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Jeanne and her husband live a lavish life in London, but their happiness doesn't last long. The affair of the necklace makes waves in France, leading to Jeanne's eventual capture by d'Eon.


  • Style: No dress-up component
  • Rewards: 3,000 Gold, 600 Exp, 1 Reader's Coupon, 1 Lantern Gift Box, 1 Clothing Materials Box

Dialogue Choices[]

No dialogue choices


Expand for script.

  • Man: Have you heard the latest scandal from France?
  • Young Woman: Is it about the Queen?
  • Man: Why, yes, that Austrian wench! What did they call her again... Madame Déficit, was it?
  • Man: The citizens are suffering, living in poverty... and their Queen chose to empty the coffers for a diamond necklace!
  • Young Woman: From what I've heard, the Queen herself denied making any lavish purchases.
  • Young Woman: The apprehended jewelry merchant and Cardinal both insist the Queen put them up to it...
  • Man: Who knows. I mean, why would the merchant make a false accusation?
  • Man: It's only normal for a merchant to pursue his bills.
  • Man: Still, isn't this hilarious? The ever-so-distinguished Queen of France asking for favors and paying by installments?
  • Young Woman: That's true. In fact, there are rumors that the Cardinal is in an illicit relationship with the Queen.
  • Man: Oh, that explains everything! The Queen instigated her lover to make expensive purchases on her behalf.
  • Man: Alas, this foolish lover defaulted on the payments.
  • Man: So the poor merchant had no choice but to bring their shady affair to light.
  • Young Woman: The scandal has irreparably damaged the Queen's reputation so much, the truth barely matters anymore.
  • Man: Well, she deserved it, didn't she? She was too greedy for her own good.
  • Jeanne: Hahaha! It seems the scandal has set off a massive uproar in Paris.
  • Comte de la Motte: You never cease to amaze me, my dear. How could you even find humor in this peril?
  • Comte de la Motte: Our heads will roll if we were-
  • Jeanne: We've destroyed every trace leading back to us, including the necklace.
  • Jeanne: All you have to do is watch your mouth, and no one will ever suspect us.
  • Comte de la Motte: I'm afraid not. There's still the small matter of the Queen's stand-in.
  • Jeanne: That harlot? Ha, it's done. She'll be 'removed' soon.
  • Comte de la Motte: Oh my, I've underestimated your wits and wiles again.
  • Comte de la Motte: Cardinal Rohan must be on cloud nine by now.
  • Jeanne: I set this up exactly how he wished it.
  • Jeanne: He should be thankful I helped him set up an 'illicit relationship' with the woman he longed for.
  • Comte de la Motte: Hahaha... and yet the Queen thinks nothing of him.
  • Comte de la Motte: Even if Rohan were to rat us out, he has no evidence to back his claims.
  • Jeanne: This incident has worked entirely in our favor. The Queen is nothing but a disgrace now.
  • Queen Marie Antoinette, the wretch who turned me away at the Petit Trianon... How do you like that?
  • Comte de la Motte: Alright dear, now that we've bought our second villa, shall we celebrate the occasion?
  • Jeanne: That's a great idea. We can throw a fancy banquet in our garden, like we used to.
  • Jeanne: Or we can convert the upper floor into an opera theatre. It would be nice to enjoy opera at home.
  • Jeanne: I'm sure our banquet guests would be envious of us. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
  • Comte de la Motte: Boring.
  • Comte de la Motte: We haven't been to the casino yet. Why don't we splurge a little, for the thrill of it?
  • Comte de la Motte: We should also invite our nouveau-riche-
  • Jeanne: You fool! I will not be party to this low-class entertainment!
  • Jeanne: A walking disaster like you-- In a casino? You'll lose all our money!
  • Comte de la Motte: Fool? Me?
  • Comte de la Motte: Does it really matter if we lose a hand or two? We're aristocrats now. Aristocrats can't be that petty.
  • Jeanne: True aristocrats multiply their wealth by making smart investments.
  • Jeanne: They don't squander their fortune!
  • Jeanne: Why do I even bother? A tactless man like you would never understand.
  • Comte de la Motte: Smart investments? What about that shop you took over last month?
  • Jeanne: It wasn't my fault! Yes, I bought the shop, but someone else managed it. It's because of that incompetent manager you hired!
  • Jeanne: And you call yourself an aristocrat, huh? You drew a commission by docking his pay, you greedy miser!
  • Jeanne: And where are the maids I asked you to hire?
  • Jeanne: Do you expect me to clean that villa by myself?
  • Comte de la Motte: You're being unreasonable! I'm leaving! I refuse to spend another second with you!
  • Comte de la Motte: You wanted maids? Fine, I'll get you your maids!
  • Comte de la Motte leaves in a huff, leaving me on streets that bear a strong resemblance to the winding alleys of Paris where I used to loiter.
  • But I'm no longer the pitiful girl in a knockoff dress.
  • This loathsome abomination of a man simply wouldn't understand... Only I deserve to live in luxury!

  • Dreary mist and ominous clouds mar the morning sky.
  • Raindrops pelt against the window pane like a malfunctioning clock.
  • Comte de la Motte: Damn, what's with this atrocious weather? Why is it always raining here?
  • Lazy folks tend to dislike being disturbed, especially so when they have a bad hangover.
  • Jeanne: Get out of London if you can't deal with the weather, I won't bother stopping you.
  • Comte de la Motte: What's with the attitude, Eve!
  • Comte de la Motte: Damn you! How dare you hit me with a pillow, are you trying to kill me?
  • Jeanne: You fool! Don't you dare utter that vile name to me!
  • Nicholas snaps back to reality upon hearing my ferocious screams. The swine actually mistook me for that hussy?
  • Comte de la Motte: Jeanne! I called the wrong name by mistake! Don't push your luck!
  • Jeanne: I must have forgotten you hired twenty-odd sweet, young maids. Indeed, it's difficult to remember all their names. You idiot!
  • Comte de la Motte: They were hired to serve you! You're already the most dignified noblewoman in London, so quit whining!
  • Jeanne: I'm so grateful for your kind gesture, Comte de la Motte.
  • Jeanne: Unfortunately, their sloppy services disgust me. I've already sent them all to tend the farm.
  • Comte de la Motte: You're absolutely unreasonable... Wait, you bought another farm?
  • Jeanne: What has it got to do with you? Perhaps you'd like to tend the vineyards with them?
  • ???: What a grand villa!
  • A charming yet pretentious voice rings across the hall.
  • Jeanne: Curses! You hired another maid?
  • Comte de la Motte: No, you idiot! I didn't even know you had sent all our maids away. Why would I hire another?!
  • Jeanne: Then who could it be? Wait... she spoke French.
  • Comte de la Motte: So? We speak French.
  • Jeanne: We haven't met a single French person since coming here, you idiot!
  • ???: I'm seeking shelter from the rain!
  • ???: Hello? Is anyone home? What a beautiful mural!
  • Jeanne: She's so rude! Throw her out this instant!
  • Comte de la Motte: I'm not in the mood to do anything for you right now.
  • Jeanne: Curse you! Why do I bother asking!

  • Jeanne: Good heavens! That's my antique Austrian carpet!
  • Jeanne: Get your filthy shoes off my carpet!
  • ???: What a charming lady. You must be the mistress of this villa.
  • Jeanne: Get off my carpet and show yourself out!
  • ???: I must apologize, milady, but please don't turn me away. As you can see, I'm just a miserable traveler.
  • She struts across the carpet while speaking, inching closer to me with every step.
  • ???: Perhaps you would do a favor for a fellow French-
  • Jeanne: Shut up! Your nauseating accent irritates me!
  • ???: How vulgar. Your manners hardly befit a noble.
  • Unfazed by the raindrops trickling down her thickly-powdered face, the stranger continues to strut towards me.
  • I back off instinctively.
  • Jeanne: A mere trespasser berating the master of this villa!?
  • Jeanne: Do you have any idea who you're speaking to?
  • ???: How narcissistic. Why would I know? Are you a celebrity?
  • ???: You're nothing but a nouveau riche. Do you really expect me to address you as a noble lady?
  • Jeanne: Listen closely, you daft woman!
  • Jeanne: I, Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, am a descendant of the Valois royal family!
  • Jeanne: How dare you --a mere peasant-- talk back at me!
  • ???: Jeanne? Now that's familiar... A celebrity after all.
  • Jeanne: Yes, so you'd best get on your knees and beg forgiveness, you crass woman!
  • ???: Perhaps an apology is due.
  • ???: Alas, you'll be apologizing, not I.
  • Her aberrant accent breaks into a husky voice, and her creepy smile gradually fades away...
  • My heart begins to tremble.
  • Jeanne: Who... who on earth are you?
  • ???: Finally decided to ask for a name?
  • ???: Unfortunately, it's a little too late now.

  • Ahhh!