rohan: Of course, Madame. I'll be waiting.
- Rohan leaves with a huge smile on his face. Oh, he's practically on cloud nine.
- If only he knew... cold, hard reality will hit him soon enough.
- His dreams are over. But mine have only just begun.
Leave alone
- Nicholas hasn't come home yet. I pack my bags, preparing to leave for London.
- I destroyed all the letters relating to this matter.
- Jeanne: Rohan may be a fool, but he was surprisingly efficient.
- Jeanne: After all, he's just a lonely old man. So ignorant of feminine wiles.
- Jeanne: Hah. Well, he's not my concern anymore.
- I've got a one-way ticket to London. A new life awaits.
- Jeanne: Clothes, jewelry, shoes, I can hardly fit them all--
- Jeanne: Ugh! It just split apart!
- Jeanne: Stupid Nicholas! That stingy dummy gave me inferior suitcases!
- Jeanne: I was right to leave him behind! I, Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, deserve better!
- I throw out all the clothes and pack only the jewelry and valuables into a small box.
- Of course, I can't forget that diamond necklace.
- A necklace worth 2,000,000 livres... with it, I will have all the clothes and shoes I want!
- I board a coach heading for London. Such a good life awaits.
- I feel like I'm floating on a cloud—
- Jeanne: Ah! Coachman!! Why did you stop!
- Coachman: I apologize, Madame—
- The coachman stops talking as the door to the coach is thrust open.
- An annoyingly familiar face appears before me.
- Jeanne: You?
- Comte de la Motte: Who did you think it was, my dear?
- Comte de la Motte: If it was the Cardinal or the Queen, you'd be dragged off this coach and sent to the Bastille.
- Is this low-life threatening me?
- Jeanne: My dear husband... the two of us are in on this. You wouldn't abandon your wife, would you?
- Comte de la Motte: But it looks like my wife is abandoning me.
- Comte de la Motte: Don't deny it. Our bedroom is a mess. And all your jewels are gone.
- Jeanne: You've misunderstood. Don't you see we're heading for your camp?
- Jeanne: We don't have much time. I was on the way to get you, but here you are.
- Comte de la Motte: You don't seem to have my things.
- Jeanne: I don't have my things, either. We only need that treasure.
- Jeanne: We don't need our old clothes since we have it.
- Comte de la Motte: Makes sense...
- Jeanne: Of course, dear. Get in now. We've got to hurry.
- Comte de la Motte: Yes, let's leave with haste.
- Comte de la Motte: But my dear, you must inform me of these decisions in advance...
- Jeanne: Yes, I will.
- I couldn't shake my cunning husband after all. Looks like I'll have to bring him to London with me... for now.
Wait for Nicholas
- After Rohan leaves, I admire the necklace and carefully place it back into the box.
- Jeanne: It might be gorgeous, but it's just a necklace.
- Jeanne: 2,000,000 livres... all because it was meant for the Palace.
- Comte de la Motte: You're right, my dear.
- Comte de la Motte: They call it luxurious but cast it aside for its value.... how stupid.
- Comte de la Motte: But it has given us a chance to rise to the top.
- Jeanne: Oh, you've returned.
- Comte de la Motte: Of course. I saw the Cardinal before I left. I suppose he's completed his task?
- Jeanne: You're sharp as usual.
- Comte de la Motte: I could never compare to you, my lovely wife.
- Comte de la Motte: I worry that such a beautiful and bright woman would leave me one day.
- Comte de la Motte: If that ever happens, I would have to seek out the Cardinal to hear my tale of woe...
- Jeanne: (Nicholas... you sly fox.)
- Jeanne: (If I take the necklace and leave without him, he'll report me with no qualms.)
- Jeanne: (It's not like I planned on leaving him behind. Not yet, anyway.)
- Jeanne: Don't say that, my dear.
- Jeanne: We're husband and wife, aren't we? Why would I leave my husband?
- Comte de la Motte: You've put my fears to rest.
- Jeanne: Well, we must pack! We can't stay here any longer.
- Comte de la Motte: You're right, my dear. We should head to London immediately. Before we are exposed.
- Jeanne: Excellent idea. But I must do something first.
- I destroy every letter from Rohan. There's nothing left to tie us together.
- Dear Rohan, it's time for you to repay me.
- Comte de la Motte: Shouldn't you pack your clothes and shoes, my dear?
- Jeanne: The only luggage we need to care about is the necklace. Everything else will just weigh us down.
- Comte de la Motte: It is as you say.
- I look out the carriage window and gaze upon the city. I'll never return to this place... there's nothing here for me anyway.
- London is nearer and nearer, and that's where I'll start my new life among the elite...
- After a long journey, we finally reach London.
- It's so different from the extravagance of Paris. It feels classy and elegant here.
- It isn't as bustling as Paris, but the buildings are impressive.
- Jeanne: Forget Paris, my dear. This is our home from now on.
- Comte de la Motte: You're right. We should look for a villa on the outskirts.
- Jeanne: Come now. We can have the fanciest villa in the city.
- Jeanne: Don't forget why we came here.
- Comte de la Motte: I don't think we can get 2,000,000 livres from selling the necklace here.
- Jeanne: You don't think, do you?
- Jeanne: Of course we can't just sell the necklace. That will only bring us trouble.
- Comte de la Motte: So what you mean is...
- Jeanne: You'll see in a moment.
- Store Owner: Welcome, esteemed customer. May I help you?
- Jeanne: Good day, sir. We just arrived here, and are merchants, like yourself. We need some capital...
- Jeanne: And so we have to part with our treasured collection. We hope you can give us a good price.
- Store Owner: Of course, madam. Let us take your look at your goods.
- Jeanne: I've brought them here with me...
- Store Owner: Oh my! Such exquisitely large diamonds!
- Store Owner: What detailed craftsmanship! This is a work of a master!
- Jeanne: Looks like you're interested.
- Store Owner: Madam, if you are willing to sell it now, I will give you a fair price.
- Jeanne: Of course.
- Comte de la Motte: Hahaha... you're a genius, my dear! Picking apart the necklace and selling the diamonds alone?
- Jeanne: Of course. There's no problem I can't solve.
- Jeanne: No one will grow suspicious of us this way. And diamonds are easy to sell.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Traveler's Notes
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